Chereads / Broken Together / Chapter 14 - Courtroom

Chapter 14 - Courtroom

Sally's Pov

"What if the evidence isn't enough? What if he's found not guilty? What if he gets out of jail? What if he's there? What if something bad happens? What if we get a bad judge? What if our lawyer isn't good enough? What if he has a better lawyer?"

"Sally! Calm down your spirling again."

"Sorry, sorry but what if-"

Jack put a finger on my lips, "Nope. No what ifs. Damien found a great lawyer. We have plenty of witnesses if the evidence isn't enough. The police saw you being held with a knife against your throat. Plus he has no reason to be here."

"Your right, your right I'm panicking for no reason but I don't know if I can do this…"

"Yes you can and we'll be with you. He will be found guilty. I promise nothing will go wrong."

"Ok let's get this over with then…."

We walked inside to see everyone talking while we waited.


"What's up Dee?"

"This is your lawyer Cassidy."

"Nice to meet you Sally." She shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you Cassidy…"

"Do you know how this will work?"

"No not really."

"Ok so all you need to do is when you get called up to the stands answer the questions honestly and to your best ability."

"That's it?"

"Yep I'll do most of the talking but if the judge asks you a question look at them, speak clearly and use sir or ma'am."

"Ok I can do that."

"Great, now is there anything I should know Before we begin?"

"I have anxiety…"

"Ok thank you for telling me. I'll try my best to make you comfortable."

"You don't have to do that."

"It's not a problem I find when my clients are most comfortable there the most confident."

"Ok thank you."

"No problem hun and now the trial starts any minute here so why don't you take a few moments to collect your thoughts."

I nodded before sitting in one of the chairs.

"Hey kiddo, how are you doing?"

"Well I'm not dead or having a panic attack so I'm ok."

"Was that self deprecating humor?"


"I will physically fight you if you talk bad about yourself."

"How about a hug instead?"

"Of course!"

"Sally were starting." Cassidy called.

"Ok let's do this."

"You got this kiddo!"

I followed Cassidy into the room and to the front. The room was small with the judges chair in the front and rows of seating behind us. I sat next to Cassidy and saw Carson's lawyer on the other side.

"All rise for Judge Karen."

A woman with blonde hair dressed in black robes walked in and sat in the chair. We sat back down and she picked up a file.

"May the accused be brought out."

"The doors to my left opened and Carson came out with a police officer. He sat down with his lawyer. If I'm being honest he looked terrible. Hair a mess, eyes red and puffy as if he'd been crying with bags under his eyes. I almost felt bad for the guy…..almost.

"Prosecution your opening statement."

Cassidy stood up and looked the judge in the eyes as she spook so the people in the back could hear as well, "Your honor Sally Black is the victium of physical abuse and attempted murder of Carson Coal for four and a half almost five years now."

"Thank you, you may be seated."

Cassidy sat back down and the judge read off the charges.

"Mr. Coal is accused of physical abuse for almost five years and attempted murder as of last week. Prosecution your first witness."

Cassidy walked to the front, "Thank you your honor. I would like to call Damien Black to the stands."

I watched Damien walk up to the stands and sit down.

"Mr. Black you're the older brother of Sally Black correct?"

"Yes, I'm the older brother of Sally."

"You were there last week when the attempted murder happened were you not?"

"Yes I was there."

"Could you tell us where and what you were doing at the time of the incident."

"Yes I can. We all had the day off from work and had decided to go to the park. We were at one of the older playsets and Sally was playing with Jack and Jake. I was going to push our sister Allie on the swings when she said Carson was coming towards us. I looked and saw him so we told Sally, Jack, and Jake. We got off the playset and started toward Quinn, Emily, Amy, and Maddie. I had told Allie to get her phone out so we didn't have another Jake incident."

"I'm sorry to interrupt but what's a 'Jake Incident'?"

"About two months ago Sally and Jake were on a walk when Carson and two of his friends beat up Sally, and tied Jake's hands and feet together before tossing him in the lake. If me and Jack hadn't gotten a text from Sally he most likely would've died."

"Thank you for clearing that up now can you please continue with your story."

"Right, well as we were walking back to the parking lot and I heard Sally scream. I looked behind me and saw Carson holding Sally. We told him to let Sally go and when Jack went to help Sally Carson pulled out a knife telling us if we moved he would slice her throat open. Luckily Allie called the police after stopping her video and they arrived and arrested Carson."

"Thank you. Now you said Miss. Black had a recording going?"

"Yes, she recorded the whole thing and showed the police when getting to the station."

"Ok thank you now before we take a look at the evidence. How long has Sally known Mr. Coal?"

"For about….eight years now. They met and became friends in sixth grade."

"Thank you Mr. Black. Now could we please have Miss. Blacks recording of what happened at one o' clock in the afternoon of last Tuesday September 15th, 2020."

A police officer brought out Allie's phone in a plastic bag to the front.

"Your honor if you watch that recording it will show you what happened."

I looked at Damien as the video played, not daring to look at other peoples reactions. After the video finished I broke our gaze and looked at Cassidy. She looked shocked to say the least but covered it up quickly. The officer took the phone back and Cassidy returned to Damien.

"Thank you Mr. Black I have no further questions."

Cassidy sat down giving me a warm smile. Carson's lawyer stood and did his questioning, poor guy stuttering and sweating the whole time.

"Prosecution your next witness."

"I would like to call Allie Black to the stands."

Allie switched places with Damien giving me a smile.

"Miss. Black how do you know Mr. Coal?"

"He's my ex-boyfriend."

"You two dated?"

"Yes we were together for two years….."

"Would you say your relationship was good or bad?"

"It started good, Carson was kind and romantic but a month before our breakup he changed….he started abusing me. It wasn't anything I wasn't used to but when I found out he was abusing Sally at and after school, that's where I drew the line and dumped him."

"So he was abusive for a month, correct?"

"Yes that is correct."

"Did he leave marks that lasted or could not be covered easily?"

"Yes I still have a scar from one of the times…."

"Would you mind showing the scar if you can that is."

Allie rolled up her sleeve and turned her right arm over revealing a scar running upward from her elbow towards her shoulder.

"And what caused that scar?"

"It was from a-a shard of glass."

"May I ask how?"

"He smashed a picture frame in his living room and cut my arm…."

"Thank you I have no more questions."

"Defence any questions?"

"No your honor."

"Very well. Defence your witness."

"I would like to call David Black to the stands."

I paled as I watched my father walk to the stands.

'What's he doing here?'

"So Mr. Black you are the father of Sally, Allie, and Damien Black correct?"

"Yes I am."

"And you know Mr. Coal to some extent right?"

"Yes he used to come home with Sally and Allie quite a lot."

"Would you say he's a good kid?"

"Better than my kids."

"Would you also say that he would try to hurt let alone kill someone?"

"No he would not hurt let alone kill someone."

"Thank you I have no further questions."

He sat back down and Cassidy walked over to the stands.

"Mr. Black could you explain what you meant by 'better than my kids'?"

"Damien has that ugly scar on his face and that stupid mistake of a child is better off dead anyway."

I felt tears well up in my eyes as a round of gasps and chatter went around. Sure I knew he hated me and wanted me dead but it hurts hearing him say it sober.

"Order! Order in the court! Prosecution any more questions?"

"Yes….Mr. Black did you send Mr. Coal to kill Sally?"

"No, the kid wouldn't do it. You saw the video he didn't do it he doesn't have the guts."

"Would you kill your daughter Mr. Black?"

"Don't know almost did but her good for nothing sister took the blade for her and landed herself in a coma for who knows how long."

"A year and a half….." I muttered quietly.

"What was that?" Cassidy asked looking back at me.

"Allie was in a coma for a year and a half after having heart surgery where the blade hit…."

"Your honor I'm done with my questioning."

"Very well your next witness?"

"Sally Black."

I stood and sat down at the stands.

"So Sally, you've known Carson for a long time, correct?"


"When did the abuse start?"

"Tenth grade…."

"And when did someone find out?"

"Allie found out in twelfth grade."

"Was she the first to know?"


"Alright could you tell me about your life at home back then?"

".....It was….bad…."

"Can you elaborate on that?"

"It was abusive… mom died giving birth to me….my dad abused me if Damien and Allie were out of the picture…..we were starved, beaten half to death, and locked in the attic at times….."

"I-I see…" She cleared her throat, "Sally did Carson happen to know any of this?"

"No….no one else did…"

"Why do you think Carson changed?"

"He probably realized I'm a useless piece of trash that doesn't deserve to live…."

"Do you think that of yourself?"

I shrugged, "I guess…."

"No further questions…"

"Alright….defence questions?"

"No your honor….."

"Prosecution your next witness?"

I hopped off the seat and sat back down not making contact with any one.

"I would like to call my last witness to the stands….Carson Coal."

Cason walked up and sat down.

"Carson did you try to kill Sally Black in the park last week?"

He looked down, "Yes…"


"I-I had no choice…."

"Explain please."

"Mr.Black Sally's dad said if I didn't kill her by the end of her first year of college he'd-he'd kill my mom…. She's the only family I have left….I had no choice."

"Why didn't you go to the police?"

"I was scared….I was a stupid highschooler."

"So you were trying to kill Sally?"


"No further questions."

I just stared at Carson as he sat there with his head in his hands.

"Members of the jury you may make your decision."

They all turned and started whispering for a moment.

"Your honor the members of the jury have decided that Mr. Carson Coal and Mr. David Black are found guilty of abuse, child abuse, and attempted murder."

"What!? I'm not even part of this case!"

I looked away from Carson to see my dad being dragged away by the police. I turned back to Carson as he passed me.

"I'm sorry…"


"Wait!" I jumped out of my seat and ran to Carson, "What did you mean?"

"You were my best friend and I tried to kill you instead of getting help...I'm sorry really I-I didn't want to….. I almost didn't in the park . I was going to let you go and leave town with my mom but the police showed up…..oh well maybe I can take time to think then leave when I get out….. If I get out….Bye Sally…."

I just stared at the door till someone turned me around and pulled me into a hug. I looked up to see Jack.