The saying time is money was very much put into action as soon as we got off the plane. As soon as we landed I was met with a small women dressed in white. Her name was Marissa and she had the softest skin I've ever touched.
"My name is Marissa. I am you personal maid. I'll help you look your best for the prince. We'll wash, cut, and restyle your hair. Your skin will be properly moisturized, your nails will be done, you will be waxed head to toe. You will get a diet you must follow for the next two weeks and you'll work out every day while staying at the palace. You will need to look you best for when you meet the prince. In two weeks I hope you will be at your finest and be ready to meet the prince. Any questions?"
TWO WEEKS! TWO WEEKS! I won't meet the prince for two weeks. I thought I was just gonna meat him and leave this is a lot more than I expected.
"Uhmm no"
"Great. Let's get started. So today will be a little hard: the things we have to do everyday are this; wash body, moisturize body, exercise, diet, and royal school. Today we will do all that and wax, hair cut, nails and fitting. You also have to get you room settled. The day of meeting the prince you will do everything on this list one last time to be prepared. Lastly you have a doctors appointment to make sure you have not taken drugs, you are not pregnant, you are a virgin, you are healthy and most importantly you can carry a child. Now there is no reason to worry we will do this together but we have no time to rest or wait so let's get started."
I got all my measurements taken down in Marisa's note pad then we got to the royal salon room: mirrors, scales, showers, waxing tables, hair products for all hair types, everything you could need for your nails lined the walls the room was enormous. I was so excited.
I got set up on a seafood diet and I had to do specific exercises everyday. They washed my hair so it felt and put stuff in it to make it feel like a cloud. It was poofy or messy but it had volume, it was soft and the curls were long ringlets that circled around my face. My skin was soft because they had placed a lotion made from coconuts and other soft creams on my skin, my nails were done a soft blue to match my eyes. But not everything was great because they waxed me everywhere and I mean everywhere I was the only hair I had was on my head and face but I was smooth as I could be.
The two weeks went by in a flash I had lost 17 pounds weighing in at 115 pounds, they redid the whole hair body nails routine and I had learned to sit stand walk and speak like royalty. I was ready to meet the prince.