Chereads / The Strength Needed: A RWBY Tale / Chapter 88 - Chapter 85:

Chapter 88 - Chapter 85:

A/N: Hey everyone, I hope you are all enjoying the story so far. I want to start by asking if you guys like the little cut aways at the start of the chapters? The story has almost 750 of you with it added to your collections, and it blows my mind. I cannot thank you enough for the support you are showing. I hope you all have a great day and enjoy the chapter. Rhino out.



Ironwood: "Neo, Ariel. What can I do for you girls?"

Ariel: "Neo and I would like to request to take time off."

Ironwood: "Why?"

Neo: "We want to visit Topaz's family. You told us they were told about Topaz, and we want to see if they are ok."

Ironwood: *sigh* "Very well. Please give his family my sympathies, and let them know that if they need anything all they need to do is ask."

Ariel: "Thank you sir. We will be heading out immediately."

Ironwood: "Safe travels you two."

Ariel and Neo leave General Ironwood's office and begin to make their way to their dorm room. Once in their room they begin to pack and message team RWBY and JNPR that they would be leaving for a while. After saying their goodbyes, Neo and Ariel head to the airfield to board a ship back to Patch.


After a few hours playing outside with Haley and Yue, Topaz leads the girls back into the house. The three walk into the kitchen and find Sara, Summer and Raven preparing dinner for everyone. Yue runs up to Raven and hugs her legs from behind, while Haley walks over to Sara and leans her head against her hip.

Summer: "Did you girls have fun with Topaz?"

Yue: "Yes!"

Haley: "Yes, big brother is the best."

Raven: "Yue, are you comfortable in this area?"

Yue: "Yes. It's nice here. I can't hear any grimm growling anywhere close to here."

Sara: "You could hear the grimm?"

Topaz: "I think she's similar to me, with her semblance allowing her enhanced senses. I'm going to try and help her to control it."

Raven: "Thank you Topaz."

Summer: "Alright everyone, it's time to eat."


After an enjoyable dinner, the two younger girls are led to bed and tucked in for the night. Once they were asleep, everyone else convened in the living room once more to discuss what's to come.

Tai: "So let's go over this one more time now that Topaz is here. Raven, you are the spring maiden now?"

Raven: "Yes."

Tai: "And you want to move here to Patch to give Yue a better life?"

Raven: "Yes."

Tia: "Knowing that by being here yourself, you are putting everyone in this area at risk by 'her'?"

Raven: "Yes."

Tai: "Topaz, you surely have an opinion on this matter, it involves your family as well."

Topaz: "It was my idea for Raven to come here and discuss this with you all. I can understand your hesitation, but you should all remember just how strong you all are."

Summer: "He does have a point Tai."

Alex: "Compared to the dangers of the desert back in Menagerie, there isn't much that worries me."

Tai: "Fine, but on one condition."

Raven: "Anything."

Tai: "You must act like a mother to Yang when she eventually comes back home."

Raven: "I'll try. There is very little chance of her ever forgiving me, but I still want to take that chance."

Summer: "So it's decided. Guess we are building another house."

Tai: "Great. More slivers, here I come."

Topaz: "You'll be fine Tai."

Tai: "You have no idea how painful they are!"

Sara: "Topaz, you can change into any animal you have an understanding of, right?"

Topaz: "Yeah mom, why?"

Sara: "Cool, you will be changing to an elephant while we are doing this."

Topaz: "Easy enough. Guess I'm on heavy lifting."

Sara: "Smart boy. Alright people, get some sleep. Tomorrow we prepare for this."


A few days have come and gone since the return to Patch, and Topaz is helping to put up the finishing touches on Raven's new home. Sitting on the roof, Topaz nails in the final shingle and hears the sound of an airship off in the distance. Rolling off the roof, Topaz makes his way inside to let everyone know to expect visitors. Not wanting to waste time, Topaz begins setting up the interior to Raven's specifications. After getting the living room set up, Topaz hears a familiar feminine voice coming from outside.

Ariel: "General Ironwood told us that he sent you guys a letter regarding Topaz."

Sara: "Yes, he did."

Ariel: "He's still alive, I know it."

Sara: "Indeed he is. Topaz is too stubborn to die like that."

Ariel: "You are surprisingly calm all things considered. Are you ok?"

Sara: "I'm perfectly fine. Are you doing ok?"

Ariel: "I'm doing much better now that I'm away from Atlas, if I'm being honest."

Walking out of the house, Topaz quietly makes his way behind Neo and Ariel, motioning for his parents to not say anything.

Topaz: "What brings you two cuties around here?"

Neo: "Back off creep, we aren't interested in you."

Topaz: "Ouch, that's harsh Neo."

Neo: "How do you know…"

Topaz: "Surprise!"

Ariel and Neo: "Topaz!"

Opening his arms wide, Neo and Ariel rush to him and hug him tightly. Wrapping his arms around them, Topaz hugs them back, and kisses each of them on top of their heads.

Topaz: "I missed you two."

Ariel: "Missed you too."

Neo: "It's so good to see you again."

Topaz: "What are you two doing here?"

Ariel: "Well, Neo and I were pretty confident that you survived the whole incident, so we told General Ironwood that we were visiting your family to comfort them."

Topaz: "Smart, but what made you think that I would be here?"

Ariel: "Honestly we didn't know you would be here. We just came to make sure your family was ok, and that they knew you were alive."

Topaz: "Thank you for that. I honestly didn't plan to come here at first. I ran into Raven while camping out in an unmapped forest. Things happened and here we are."

Neo: "Isn't Raven a bad guy?"

Topaz: "Not anymore. She's decided to leave her tribe and live here with a little girl she found and has decided to take care of."

Ariel: "What about Yang. Will she do anything for her?"

Topaz: "Raven promised Tai that she would do everything she could to try and make things up with Yang."

Ariel: "Good. Yang deserves it."

Sara: "So, Topaz are you going to introduce us?"

Topaz:" Oh right, you only know Neo. Mom and Dad, this is Ariel. Ariel, these are my parents."

Ariel: "It's so nice to finally meet you both. You have an amazing son."

Sara: "It's a pleasure to meet you Ariel. I hope Topaz has been treating you well."

Alex: "My son must be doing something right if he's surrounded by two beautiful girls."

Ariel: "I've known him for so long, and he's always been so good to both me and Neo."

Sara: "That's so good to hear. Topaz you had better treat these girls well."

Topaz: "I will mom, don't worry."

Neo: "So what are you up to Topaz?"

Topaz: "Honestly, nothing. After everything that happened in Atlas I've decided to relax for a little bit."

Neo: "Sounds good. You've always been the one to put yourself out when no one else would. I think if anyone deserves to just relax its you."

Topaz: "Thanks Neo. Will you girls be staying with me here? Or are you planning on going back to Atlas?"

Ariel: "I would love to just stay here with you and your family, but I think we should return to Atlas to keep up the cover of your death."

Topaz: "That makes sense, but I want you to promise me that if things start going bad there you will come here as soon as possible."

Ariel: "Deal. Are you ok with that Neo?"

Neo: "Yeah, that works for me. I say we spend a couple of weeks here and return after that."

Ariel: "Of course."

Topaz feels something land on his shoulder while Neo and Ariel were conversing. Looking to his shoulder, he sees Yue looking at him in her cat form.

Topaz: "What's up Yue?"

Yue: "Who are they?"

Topaz: "These are my girlfriends Yue."

Yue: "Are they nice?"

Topaz: "The nicest."

Yue hops off of his shoulder and lands on the ground behind him. Changing to her usual form, she cautiously peeks out from behind Topaz. After a little while, she steps out from behind Topaz and stands next to him.

Topaz: "Neo, Ariel, this is Yue. Yue, this is Ariel and that's Neo."

Neo: "Awww, you are so adorable Yue. It's nice to meet you."

Ariel: "Hi there Yue, aren't you just the cutest thing."

Yue: "H-Hi."

Ariel: "How did you meet her Topaz?"

Topaz: "Yue is the little girl that I had told you about. She's Raven's whole reason for wanting to start a better life."

Neo: "Was that her semblance? Transforming into a cat?"

Topaz: "Yeah, she unlocked it very early all things considered. Her village was attacked by the White Fang led by Adam, and then the grimm set in. She fled into the forest Raven and her tribe were staying in. Raven eventually found her in the cat form injured and decided to take her in and help her. A few days later, she reverted back into being a little girl."

Ariel: "So young and already put through so much."

Topaz: "Yeah, I want to do everything I can to help her life the best life possible."

Ariel: "Good, make sure Raven does as well."

Topaz: "I will. Now come on, lets have some fun."

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