Chereads / War Without Honor:A Call of Duty Modern Warfare Fanfiction / Chapter 18 - Prologue three- Persona Non Grata

Chapter 18 - Prologue three- Persona Non Grata

(August 21th, 2016)

{Himachal Pradesh, India}

"Your world as you know it is gone. How far will you go to bring it back? Shepherd created a war but only we knew the truth."

Task Force 141 has been disavowed, and Captains John Price and Major Natalie have been labeled fugitives, wanted by INTERPOL. 

Nat wakes up on a stretcher after Nikolai lands the Little Bird in India. Soap,Price and Nikolai begin to move Nat to the safe house.

"Get him inside!"

"The safe house is up ahead!"

"Go easy on him Dad; it's his first day in the regiment" 

"Keep moving!"

Price slides his M1911 to her, aims and pulls the trigger at Imran Zakhaev. 

"Out of the bloody way! Get a doctor!"

"That's one less loose end"

"Back up! Back up!"

Her and Price on the zodiac at the edge of the waterfall.

"Keep pressure on that wound!"

The zodiac falls into the river and Soap comes to again.

"I'm trying! Hang in there, my friend."

Nat pulling the knife out of her chest and throwing it at Shepherd's left eye, killing him. 

"She needs help, now!"

Just as the doctor comes over to try and render medical aid, Nat begins to black out from loss of blood.

"We're losing him. Charging. Three, two, one. Clear!"

"Price, we've got vital signs but they're weak. Soap won't last without proper attention." Nikolai looks at Price

"She's a hard bastard. Trust me, she'll make it."

"We've got company." Soap says as an explosion goes off in the distance.

"It's Makarov. He's tying up loose ends. Who's your best man?"

"Yuri. Ex-Spetsnaz. Only man I know who hates Makarov more than you."

Price nods when Yuri steps forward, "They'll use the ridgeline for cover and fly in from the south."

"How do you know?" Yuri asks.

"It's what I'd do."

Yuri could only watch as Soap and Nikolai are attempting to surgically patch up Nat's wound. Nat grabs Yuri's shirt and coughs from his wounds.

"We need to get her to the chopper." Price looks at Nikolai and Soap.

A sound grows louder, and Yuri and Nikolai turn around at the far wall. Suddenly, an Mi-28 Havoc crashes through the wall, knocking everyone down.

"Is everyone alright?" Soap asks.

The Havoc falls off the room. Outside, five Ultrnationalist Mi-17s fly in and begin to drop enemy troops.

"Yuri, take a position on the balcony! We need to buy the doctor some time! Keep your eyes on the courtyard."

A Loyalist launches a missile from the courtyard at one of the enemy choppers. The courtyard's gate explodes as enemies breach and the Loyalists begin to engage them.

"They've breached the courtyard!" Nikolai yells over the gunfire.

Price and Yuri fire at the enemies at the courtyard below.

"We need to hold them off until we can move Nat!" Price yells to Yuri.

After a few seconds, the enemy pops smoke at the courtyard. An enemy Havoc appears and fires a burst of machine gun fire, killing the doctor.

Nikolai calls Yuri over. "The doctor's down! Yuri, we need your help! Yuri, get over here! Give her the shot!"

Nikolai keeps the pressure on Nat as Yuri goes to the table, grabs a syringe, and administers her a shot of adrenaline to keep her heart beating. An enemy breaks down the door and enters the room. Soap quickly fights him, pulls his pistol, and shoots him in the head.

"They're on the roof. We've got to get Nat to the chopper!"

"I've got her!"

"Yuri, you're with me!" Soap calls Yuri over, "Watch the balconies! Nikolai, hang back! Protect Nat! Doorway, right side!"

Yuri takes out an enemy coming from the right.

"Nikolai, what's Nat's condition?" Price asked.

"We've got to get her out of here." Nikolai says.

"Nikolai, clear a path to the chopper. We'll be right behind you."

Price lifts up the garage door. Soap controls the UGV and moves it out. Nikolai covers Price as he brings Nat to the chopper.

"We're at the chopper! Loading Nat in now!" Price says over the com

"He's not looking good." Nikolai looks at Price.

"Soap,Yuri, run to the chopper! Move! Go! Go!"

Yuri and Soap sprint from the garage through the cleared path while under fire from the Russian drone. A missile knocks down a tree which Yuri jumps over. He runs down the hill, dashes left, and runs to a rooftop.

"Look out!" Nikolai yells.

As soon as Yuri steps on the rooftop, the drone fires a missile below him. As he slips and falls, the drone flies past. He begins sliding down the hillside. The player can control the direction of his slide as an avalanche of concrete and debris fall behind him, and he falls into the river. Nikolai's Little Bird flies overhead as Yuri, being carried down the river, struggles to surface. Reaching out blindly, he grabs hold of a tree root and, using it as support, pops his head out of the water, crawling out of the riverbed. Tired and exhausted, his vision blacks out. The Little Bird is heard flying above him. But Soap managed to jump onto the chopper. Price and Soap just exchange a look to each other.

"There he is." Nikolai points to where Yuri is.

"Good. We'll need him. We're going after Makarov."

"Who the bloody hell's Yuri?" Nat coughed.

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