Maynard was something else. Or was he feigning his emotions? But his emotions and the expressions on his face were the same. No difference. A man capable of using the ultima wolf was capable of doing anything. Even hiding his emotions.... That's if the werewolf was capable of doing so as well.
"You're so confident in yourself. Aren't you?" Maynard questioned but Lucky did not answer.
'One should be confident in self because if not, who would take that chance and have confident in you? It's rare to have someone who has confidence in you'. Lucky thought while thinking about his Father who seemed to have lost confidence in him. His father had gradually changed within hours and he wondered how he was now. Was he even worse? Or had he gotten back to normal?
"Anyway. I wanted to show you a specific cloud that formed two weeks ago. It's only visible during the night". Maynard started.
This caught Lucky's attention.