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Broken Together

Sally: An abused girl just trying to get away from the monsters of her past. Jake: The broken brother hiding his fears under a mask. Amy: A mentally and physically broken girl trying to forget about her past and mistakes. Maddie: Emotionally broken looking for a new start away from her parents. These four have to get through college while facing monsters from their past. Will they accept help from each other or face them alone?

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

Sally's Pov

I grabbed my backpack and duffle bag as my phone rang: Damien

"You ready Sal?"

"Yeah are you here yet?"

"Just pulled up."


I hung up my phone, slid it in my pocket, and crept downstairs. My dad was passed out on the couch, smashed beer cans, and half-drunk ones were everywhere in the living room.

'Finally getting out of this dump.' I unlocked the door and ran to my older brother's car.

"You ok Sal?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Was he awake?"

"Nope." I put my seatbelt on popping the p, "Passed out on the couch.

Damien let out a sigh of relief, "Thank goodness. Ok where are we going? I have no clue where this place is."

I gave him the address as we talked the rest of the way there. We pulled up in front of a rustic old apartment complex close to the campus of the college I was going to.

"Well let's go." Damien got out of the car.


"If you think I'm not going to stay and help you to some extent then call me a horrible brother."

"You left me with him for a year!"

"Yeah because I had college, not for the fun of it." He replied with a duh sounding voice.

"Whatever let's go." I grabbed my stuff and showed Damien where my new house was.

We walked into the somewhat empty apartment.

"Where's your room?"

"It's the smallest room in the back." I point to the left corner.

We walked over, I brought my bed and desk the other day so it wouldn't be a problem. I walked in and started unpacking.

"Are you going to stand there or help me?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"Oh shush Emo Nightmare."

"Didn't know you knew any comebacks."

"Yeah, yeah, where do you want your art stuff?"

"Put it on my desk." I shoved my clothes in the closet and threw my backpack in there.

"Shoot! I have to go, I have work soon."

"I thought you were a writer?" I asked in confusion.

"I am."

"Don't you work from home?"

"Ok fine it's a writers conference for my story, but it's still work-related so shush." Damien started losing his temper so I backed off.

"Ok, ok, sorry. Thanks for helping Dee. I appreciate it."

"No problem Sal, see you later." He walked out.

I sat on the couch scrolling through Tumblr waiting for my other roommates to arrive. I hate social interaction but the sooner I meet them the sooner I can start avoiding them.

Maddie's Pov

I adjusted my tie before heading out the door to my car. My parents were on a business trip so I had the place to myself. Again. I left a note explaining where I was on the island and left for my new apartment. I've never been a fan of this area but it was close to campus and at a reasonable price. I was living with three other people, fun, oh well hopefully it won't be too bad. I pulled up in front of the building, grabbed my backpack and a box before heading up to the building.

"Here let me get that for you."

A guy wearing a yellow shirt, black pants, hoodie, combat boots, and a yellow beanie held the front door open for me.

"Thank you." I looked up blushing a little and saw he had brown hair with yellow tips and a scar on the left side of his face. His eyes were...different in a good way, the right one was brown and the left one was green.

"Shoot! Sorry, but I have to go or I'm going to be late. See ya!"

With that he ran to his car and drove away. I recomposed myself and walked up to my apartment. I unlocked the door and walked inside. A girl that I can only assume is one of my roommates was sitting on the couch looking at her phone. She was pale with longish black hair that was dyed purple in the front. She was wearing a purple shirt, a black skirt, a black hoodie with purple patches on it, purple combat boots, and she had some sort of eyeshadow on under her eyes.

"Salutations you must be one of my roommates."

The emo looking girl stood and walked over. I set down my box and shake her hand, "My name is Maddie."


"Nice to meet you Sally, are you the only one here?"

"Yep my room is that one." She points to the room in the corner, "So you can take any of the other three."

"Aright thank you."

"No problem."

Sally walks back to her room as I take the second smallest on the other side of the apartment. I had just finished putting stuff away when I heard the front door open.

Amy's Pov

"Get out!"

"Mom, wait!"

"No I want you out of my house when I come back!" She walked out slamming the door behind her.

"Well at least she didn't hit me this time." I mumble going to my room to finish packing.

I walked out of the house and started my car. 'At least I'll never see her again.'

"Ok deep breaths Amy. You're going to college, you have a nice job, and you're getting out of this place for good." I backed out of the driveway and started downtown.

It was noon so I don't think I'm going to be the first one there but who knows right? The drive wasn't far but it was far enough away from her. I parked my car in front of the older looking building. I managed to fit all my stuff in a duffle bag and a box so not much work which was nice. I walked up to the third floor and stopped in front of the door.

'You got this just smile and be happy pappy Amy.'

I pulled on a smile before opening the door. I walked in and saw an emo looking girl with a sketch book sitting on the couch. A taller girl wearing a black polo, blue tie, glasses, leggings, black shoes, and dark long brown hair tied up in a ponytail came walking out of one of the rooms.

"Hi I'm Amy!"

"Salutations I'm Maddie and this is Sally."

The emo girl, Sally, looked at me and gave a half wave, "Hi."

"Hi kiddo!"

"Kiddo?" Maddie asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Yep! I call everyone kiddo!"

"Alright then...there's two more rooms left that you can choose from. The bigger one on the right or the biggest one on the left."

"I'll take the one on the right." I went into the room to start unpacking.

After I was done I walked to the living room and sat on the couch. Maddie was reading a book and Amy was drawing something in her sketchbook. I found the remote on the coffee table and put on The Little Mermaid. It was around two o'clock when the door opened and our last roommate walked in.

Jake's Pov

I walked into the kitchen looking for Jack, "Jack!"

"Yes brother?"

I jumped before turning around, "Where is it!"

He had a smirk on his face, "Where's what?"

"Where's my phone. I have to go you know."

I was starting to get impatient.

"Jack give Jake his phone back!" My mom called from the living room.

"Fine! Here you go." He gave me my phone then left for work.

I sighed before returning to my room. I finished packing my last box and brought it out to the car.

"Mom! Dad! I'm leaving!"

"Wait!" My mom came running into the kitchen with dad following behind her.

"Mom I have to go, it's already almost one."

"I know, I know but before you go I packed you some photos and goodies for you, and don't forget to call us."

"I won't mom, now I have to go."

"Ok, ok. Bye!"

"Bye." I walked out of the house and to my car.

I pulled out and started down the gravel road into town. It took a bit but I finally arrived at the rustic brick building. I grabbed my backpack before grabbing the two boxes out of the backseat. I walked in the building and up the stairs to number 394. I open the door to see The Little Mermaid on and three girls sitting on the couch. The movie was paused and a bubbly girl with curly strawberry blonde hair came over to greet me. She was wearing a light blue polo with a grey cat hoodie wrapped around her shoulders, light blue converse, grey round glasses with freckles dusting her face, and a white skirt.

"Hi kiddo! I'm Amy! That's Maddie," She pointed to the other girl with glasses, "And that's Sally!" She pointed to the emo looking girl.

"Hello! I'm Jake. I take it, I'm the last one here."

Amy laughed a little before continuing, "Yep, your room is the one on the left with the open door."

I nodded my head and walked into the last room. I started unpacking everything and put my bag in the closet, when I finished it was almost three. I walked out into the living room and sat down on the couch.