After major shit slingin' and nuts swingin' at the military base, we were dispatched to handle a massive issue with North Korea. They tried nuking america but terribly failed due to our exceptionally ginormous missile defense shit cannons. After that we all flew to north korea on enchanted turds that can fly using stink cells. Stink cells are special cells that can basically do anything, found in the most chemically lethal shits. When you fly down, we see puny bullets flying at you. No worries, you got your bullet-proof state of the art shit t-shirt and sweaty balls to protect you. Things are going well, you and your platoon are dominating those Koreans making them all look like sponge-bob until they bring out nukes the size of bullets that not even stink cells can protect. You start to panic and demolish 15 burritos from taco-bell. You feel wave 2 but this is the worst pain you have ever felt. This will be the biggest shit known to man-kind. This one will DESTROY you. But you need to do it, to save your country...