Schwartz had always lived a plain life. Even though Alcesto told him many times that if he would change his shabby dressing sense then he would be overly popular between girls. He mostly worn green and white coloured full sleeves checkered shirts, light blue denim and office shoes. His battle outfit was a projection of golden armour created by his divine energy.

Alcesto was a free spirit. He worn half sleeved lightweight jacket, which was mostly of brown coloured and jeans of dark colours. His footwear was rather weird, (which he thought to be cool) pair of sandals. His battle outfit was also a projection of the Azure emperor's Armour created by his Azure Emperor prowess.

Bao Zhao mostly worn a blue coloured T-shirt and black denim. She worn sport shoes so that she could be prepared in any tough situation. Her battle armour was made of Megalithium with fire circles embedded on it.

Ichika mostly worn a white coloured half sleeves shirt and a black coloured skirt with a pair of black stockings and white shoes, which made her look like an office secretary.

Vanzel was wearing a red coloured trench coat accompanied by metallic boots and black jeans made of high quality beaten Megalithium. His coat was also made up of the same material and hence, he didn't worn any battle outfit because his casual outfit was the same as his battle outfit.

Vanzel earned a great fortune by mining in the lands of great mineral value. He also earned a lot by the work he done as an S rank slayer. He has a property of 30 billion USD. He is the second richest slayer in the world. There is only one SSS ranked slayer left and his identity is unknown throughout the world. People say that the SSS rank slayer slayed the first hellish God which appeared on Earth. There were other SSS rank slayers but they died because of the hellish God's curse. Since they were single, their entire fortune went over to the slayer's organization and its power grew. Since the first hellish God was slayed immediately, there is no information about it.

Alcesto's party left the organization in Vanzel's luxury car. The dimensional portal was formed in an old and abandoned school building. There were only a few observers and low ranked slayers of the organization near that portal, in the entire society, because the slayer org had already evacuated everybody from that area. The leader of Alcesto's party was Vanzel, since he was the strongest slayer between his friends.

When they reached the dimensional portal, they were greeted by the low ranked slayers. After completing some immediate paperwork, they headed towards the portal. The portal had high negative energy. The hellish gods absorbed the negative emotions of humans in the form of energy. As all the members under Vanzel's command already knew this, just before entering the portal, Vanzel asked them,

"Are you guys prepared? I think you all have already flushed out your negative thoughts."

While Schwartz and Zhao replied with an energetic tone, Alcesto replied tiredly,

"Aagh, yes-yes. Now, let's slay some hellish gods!"

Alcesto and others followed Vanzel into the portal. The inside world of the portal was very dark. The sky was completely dark and there were dark typhoons forming on the land. There was a degraded-looking castle built of black stone. The ground was not much hard because dark black coloured sand was covering the ground. The border of the world were chained with divine spiritual energy which was released by the slayer org to stop the hellish God from passing to Earth. The form of the entity inside the dimensional portal was determined by the help of slayer organization's spiritual energy system by finding the source of the energy inside the portal.

As Alcesto and his party continued to walk towards the castle, they saw some weird things visible in the sand. Zhao bend over to check for the white colored thing which was partially visible from the sand. As she moved her hand towards it, she was suddenly stopped by Schwartz. He said to her,

"It's the enemy territory. You should be careful in these situations. That might be trap."

She was pleased by the thought that Schwartz, despite of his cold personality, saved her. She said,

"I understand."

Vanzel listened their conversation and said,

"Then its better that you understand."

While they were talking, Alcesto saw those weird things. As Alcesto didn't listened their conversation he didn't had an idea that those things might be traps. He wasn't a deep thinker but he had a curious personality. He didn't thought about anything and bend over to inspect those white things. As soon as he touched them, the sand started scattering. The typhoon started absorbing all the sand from the ground. Schwartz and Zhao were shocked by the vibrations of the ground. Vanzel had a calm personality and didn't panicked much but since he was the leader, it was his job to ensure the safety of his subordinates. He turned back quickly and asked Alcesto,

"Hey! Alcesto! Did you touched anything?!"

Alcesto stuttered a bit thinking that it was his fault that his party is in a tough spot right now. He said,

"Uh-Yes! I t-t-t-touched that white thingy in the ground- Ooh!!"

As he pointed at the white thing that he touched, he saw that the 'white thing' which he touched was the skull of a skeleton. The skeleton started rising up. As it was a skeleton, there was no way possible that it would have been able to see them but due to magic technique, he had two bright and dark red eyes.

He had no shield or armour for protection, but he was holding a huge, black, western sword. He was very fast since there was no mass slowing down his body. He rushed towards Alcesto.

All the white things which were covered with sand were actually bones of the undead skeletons hiding in the ground, preparing to attack if somebody touched them or stepped on them.

As the skeleton rushed towards Alcesto, he punched him with his Azure prowess. The force of that punch sent the skeleton flying away. His ribs shattered and some of them even fell on the ground, but he got up and without waiting for a second, he again rushed towards Alcesto.

The only difference this time was that he wasn't alone. There were many other skeletons approaching Alcesto and his friends from behind. Schwartz pushed them away with his divine godly energy but they got up again.

Zhao's fire magic was getting very useful at the current moment, since she burnt many undead skeleton warriors with her magic, or, so it seemed? The bones are the slowest to burn. They rushed towards their enemies while their bodies were burning which made them look even scarier than before. Zhao got afraid and shouted,


Vanzel thought to himself while he and Alcesto were surrounded by a huge undead skeleton army,

"This is the first time my luck went down. Haha! What a fate!"