y/n's pov
It's summer break,when everybody is having fun but not in my case.I'm lying in my bed listening to Billie Eilish whole day. "ding" my phone ringed. I looked at notification and it was from Jake. My friend. It said:
Wanna hang out?šø
when and where?
Mall at 3pm
ok see you
It was 2:43pm now so I got up and got dressed into army crop top with black ripped jeans.I always had baddie style but I started to dress like it in 8th grade. My hair was in two braids who were messy. I looked at the clock and it was 2:56.I grabbed my car key and got in my car.When I got into the mall Jake was there.Jake said "hey bich" like he always does.
y/n:hey man hoe
Jake:where are we going first?
y/n:forever 21 duh
Forever 21 was my favourite store that's why I said it with the duhh tone.I also loved Bilie Eilish. We walked into forever 21 and I saw tie dye shirt. I walked to Jake who was just looking at the randrom stuff with shirt in my hands. I paid for it and we walked out.Next we wen't to lush. I got 3 bath bombs while Jake didn't get anything.
Jake and I were sitting at Starbucks.We also planed to go to the Chick-fill-A. I finished my starbucks and we wen't there.We eated out meals took a few selfies and wen't out. Later we both wen't home