Chereads / The Strength Needed: A RWBY Tale / Chapter 48 - Chapter 48:

Chapter 48 - Chapter 48:

A/N: To start, I would like to ask you all a question about the story. I know my writing is very far from perfect, but what is something that you all notice that needs to be improved? I can't stress it enough, but thank you all for your support with this story. Enjoy the chapter and have a great day!


Topaz has been running alongside Yang and Neo as they ride Bumblebee while transformed into a lion for a few hours now. Feeling worn down from the long run and the overly warm day, the group decides to stop at a convenient little store that lies alongside the road. Walking in, they see a gruff looking man drinking at one end of the counter while the bartender cleans a glass while standing behind the counter.

Topaz: "Do all bartenders have an unlimited supply of dirty glasses to clean like that, or do you guys just us a clean one to make it look like you're doing something."

Bartender: "Well you see young man, the answer is yes."

Topaz: "Yes?"

Bartender: "Yes, now buy a drink or leave."

Topaz: "Fine, I'll take a drink."

Bartender: "Wait, you three don't look old enough to drink."

Yang: "Water please, it's hot out."

Bartender: "Right, just a second."

Drunk man: "You've gotta be kidding me. You two hotties ain't old enough to drink. Especially you pinky, sure blondie has a good bust, but you are the full-"

Before the man can finish his sentence, he his launched out the doors from a punch to the jaw. The bartender stares wide eyed as Topaz returns to his seat while making sure the girls are ok.

Bartender: "These three waters are on the house. That guy has been driving me crazy."

Topaz: "Thank you sir."

The three quickly finish their water and turn to the bartender.

Topaz: "Hey old man, can we ask you a few questions?"

Bartender: "Sure, what can I help you with?"

Topaz: "Yang, go ahead."

Yang: "We are looking for someone."

Bartender: "Looking for someone, there really isn't anyone here outside of the Branwen tribe."

Yang: "Actually, that's who we are looking for."

Bartender: "You kids really shouldn't get yourself caught up with them. They are bad news."

Yang: "We understand sir, but we sadly do need to speak with their leader over something."

Bartender: "I'm sorry, but aside from knowing they are in the area, I don't actually know where they are."

Yang: "Oh well, that's too bad. Thank you for your time sir. Have a good day."

Topaz opens the door for the girls, and finds the drunk man leaning against Yang's bike. Topaz takes a step forward and raises his fist, the man steps back and raises his hands in mock surrender.

Drunk man: "Easy there pal. I'm sorry for earlier, but I heard you guys are looking for the Branwen tribe. I just so happen to know where they are."

Topaz: "I don't trust a word you say."

Yang: "Topaz, this has been the only lead we've had for a while. I say we follow it and see where it takes us. Plus, there are three of us and only one of him."

Topaz: "Fine, but if you pull anything, all I'm going to say is I hope you don't plan on having any kids."

Drunk man: "Right! No funny business here."

Yang: "He can ride with me on the bike, but no touching."

Drunk man: "What about the other two?"

Topaz: "Don't worry about us."

Topaz transforms into his lion form, and Neo hops onto his back, hugging his back with her thighs and grabbing hold of the fur on his mane. Topaz gives the man a menacing growl and the man looks terrified.

Yang: "Which direction."

Drunk man: "T-That way. N-North."

The group sets off in the direction the man pointed, after thirty minutes, the group comes to a stop. The man hops off of Yang's bike and takes a step away from Yang quickly.

Drunk man: "Let me go and warn them you're coming. No need to freak them out by coming all at once."

As soon as the man thinks he's out of earshot, he takes off sprinting.

Topaz: *sigh* "Told you he was bad news Yang."

Yang: "Eh, we are another step closer to my mom now. And I think when he returns with is friends either him or one of them will be dumb enough to let off the direction of camp."

Topaz: "True, you're right. Get ready you two. I hear eight sets of footsteps."

A few minutes later, the man returns with seven friends and a cocky smile.

Drunk man: "You must be really stupid if you thought I was just going to take you to the village. I'd have to be stupid to lead you that direction. Now, put your weapons down and hand over the girls and the bike. I think that will be payment enough for the teeth you broke."

Yang: "That direction you say?"

Drunk man: "Yeah, that's what I said."

Yang: "Ok then."

Topaz: "I'll put my weapon down, but I'll die before you can get close to these two."

Drunk man: "Well that can be arranged you know. Get him!"

The group all attacks Topaz at once. Topaz looks towards Yang and Neo and motions for them to stay put. As the group got closer to him, he transforms into a silverback gorilla and goes apeshit crazy on them. (A/N: I'm sorry, I had to.) Not even five minutes later, the group all lay on the ground in pain. Topaz walks over to the girls and gives them a cheeky grin. Topaz points in the direction the man had said.

Topaz: "So that direction then. Let's move."

Drunk man: "When Raven finds out what you did you're dead!"

Yang: "Maybe, but I am her daughter so probably not."

Drunk man: "Oh… I'm dead."

Topaz chuckles as the man passes out from the fear of whatever he was imagining. Yang hops on her bike and Topaz transforms into his lion form. Neo looks between the two before climbing onto Topaz. She holds out her scroll for him to see before she does.

{It's comforting riding you.}

Yang reads the message and begins wiggling her eyebrows.

Yang: "Didn't know you had it in you Topaz."

Topaz: *sigh* "Knock it off Yang. Get your head out of the gutter for five minutes."

Yang: "No thanks. It's more fun that way."

Topaz: "True, now come on. We have a mother to see and get her assistance."

The group walks through the forest in the direction that the bandits had pointed. They eventually made it to a large gate with two guards aiming their weapons towards them. Topaz steps forward to draw their attention and raises his hands.

Guard: 1 "Stop right there."

Guard 2: "Drop your weapons and your wallet."

Topaz: "Or, you get Raven for us."

Guard 1: "Now why would we ever do that?"

Topaz: "I don't know, not like her daughter is here or anything like that."

Guard 2: "Like we are just supposed…to believe… gods dammit."

Yang took a step next to Topaz in the middle of her sentence drawing both guards' attention. Noticing the obvious resemblance between the girl and their leader they both knew Topaz spoke the truth.

Topaz: "Oh, and you might want to send some people to grab your friends back that way. They tried some funny business and are taking a nap at the moment."

The guards gave Topaz and exasperated look before shaking their heads. Guard 1 begins to lead the group of three while Guard 2 remained at his post. Walking through the camp, Topaz notices the large number of bandits gathering around him and his friends. He also notices a scent that is familiar to him, but he can't remember where from. Walking up to a large tent, a woman walks out wearing a white mask with red detailing, looking very similar to a grimm. The woman removes her mask and the only thing Topaz can see is a black-haired Yang.

Yang: "Mom."

Raven: "Yang, it's good to see you've come. I am a little disappointed that you didn't come alone though. I have no need for weaklings in my tribe."

Yang: "Well then it's a good thing I didn't come here to join you then. I need your help."

Raven: "Of course you do, but why would I help you?"

Yang: "Because we are family."

Raven: "Family, only coming around when they need something. If you and your friends want to live, then turn around now. There's nothing I can do to help you."

Yang: "Really? Dad told me about your semblance. Make us a portal to Qrow, who is with Ruby and we will leave."

Raven: "I refuse, now leave."

Topaz: "Raven Branwen, if you won't help us then I challenge you to a little spar."

Random Bandit: "How dare you! How about I fight you and show you your place you damn animal."

Topaz turns to the random bandit and prepares to fight him. The man rushes at Topaz but Yang punches him before he could reach Topaz, and launches him through a tent, which collapses. Topaz's eyes go wide as he sees a familiar heiress in a wooden cage, which is suddenly destroyed by a glowing knight.

Topaz: "Weiss?"

Yang: "Weiss, what are you doing here?"

Weiss: "Topaz, Yang? Why are you guys here?"

Yang: "That's my mom, she can get us to Ruby."

Weiss's eyes go wide at Yang's statement.

Weiss: "Your mom kidnapped me?!"

Yang: "You kidnapped her?!"

(A/N: I had to leave that bit in. It's a personal favorite of mine for comedic release.)

Topaz and the girls stand back to back preparing to fight their way out of the camp. Suddenly thunder roars across the sky and a bolt of lightning crashes next to Topaz.

????: "ENOUGH!!"

With her roar, the fight diminishes to a halt, and it gets quiet.

Raven: "Thank you Vernal. You four, in my tent."

Yang: "Only if you help get us to Ruby."

Raven: "Get. In. The. Tent. Now."

Topaz: "Let's go Yang. Everything will be quieter and easier to negotiate away from the rest of these bandits."

Yang: "You're right. Weiss, it is so good to see you again."

Weiss throws herself and Yang and gives her a big hug.

Weiss: "I missed you."

Yang: "I missed you too."

Topaz: "Sorry for breaking the sweet moment, but we should follow your mom Yang. No sense making her angrier than she already is."

The group of four makes their way into Raven's tent and find her sitting at a low table, three tea cups at the table, and another lying on the floor across the tent.

Raven: "Girls, join me at the table. You boy, can sit as far from me as possible. You remind me of an annoying set of twins I used to know."

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