Chereads / The Strength Needed: A RWBY Tale / Chapter 64 - Chapter 61:

Chapter 64 - Chapter 61:

A/N: I apologize for the test chapter yesterday. I'm not entirely sure what's going on with Webnovel, but from what I've heard, they have a third party doing a quality check for the content. Which means that my story is currently hidden from everyone who doesn't have it in their collections. And the best part of it is that by the sound of it, it'll be like that for a few days. Fun, right? But for those of you who do have the story in your collection, you can still see when I drop a new chapter, and for that I thank you. Enjoy and thank you for continuing to follow the story, even if you can't show it with powerstones. Thank you all for the support, you are all the best. Rhino out.


Walking into the transport ship, Topaz finds his seat and sits down between Neo and Ariel. Leaning back in his seat, Topaz falls asleep for a quick nap.

Neo: "Topaz~ it's time to wake up."

Ariel: "Topaz wakey wakey~"

Neo: "Topaz wake up!"

Topaz feels someone lightly shaking him. Opening his eyes and blinking the sleep away, Topaz sees Neo and Ariel looking at him smiling.

Ariel: "Hello there sleepyhead."

Neo: "About time you woke up, you almost missed it."

Topaz: "Missed what?"

Qrow: "That."

Turning to see what Qrow was pointing at, his breath is suddenly caught by what he saw.

Neo: "Oh. My. Gods."

Ariel: "It-It's beautiful."

Topaz: "Wow."

Before everyone's eyes floated Atlas. A massive landmass floating way above the ground. A large city stands proudly looking down on the rest of the world. As the transport ship grew closer and closer to Atlas, Topaz noticed that the Atlas military flew around the city in a rather aggressive way.

Weiss: "Something is wrong, I've never seen the military looking like this."

Topaz: "General Ironwood almost seems scared. Pulling all of his military back to Atlas and them placing them in a defensive stance around Atlas."

Qrow: "Sounds about right. Guess we will have to see when we speak to James."

Continuing their flight, everything was going fine until the transport ship suddenly shook.

[Attention passengers, we are currently under attack from a large swarm of grimm. Please buckle up and prepare for a crash landing. I repeat, brace for impending crash. Brace for impact!]


The ship suddenly crashed into the snowy tundra. Once the ship stopped rolling, Topaz and everyone else who still remained conscious after the crash unbuckled from their seats and checked on the others. Topaz looked over at Neo and Ariel to see them awake but stunned. Quickly checking them over, he nods when he says they are not injured, just shaken from the crash. Forcing the door open and checking the outside of the ship, Topaz sees a few small Beowolves coming to inspect the crash site. Making quick work of the grimm, Topaz then sets off one of the emergency flares he grabbed from the ship to signal to the Atlas military where the crash site is. After a little while, everyone else comes out of the ship shaken but otherwise alright. After ten minutes of sitting around, three military airships land nearby to check the wreckage.

Atlas soldier: "Is everyone alright? We got the SOS and came as soon as we could."

Qrow: "We are fine. Just a bit shaken from the crash."

Atlas soldier: "You are all lucky to get out of a crash like that with nothing more than scratches and some minor concussions you know. Everyone climb in to the ships, we will take you to Atlas to get a quick health screening to confirm you are fine."

Qrow: "You all heard the man, board up so we can get some rest."

Boarding the military ships, the group sits back and lets the soldiers do their work. Eventually the airship lands on Atlas and the group is quickly escorted to the medical bay for a quick examination. The group all sit in a large waiting area and are called one by one to be examined. When Topaz is called in, he walks into the medical room and is greeted by a older gentleman sitting in a mechanical walker.

????: "Greetings young one. Now, are you feeling any dizziness or nausea?"

Topaz: "No sir."

????: "Ok, good. Any pain anywhere?"

Topaz: "None at all."

????: "Very good. Oh, and might I ask your name?"

Topaz: "My name is Topaz Nemea. May I ask for your name?"

????: "Right, forgive me. I am Dr. Pietro Polendina. It's a pleasure to meet you Topaz."

Topaz: "Polendina? Why does that name sound so familiar?"

Pietro: "Would you happen to have met my daughter Penny?"

Topaz: "Penny?! So, you are her father. I'm so sorry for your loss sir."

Pietro: "Ah, thank you, but your sympathies are not needed. Penny is fine and dandy."

Topaz: "She's fine? I'm sorry sir but how is that possible?"

Penny: "Father, I have returned. Where are you?"

Pietro: "I'm in the examination room Penny, come in quickly."

Topaz is amazed to see a familiar red head walk into the examination room. When she sees Topaz she looks confused for a moment before smiling brightly.

Penny: "Sal-U-Tations! It is so good to see you again Topaz."

Topaz: "You know my name Penny?"

Penny: "Why of course. Ruby spoke very highly of you. I always wanted to speak with you but the time never became right for it. And then the attack happened and I was chopped to pieces."

Topaz: "I was there, I saw what happened. But how are you here right now?"

Penny: "My father put me back together and made me better than ever."

Pietro: "That's right. Luckily her core which held all of her memories and main programming was perfectly fine, so when Amnity Arena made its way home to Atlas I was able to make use of it and repair my little girl."

Penny: "And here we are! So, Topaz what are you doing in Atlas?"

Topaz: "Well, we came to Atlas to speak with General Ironwood about something. On the way here our transport ship was taken down by a large swarm of grimm. We crash landed and were picked up by the rescue team, and here we are."

Penny: "Who do you mean by we?"

Ruby: "Hey Topaz, you doing ok in here, we are coming in so I hope you're de-… PENNY!?"

Penny: "Ruby!"

Topaz watches as Penny launches herself into Ruby, knocking her to the ground in the process. The other girls come in at the noise and see Penny and Ruby hugging on the ground with tears in her eyes. The surprise on their faces was apparent, but understandable.

Yang: "Penny? Is that you?"

Penny: "Sal-u-tations everyone. It is so good to see you all again."

Topaz watches with an amused smile as the group get reacquainted with Penny. After being cleared by Dr. Pietro he walked out of the room with Neo and Ariel following after. Walking out to the waiting area once again, Topaz finds Qrow talking to General Ironwood who, looks a little gruff. His beard is grown out and his eyes say that he isn't getting enough sleep.

Topaz: "General Ironwood, you look rather tired."

Ironwood: "Topaz, it's good to see you."

Topaz: "Same here. I'm sure Qrow has already filled you in for the most part."

Ironwood: "For the most part. I'll have you all go over the specifics of it in more detail when we are secure in my office later."

The door to the medical bay opens and a familiar woman walks in.

Qrow: "Ice Queen, good to see you look as frosty as ever."

Winter: "Enough Qrow. I'm here to speak with General Ironwood, not bicker with you."

Topaz: "Hello Winter, it's good to see you again. Did you come to check on your sister?"

Winter: "Wait, Topaz? Why are you here in Atlas, and what do you mean about my sister?"

Topaz: "Come on, follow me."

Walking back towards the examination room with Winter in tow. Entering the room everyone goes quiet when Winter gasps.

Winter: "Weiss, you're ok."

Weiss: "Winter, it's so good to see you again."

Weiss runs to her sister and gives her a tight hug. Topaz leaves the two sisters to enjoy their reunion. Topaz once again goes to speak with General Ironwood and Qrow about what's to come.


After spending a few hours in the medical bay catching up with General Ironwood, Penny and Winter, the group is escorted to Atlas Academy. Walking into the large school, Topaz can feel the stares of the students from wealthy families looking down on him. Topaz feels a hand roughly grab his shoulder and is yanked backwards. Turning to face whoever grabbed him Topaz is shocked who he sees.

Topaz: "You? What are you doing here?"

????: "I'm where I'm supposed to be, the big question is why an animal like you is here?"

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