Inana, the youngest of Namni's daughters, is now grown up. She is not the girl who became naughty and fought with her sisters. Now as the sister of the queen, she recieves many proposals of marriage. Most of them are from aristrocrats. But this sister of the Queen of Nile has no interest in them. She does not want any one to control her life. She wants to study in order to become a courtier of her brother in law, Pharaoh Anmatre. When Pharaoh hears this he is pleased. Because he knows that Inana has all the ability to be a courtier. So he decides to call out a meeting. There all his courtiers are present. Aasar is also very happy. Because if this decision is taken, then the youngest daughter of Namni will be the first female courtier of Egypt. But is that really what others want? The other courtiers are not Inana's brother in laws. They may revolt against this decision. That is exactly what they do at that time. But Pharaoh stops the revolution. Because he does not want to lose Inana, not because she is his relative. But he sees that she will rise in his court one day and help his court with all her intelligence. Asiya is also very hopeful about her youngest sister.
Inana's first day at court is a success. She helps Pharaoh by providing important help. This makes other courtiers understand their mistakes. By not aggreeing to allow this woman into the court, they make the grave mistake. Egypt has her intelligent courtier. Queen Asiya also helps her sister to become a successful courtier. Thus Inana's ambition is fulfilled.
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Now Inana and Nimia are at the bank of Nile. They also take Aziza and Amir with them. Nefera is naughty so they decide not to take her. Inana holds Amir. Nimia takes Aziza's hand. They walk by the Nile. The sight of serene, blue waters of Nile wash their tiredness.
Aziza tells, "It will be better if Mama comes here. She will make this day a remarkable one by playing with us, chattering with father."
Her aunts laugh hearimg her. Suddenly Inana put her left feet into one of the hole that are often found in the roads. She tumbles and then she starts to fell with her face first. She hears Nimia and Aziza gasp. Amir starts to cry. Because he was held by her. But just as she tumbles she let go of his hand so that she might not hurt her nephew.
Inana fells with a thud. She tries her best not to fell on her face. Because if she does not do so, she will have a broken nose, and a bruised face. So she fells on her side and into a bush of flowers.
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Aziza and Nimia come running towards her. As they reach her they asks her if she gets hurt. But Inana csn not hear them. She can not see them at all. Anger creeps inside her. She stands and then starts to walk towards the man siitting on a horse. Now what has happened is that when Inana fell on the ground, a man crossing them on a horse starts to laugh at her. Inana hears him laughing. So she can not control her anger. She rises from the ground, shakes the dirts from her dress, then goes directly towards the man on the horse. Before Aziza and Nimia can do anything, she grabs the man by his legs and pulls him towards the ground. Then she beats the man almost to death. The man cries out for help. Then Aziza and Nimia drag Inana from him. She looks like a tigress. Nimia says sorry to the man for her attitude. Together they escape the place quickly before the girl gets more angry and then attacks him again.
"Where shall we go?" Asks Nimia panickedly." I shall not go to mother, because she will kill me and this poor girl if she gets to know about the incident. In that case what shall I do?"
Aziza replies, "You have to do nothing. Just take aunt Inana to palace.Papa will do everything."
Nimia appreciates Aziza's plan silently. "Only Aziza can come up with such briliant ideas. I salute you, Aziza!." She thanks the little girl silently.
Nimia and Aziza carry Inana to the palace for her treatment. Because she has pain in her ankle. When Pharaoh hears this news he immediately sends for the healer to treat her. The healer is now at the palace, because he has to see the queen. Asiya is now present there in Inana's chamber. She holds Inana to give her comfort. Nimia describes everything to Pharaoh and Asiya.
"But I can not understand what makes her boiling with anger." Pharaoh asks them. His remark, "boiling with anger" makes Inana more angry.
She snaps her head to look at Pharaoh, saying "Why did that man laugh at me? I will beat him to death if I find him ."
At this moment, the door of the chamber opens and then someone peeps into the chamber and then immediately shut the door. It is the healer and he hears what the girl says.