Chereads / Silver Fang (Kakashi x Obito) / Chapter 1 - 1. The New Beginning

Silver Fang (Kakashi x Obito)

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Chapter 1 - 1. The New Beginning

September 15, 1:30 A.M


Night dew covered the green grass and it had just stopped raining. A friendly married couple were in a shed that was not too big not too small, they were expecting something that could change their lives. Something they had been waiting for. Something that was kind of harsh to the wife and her health, putting her in a fight for her life.

She was laying down resting as her husband was pacing back and forth. He was biting his nails as his wife watched him rubbing her 9-month-old pregnant stomach. She hadn't given birth yet and was still waiting for the baby to come.

His wife was really sick and very very weak. Her fever hadn't gone down through the pregnancy. During the winter it was worse for her. They really wanted this baby but wasn't sure if it would be alive because of his wife's sickness.

She was sweating as her face was red. Her forehead was hot and she was having a lot of contractions. Her husband could sense pain coming from her but didn't really know how to stop it.

All they had to do was wait for their child to be brought into this world then they would figure out how to continue their lifestyle.

A wave a pain hit his wife as she felt the baby coming.

After 15 minutes of hard work from the wife, a little faint cry from a newborn baby was heard. The mother was holding her child while the father was looking over him. The mother cradled the little baby to calm down as he was crying.

He calmed down and opened his eyes and looked at his parents.

His giant bright gleaming dark silver eyes scanned the faces of his parent. His father smiled as his mother handed him over. His father held the newborn. He grabbed his father's finger, which seemed huge to the baby.

His little wolf ears looked so cute. His small silver fluffy tail was wrapped around his father's other hand. It was so soft. His father looked at his tiny claws compared to his own.

He smiled showing his tiny tongue and his gums. His father smiled. He put his father's finger in his mouth. His father giggled and pulled his finger out of the newborn's mouth. A wave of wind flew in the shed through the window. It was cold and the baby started crying again. His father rocked him and whispered happy things to him so he could calm down.

"Shh. It's okay. Mommy and daddy are here for you young one. There is no need to cry." His father said to the newborn, who yet still did not have a name.

While his father was holding him, a flash of pain hit his mother's chest. She groaned and gripped the sheets of the bed she was laying in. The baby's father set him down and went to check on his wife. She was breathing heavily as she was sweating as her chest got tighter and tighter.

His father tried to help his mother by removing her undershirt and bra to help. They heard screaming of angry villagers coming up to their shed. He could sense hatred coming out of them. The baby began crying and he wouldn't stop. His father grabbed him and held him close to his chest as he stood by the bed his wife was laying in.

"S-Sakumo. Please t-take care of h-him." She said before her eyes closed and her head fell to the side as her heart stopped.

Sakumo was crying as the baby was crying. He could sense anger in these villagers as he caught a whiff of smoke leading to that they had fire in their hands. He panicked so he hid the baby in a small wooden box. He covered it with a blanket.

"It's okay. Soon this will all be over and we will be together once again. Don't worry daddy will get you." He said calmly as the newborn kept crying.

The newborn didn't want to leave his father, so he kept crying to have his father back. Sakumo looked out the window and closed all of the blinds in the shed that they lived in. Angry villagers banged violently on the door and shouted hateful things at them.





Can't wait until you are dead!!!!

We will burn you up!!!!


You will wish that you never were born!!!!

You better kill yourself before we burn your bodies!!!!




Two broke the door down and went to attack Sakumo. Others went to see if his wife was dead and made sure and shot her 3 times with silver bullets.

One-shot his thigh and he fell and the second villager picked him up by his hair and choked him.

Blood ran down the corner of Sakumo's mouth as he growled. He head-butted the guy holding him and took the knife and stabbed the guy. His ears and tail appeared and his nails grew into claws. His teeth got sharp and long and his dark silver eyes had slits in them.

Sakumo kicked the guy into the bathroom and the other shot his arm. Sakumo yelped and tried to fight the guy off. He scratched his chest and went to bite his neck, but only grazed it causing it to still bleed, but not as much as Sakumo wanted.

The second one came out of the bathroom and pointed his gun at the back of Sakumo's neck. He slowly crept up to Sakumo as the first guy was keeping him distracted.

The first pulled the trigger and shot his stomach. Sakumo coughed up blood and the second shot the back of his neck send him plummeting to the ground.

Both shot him in the back 6 times making sure he was fully dead. They laughed and heard the roof cracking. One yelled for them to exit and they all evacuated the burning shed. They watched the shed burn down.

They all laughed as the shed was burning down. The roof collapsed and fell on the little box the baby was in and on his dead parents. He kept crying as his parents were under the burning wooden planks. Nobody heard him as he was crying louder because the fire was burning his face.


Early that morning, the fire was put out and the shed was still smoking. The baby was still crying and coughing as his lungs were filling with smoke. Half of his precious face was burnt. Everyone just looked at the burnt shed and laughed as the werewolves were dead.

Or so they thought...

They pulled the bodies that they could find out and they hung them on tree branches for decorations. One boy, who was a ninja, felt bad for these poor innocent people or like the other villagers call them, demons of the night.

This boy was the age of 15. His name was Lucas. He was like a tan but pale color. He had dark blue hair and ichor colored eyes.

He hated that these people disrespected this innocent family and burnt what they had down. He heard that the man's wife was pregnant, but her body didn't look like she was pregnant at all. They probably killed her before the baby could be born or had enough time to continue growing.

The crowd cleared and Lucas checked to see if anyone was watching before he went to check the bodies and shed for things. He found a golden locket on the ground and it had a heart on it. He wiped the ash off of the heart with his thumb and opened it and was surprised as saw the man and woman sitting together smiling. He held onto the locket, just in case he found other precious items, and kept searching the shed.

He could tell that they were really poor family and could only get of what they could only afford. Only one bed, an oven, and a stove that only worked with wood, a small refrigerator, a toilet, a sink, and a small bathtub. The shed was also quite small but a decent size for a couple like them. They seemed to not be bothered by the size at all.

He heard something or someone crying. He looked over to where he heard the crying. He stopped to were there was a box covered with pieces off the roof. He tried picking them up but, one cut through his hand. He pulled his hands away fast and sucked air through his teeth.

He wiped the blood on his hand on his pants. He found a cloth and tied it over the cut on his palm. He went back to the planks and took them off one by one. Once the last of the planks were off, he looked in the box and saw what was crying.

A newborn baby that looked like it wasn't born not too long ago, actually it looked like only a few hours old. The baby was crying and Lucas saw that half of the baby's face was burnt.

He picked up the small baby and looked for a paper on him with his name on it.

"Hmmm. What's your name bud?" He asked as he held the baby carefully checking him.

He took his jacket off and took the thin blanket off of the baby and wrapped his jacket around the baby so he could be warm. The baby calmed down and looked at Lucas with his gleaming eyes.

"It's okay. I will find you a home. If not I will take you in, but I'm not taking you to that orphanage." Lucas explained to the newborn knowing he won't understand a single thing he said.

He hated that orphanage because he had a rough time staying there. He stayed there until he was 7 years old and had the most tragic experience. They abuse every single kid in there and they do not care how old the kids are or anything l. When Lucas was adopted, he had to get therapy to make sure he was mentally stable enough to continue school and to make sure he won't harm himself.

He shook his head to get the thoughts out of his mind. He walked away from the shed and walked around the village with the newborn baby in his arms. He asked if anyone wanted to adopt him but they all turned the baby down.

The newborn got cold and whined. Lucas cradled him and kept searching for people who will be this child's mom and dad. Everyone said no and shut the door in his face.

The baby started crying because he was very hungry. He had not eaten for the first time yet. Lucas sighed and went to a grocery store. He got a small bottle of milk and a baby bottle and set them down at the counter.

The cashier looked at him.

"Is that your kid?" He asked scanning the two items.

"No. I found him under a burnt shed."

The guys' eyes widened and just threw the stuff at Lucas, hitting the baby.

"Get that thing out of here!" He exclaimed as the baby was crying.

Lucas quickly picked the stuff up and walked out. He went to the wood and sat on the ground. He leaned back on a tree and put the milk in the bottle. The baby wouldn't stop crying.

"Shhhh. It's okay bubbas. No need to be scared. I'm here." He said.

The baby calmed down. Lucas slowly fed the baby making sure that he wouldn't choke. The baby drank all of the milk and looked at Lucas with his dark silver and burnt eye.

"You are such a jumpy baby when it comes to people and loud noises. I see that you get scared easily. Wait, I know what to name you. Kakashi." He said smiling.

Kakashi smiled and laughed.

"You like that name? Yes, you do." Lucas said booping Kakashi's nose making him laugh more.

Kakashi stopped laughing and yawned. He settled back and fell asleep on Lucas's lap with his head leaning on his thigh. Lucas smiled and fell asleep with his back still perched on the tree.


A few hours later, Lucas woke up. Kakashi was still sound asleep and warm. He slowly got up and walked home carefully making sure that he won't drop Kakashi. He opened the door and quietly closed it not waking the baby. His foster mother saw that he was home.

"Hey, Lucas. You're back." She said and walked out of the kitchen drying her hands off with the towel over her shoulder.

Lucas smiled as his foster mother looked at him and saw that he wasn't wearing his jacket.

"Where's your jacket? It's cold out there. You could get sick." She questioned worriedly.

"I have it, mom. See." He said showing her holding Kakashi carefully.

She saw that he had it in his arms. She saw something moving in his jacket and she got very curious.

"What do you have?" She asked walking closer.

"Umm. I found this baby under a burnt shed. Can we please watch him? I don't want him to be in that orphanage." Lucas said begging for Kakashi to stay.

"I don't know. It's that Hatake child Lucas. They're dangerous especially when it's the full moon. He can't stay here. He has to go to the orphanage." She explained.

"But please can he stay. He's just a baby and he's injured. Please can he stay? Please." Lucas begged as he made a begging face.

"Fine. We can't name his last name around your dad. The silver hair already gives it away. Hopefully, your dad won't notice." She said then smiled.

Lucas got happy and kissed his foster moms cheek.

"Thank you so much." He said then went in his room.

He closed the door and set Kakashi on his bed. He walked out and looked in the closet for old diapers from when his sister was a baby. He found them and took one. He walked back in and put the diaper on Kakashi after removing his jacket.

Kakashi looked at Lucas as he was finding something for Kakashi to wear. He found a shirt that he wore when he was 8 years old. It was old and he forgot that he had it, but Kakashi would love to wear it.

He put it on Kakashi and smiled. Kakashi looked even cuter with the black shirt. Lucas put on some calming music for Kakashi to listen to. His mother called him and his older sister down.

The ANBU black ops were at their door. Lucas was scared. Skip scared, he was terrified. They walked in and his mother had them sit at the kitchen table while Kakashi was still in Lucas's room.

"We heard about there being a Hatake still around that a cashier saw your son with him." The one in the bird mask said.

"Yeah. He has the baby in the room. Why do you want him?" She asked.

"He's the only Hatake left and these villagers want him dead. It's our job to protect him until he learns to protect himself." The one in the bear mask said.

Lucas actually felt like crying. This kid is so important but he doesn't want him to be in the orphanage. Lucas looked at the two ANBU members.

"He's not going. He's not going to that orphanage. No one in this village wants him." Lucas said with tears forming in his eyes.

"He has to go. You basically kidnapped this child. It's either that, or we leave him in the streets so the villagers can kill him." Bird explained.

"He's not going. I don't care. I'm not letting him go." Lucas said crying.

"He's going whether you like it or not." Bird said.

Lucas stood up furiously knocking his chair over crying.

"You're not having him. I made a promise to myself and him that he's not going. If you want him so bad you have to go through me." He said with tears running down his face.

"He's going. Where is he?" Bird said standing up.

"Over my dead body! You're not having him and that's that! He's not going to get abused! He's not going to feel pain! He's not going to someday not want his life! I was in the orphanage for 7 years and I came out scared of everything! He's not going to go through what I had to go through!" Lucas exclaimed furiously.

He ran off and ran upstairs stomping his feet as he went. He went into his room and slammed the door waking the sleeping baby making him cry.

"It's okay Kakashi. Don't cry." He said and say on his bed.

He picked Kakashi up and held him in his arms close as he cried.

"They won't get you bud. I won't let them. I promised you and I'm keeping that promise no matter what." Lucas explained crying.

He heard the two ANBU members leave. He got ready for bed and gave Kakashi some warm milk before going to bed.


It was morning and Lucas woke up but there was no Kakashi. He looked everywhere and Kakashi wasn't there.

He got up and ran downstairs and didn't see Kakashi.

"Where's Kakashi?" Lucas asked alarmed.

"The ANBU members from last night came early this morning to pick him up." She explained and continued making breakfast.

"No. I have to get him." Lucas walking to the stairs but his foster mother stopped him.

"You're not going to get him. You were going to put this family in danger. That demon belongs in that orphanage. He's staying." His mother said sternly.

Lucas looked down crying. Why hadn't he stayed up to watch Kakashi? Now Kakashi's gone and he can't see him.

Lucas walked upstairs slowly and went into his bedroom and shut the door crying.

'Why am I such a god damn idiot?'

The orphanage was huge with kids with bruises and cuts. Kakashi was on the floor sleeping. The kids were playing outside. The owner's daughter was watching the babies as they were in their cribs.

Kakashi woke up hungry, so he started crying. She picked the crying Kakashi up and made a face in disgust and scoffed.

"Shut up." She said shaking him.

He kept crying as she shook him. She kept shaking him for him to shut up. He stopped crying and was coughing. His eyes were watery as he looked at her.

"Don't look at me you piece of shit." She said turning him around so his back can face her.

He got upset and started crying again as his head leaned on her forearm. She was holding him in a very painful position and he wasn't comfortable at all.

She got tired of him crying and set him back on the floor and left the room to get a breather. He was still crying as he was hungry and lonely.

Maybe one day he can be accepted. Maybe just one day.....


There we go. Man, this story is going to really great.

Please don't come after me about the orphanage. Later on, this chapter will explain Kakashi's attitude towards people.

Thanks for reading and I will see you in the next chapter.

Bye peeps😁