Chapter 134 - Traitors

I never wanted this.

I never wanted for things to come to this point.

"Reika-sama… his messenger is here."

"…Let him in and seal the door. I don't want any of the things we will be talking about to be heard by anyone else."

"As you wish, your Highness."


You and I are supposed to be beside each other… allies in war and sworn friends in peace.

I never wanted to be led to this point where the two of us has to come after each other's lives.

And yet…

"…Speak, messenger."

"As you wish, your Highness…"

"How did the assassination of that woman go?"

Destiny and the curse of my bloodline compels me to bring the two of us into this kind of mutual hatred and destruction.

"It was a success, your Highness."


"The Fiancée of the Second Saint and the Chancellor of Kiko, Aoyama Chiyo, is dead. But…"


"…at the cost of Lady Shizuka being captured."

I do not desire for this kind of ending between the two of us.

If, and yes, I truly wish that it can be this way, that I can avoid what is written in my fate… I would do it without a moment's hesitation.

But in the end…

"Small sacrifices have to be allowed for this world's past fate to be enacted…"

"Indeed, your holiness."

It had to be this way.


Even until now, I can still hear that gunshot echoing in my ears.


I can still remember the fountain of blood that came as that bullet whizzed past me and plunged itself into her chest.

"So, you are here, huh?"

I can still remember how she fell down to the ground, her body becoming motionless as I repeatedly shouted her name, wishing that she can at least answer me.

"Geez. You're freezing… take this around your shoulders. We don't want you getting a cold out of nowhere."



"Please leave me alone for now… Kyoko…"


I don't want to believe it.

I will never desire to believe it.

"Hiroshi… Chiyo is-"


"…Please don't avoid the truth anymore."


"Chiyo was shot through her heart, the doctors already said that she won't be able to-"



"Chiyo will survive! She will live! She will be able to make it!!!"



"Iwasawa-sama! Please let go of Kusanagi-sama's neck!"

"She will live, you hear me?! She will survive! She will-"

"Kh-! Take Iwasawa-sama away! We need him to let go of her!"

"Hak-! Kah!"

"Are you alright, Kusanagi-sama?"


I don't want her to go… not now… never in forever.

"Chiyo… Hik-! Chiyo!!!"


"…Why does it have to be like this…? Why is Reika-nee and Shizuka-chan doing all of this?"

It has been a day since the assassination of Aoyama Chiyo in the middle of the Imperial capital city of Hitachi.

And for the past twenty-four or so hours, there has been a single word that is being repeated in the lips of everyone who has inside knowledge of the events.

"Aoyama Chiyo-dono won't make it. The gunshot was too critical."

"It pierced her heart and her upper lung… the damage was too much."

"Just because we became too complacent with the city's safety due to the Shogunate and Imperial police forces becoming integrated… and it caused the death of Shogun-sama's ally… Damn it all!"

Almost no one had any hope about Chiyo's survival… not a single one of them wanted to hold onto a hope that she can make it through such a horrible injury…

No one did… except for the person who finally chose to be with her and love her.

"It's been a while, Iwasawa-sama."

"Oh… Nobisuke."

"Yes… Can I sit beside you?"


I have been sitting outside of the operating room since yesterday when I brought Chiyo to this hospital by myself. All of it was a blur to me due to the suddenness of the events, but I was sure that when I got her to the emergency room, her heart was still beating, and her breath was still strong.

"I made a call to Nagisa last night that we won't be coming back soon… Of course, I kept the thing that happened yesterday as a secret. Who knows what those wackos in the private-owned newspaper and radio stations would tell the people if it were known that Chiyo was assassinated?"

"Private media, huh? Hehehe… Same shit even in this other world."

"They've been criticizing our military action in Mizuki province ever since the start of the war. They lied that we've been killing civilians and damaging cultural and religious sites… of course, some people bit their words and took to the streets to protest against it."

"Were there riots and such?"

"Thankfully, it didn't reach that point. Photographic evidence and articles from more reputable journalists soon proved that we conducted our invasion as safely as possible and a document from Toshinori-dono's office that I allowed to be declassified for the public through newspapers proved that we have allocated more than enough money to bring the island province of Mizuki back to its feet after the war."

From his coat's chest pocket, he took out a cigarette that he placed on his mouth before lighting its end using an electric lighter.

"I never saw you smoking before…"

"I picked it up from the navy… those guys smoke so much that their meeting rooms looks like someone threw a smoke grenade inside of it."

"Doesn't your girlfriend scold you about that?"

"I only smoke when I feel tired, and I still have work to do… or when I feel so angry that I don't know how I can let it out…"


"Tell me, Iwasawa-sama…"

"…What is it?"

"Do you also want to destroy that place and slaughter all of them who is responsible for this thing?"

Even though they weren't able to grow up together since Chiyo was taken as a collateral by the Ayanami clan for Takeshi-dono's loans, Nobisuke and Chiyo were cousins who treated each other like siblings. So great were their closeness that except for me and Chiyo, Nobisuke was the only one who knew about our romantic relationship.

"Nobisuke… I don't think I have the heart and strength to go that far yet. Right now, what I want to do is to pray for Chiyo's survival and recovery…"

"…I do as well, Iwasawa-sama…"

"Then let's not talk about what we should do about the Daigo clan for now…"

As I was saying that, Nobisuke took a booklet from his chest pocket and placed it on my lap.

"What is this?"

"The precautionary invasion plan that I made along with General Ishida… We became suspicious of the Daigo clan when they said that they would participate in the war in Mizuki but none of them appeared until the last parts of the invasion. At first, we thought that it was just their outdated navy being unable to get through the pirate blockade around Kise, but then, someone exposed their true motives to us."

"And who is this someone?"

"Daigo Aiko."


"The Shogun did say that she was also on the Daigo clan's side during the titling and crowning ceremony where she and Reika put up a show to win your trust and support… but it seemed like after the Miyazono overlord in the north caught her double-spying and Reika learned that she used the intel that she has as a bargaining chip when I caught her, she decided to fully turn her back against them."

"So, you were already aware that they might turn on us, huh?"

"Yes… but not to this extent. At first, I thought that they would just try to perform harassing attacks on Kiko through Iso river or start terror attacks on Shinka that they would later pin on us, but to think that they would go from 0 to 100 this quick by assassinating Chiyo…"

"None of us saw this coming…"

To be exact, we really didn't expect them to be our enemies… much less, outright attack us like this out of the blue.

Throughout our alliance, the Daigo clan and the people of Kise has been friendly and helpful to us. Our alliance let our merchants to be free from inter-provincial trade taxes and tariffs. And there was even the case of Old man Toshinori being able to meet and be reunited with his wife that used to be a political hostage of the Daigo clan simply through the sheer friendship of our lands.

That's why when the Shogun talked about them being our true enemies, I was more than skeptical, I was outright denying that such was the case.

And now that I look back at that, I regret not being more cautious about them and the ways how they could harm me and those around me.

"Does Takeshi-dono know?"

"…Of course. She's his daughter and as her father, Uncle has the right to be one of the first people to be informed about it. I called him through the radiophone earlier and he said that he'll pray from Kiko and let you handle things here by yourself."

"He's putting too much faith on me."

"That's just how much he trusts you."

"Yeah… and I'm afraid that I would end up disappointing him once we go back."

"Why do you say so, Iwasawa-sama?"

"Because I and Chiyo aren't even married yet and I already showed that I can't even protect her when it is needed the most."

"Don't be so self-loathing, Iwasawa-sama…"

"I deserve this… Let me be with my disappointment of myself."


After his cigarette was out, he placed the singed butt to the trash bin beside him and took another one which he placed on his lips.

"Oh… Do you also want one, Iwasawa-sama? It rained while you're bringing Chiyo here yesterday and I heard you haven't taken a bath or changed clothes yet."

"No need… Kyoko gave me a heated blanket earlier. I'm already warm."

"I see… About that thing earlier which happened because of a rush of your emotions. I plan to visit their inn to apologize on your behalf-"

"I'll do that by myself, Nobisuke."

"But sir, other people may see this as a sign of weak-"

"I will be apologizing to her as her friend. I don't see any reason why I have to feel ashamed or weak about something that I should do as a decent person."

"…I see. I will leave it to your hands then."



As the door of the operating room opened, I shot up straight as fast as I can and threw the blanket that Kyoko gave me earlier to immediately ask for the answer that would relieve my anxious and pained heart right now.

"Is she… alive?"


"Sir, let me speak to him about-"

"Leave this to me, kids… All of you should rest now."

"As you order, sir."

As the nurses and surgical assistants walked away, my eyes were affixed to the elderly doctor who carried a heavy expression on his face… an expression that is already giving me worries.

"Doctor… please don't tell me that-"

"…I apologize, Iwasawa-dono."


"No… Chiyo…"

The crushing news brought both me and Nobisuke to our knees in utter shock and hopelessness.

"Lady Aoyama Chiyo is in a comatose state… and I am afraid that within three days, she will eventually die."


I was afraid that things would quickly escalate as soon as they learn that he and I have come into contact with each other and I have told him about everything that I know so far.

But to think that they would go this fast and far… I wanted to blame myself for not assuring their safety ahead of the time.

"Shogun-sama… Kawasaki-sama is asking for your presence in the dungeon."

"…I will be there soon. Go ahead of me."

"As you wish, Your Highness."


The cultists of the past world's evils have showed their true forms, that monster from the other world has planted himself in my homeland and are holding my countrymen as hostages against me, foreigners from the west are slowly setting sail for this land that are rich with the resources that they so desire for, the act of consolidating and pacifying the people that come under my rule is becoming more difficult as the days pass by and my borders grow…

But worse of all…

"Kh-! Ack-!"


"Someone! Bring the tonic and balm here!"

"Y-Yes, Head maid!"

"Aaaaaahhh… Kuuuhhh…!"

"Please hold on, Shogun-sama! The medicine is here!"

…I am afraid that my time in the active participation in all of this will soon come to an end.

"Loosen Shogun-sama's clothes and place his head on a pillow!"

"Is the tonic for the eyes here?"

"Shogun-sama's chest wounds are opening! Put the tonic and balm already!"

This… is the price I pay for going against the wishes of this world's past destiny.

One other person endured this price, which is bearing the death of untold billions of people on his mind and heart… a suffering that might've turned him insane in wherever place he is now.

And yet, I believe that person never regretted his decision, and if that is so for him, so does it for me.

All of us humans have something that we are so attached to… something that we are prepared to die for if it was harmed or it is threatened with harm. And for me, both in the otherworld and this world, that something is my dedication to bring order upon this world for the sake of peace and prosperity.

"Thank you… all of you."

"It is our pleasure to be of service to you, Shogun-sama…"

"Please do not humble yourself by thanking our miniscule actions…"

"We are your humble servants. Our service is for your honor and life."

I will… No, I must steel my resolve even more and seek a way to finally bring peace and safety to my land if I wish to at least save it from the destruction that will be coming to it someday.

I must act now… I must teach everything to him now.

Or else, my time would run out and even in death, I will not be at peace if I die knowing that this country of mine is unable to withstand the evils that will be coming to its way someday.



"Heyo, Sora-senpai! You look like you've got another one of those Otherworlder hiccups. Are you-"

"Have you made any progress, Endou?"

"Geez… You're really good at avoiding questions about your health, aren't you?"

"Don't mind me about that. I can handle myself."

"…Do you want me to remind you about what happened the last time you said those words to us three?"


Inside the dungeon of my estate palace, I met with Endou, my subordinate and close friend where he noticed that I had another one of those "attacks" from the faint smell of the tonic and balm on me.

"What are you at this point, senpai? 60? 70? Maybe even 80 years old?"

"I was reborn in a new body and that makes me only 26 years old. Stop trying to equate my mental age with my state of physical health."


"Anyways, let's get back to the topic at hand… How are things progressing with her?"

"Oh! I personally did the observations and it's consistent with the behavioral patterns and avoidance of certain stimuli that we got from the captured Greenhoods."

"Poor girl…"



As soon as the guards by the door opened it, the pained screams of a young woman filled the air.

"Wear the necklace. Trust me, you wouldn't want to find out how much they regress down the evolutionary scale in terms of hostile behavior. One of the guards forgot to wear his and was almost torn apart once he entered this room to feed them."


From our pockets, we took out necklaces with a large blue iris flower design on its main piece. Because of its size, it would be more apt to call it as a medallion.



"This place stinks…"

"What can you expect from people who are designed to be disposable brainwashed pawns? Once they finish their directive set by the hypnotist, they slowly lose their brain function and regress back to animalistic behavior."

"I already know that. Didn't we see the same thing in Myoko about a while ago?"

"Yes, but the medicine that I blended to help them keep their brain functions from regressing even lower is no longer working."

"Ayoo, what the hell?"

After hearing that revelation from me, even the normally calm Endou had to come and face me with a shocked expression on his face.

"I made MK Ultra EX to help out the people in the north who becomes insane during the long winter stay in our land. Although I have to admit that the name was certainly unsavory, it nevertheless was made as a medicinal therapy for the sake of everyone's mental health."

"Yeah… I mean, you used that on me once when I had my own Otherworlder hiccup. If you didn't intervene back then by controlling my still unhinged mind, I don't think I would ever have a better chance of living here peacefully."

"Endou, all four of us know that what you did back then in the previous world is unforgiveable."


"Although I and Chiasa know the true reason why you ended up with that kind of solution to your problem, Garou's initial reaction after knowing your name should be enough to let you know the gravity of your sins."

"Senpai… that is-"

"Still, you were brought to this world, and you were never able to do your time in the past world… I believe it isn't wrong for me to say that there must be a reason why you're here…"

"What… do you mean?"

"…Look around us. Don't these people's appearances look familiar to you somehow?"

Endou looked around at the feral-looking brainwashed people around us and I noticed that his expression began to become sullen slowly.

"I was there throughout all the years when the thing you made spread across the world and did as how you designed it to be… it turned all of the people that you considered as evil and deplorable into the monsters that your hurt mind saw them as."


"I have also done a lot of wrong in my past life, Endou… And even until now, I still remember them in my heart. But unlike you who hides all of it under your smile, I've paid my dues and they no longer weigh on my heart. Right now, I simply remember them as reminders to not do those things anymore and to strive to become a better person for the sake of everyone around me."


"How about you then, Endou? When will you let go of what weighs you down so you can live that peaceful life that you wish to have?"

While he is stuck there dumbfounded with my words, I walked forward to the cell of the young woman who keeps on screaming wildly like a feral animal.

"Daigo Shizuka… Sister of Reika."


"…To think that she's willing to send you here even though she knows how destructive the blowback of the brainwashing is… She has really become insane."

*Cling… CLANK-!*


"Don't move around too much… this won't take long."

After opening and entering her jail cell, she cowered to a corner of the room after seeing the blue iris piece on my necklace. With her fearing my presence, I took a syringe from the case I brought with me and was able to safely take one of her arms where I jabbed her with the medicine I just made earlier.

"Uuuu… Guuu…"

"Is it working?"

"We'll only know once she wakes up… I only tested it with three subjects from outside. All three of them showed great recovery with one expecting to be fully healed by tomorrow."

"Let's pray that it does happen then. This young lassie doesn't deserve this kind of fate."

As things progressed well for us down here, I wished that things up top are also moving in the way that I planned them to be.


"It is as how the doctor have spoken to us… Lady Aoyama wouldn't be able to make it."

"No way…"

"Lady Chiyo-"

"…Damn it all."

Inside the inn that was reserved for the contingent of the Kiko, Shinka and Fuku province's nobles, the earthshattering news finally came to the ears of them who has been on their seat's edge since the assassination became public knowledge.

"W-Wait… Is Chiyo-sama-"

"We fear that it would be the case eventually, my lord."

"No… Not Chiyo-nee!"

"I apologize, Yamaguchi-kou-sama… this is out of our power."

"No way… No-!"

"Please excuse us, esteemed leaders."

Although they aren't willing to show as much emotion as the young daimyo, everyone in that room carried the same pain and frustration in their hearts.

"And just when he has finally chosen her…"

"Why is the Daigo clan doing this…?"

Kyoko and Mitsuhide gnashed their teeth in anger. Both from the frustration of the two lovers being parted this early and this suddenly, and the fact that their ally for a long time has stabbed them on the back.

"We must return to the south as soon as possible."

"I second that, Kaminari-san… those scum must die!"

"This means war… doesn't it?"

"Of course, it does, Ayasaki-kun…"

Kaminari Tatsu, Kotori, Ayato and Minori spoke in turns about Tatsu's suggestion for all of them to go back to their provinces as quickly as possible to prepare for an invasion of Kise.

"I will have to stop the four of you right there…"

"Sister Camilla?"

"Why are you butting into this, foreigner woman?"

"Kotori! Show some respect!"


"I apologize on her behalf, Sister… She's the newest in our ranks, so she must've seen your suggestion as unnecessary banter from an outsider."

"No need to apologize for her, Tatsu-kun… and I understand why an outsider like me butting into this issue might seem like a problem to her."

"Your graciousness is to be envied, Sister."

After seeing the degree of respect that the high-ranking subordinate of their master showed to the strange-looking woman, both Ayato and Kotori was confused.

"It seems like introductions have to be given… after all, we were never able properly meet and introduce each other since I became busy with catching up with one of my friends…"

The nun stood up and by lifting the hem of her skirt slightly and placing her foot behind the other, formally introduced herself to the two new subordinates of Hiroshi.

"My name is Camilla Dormer, Head nun of the St. John the Divine Chapel of Kiko province. I am what you may call as a missionary from another country."

"A religious invader, you say?"

"That… would be a correct yet inaccurate term to use for me. Maybe even rude."


"I am one of the core tacticians of your master."


"In truth, the invasion plan for the lands of the Satou clan and the recent war against the Arakami pirates of Mizuki island is from me."

After she revealed her line of work with their master, the two finally understood why the other people in the room revered her enough to not show any prejudice towards her.

"Let's keep a level head about this, everyone…"

"General Shimura!"

"Nobisuke, how is he doing?"


"Not well… I guess?"

"Yes. Very…"

As General Shimura entered the room, Kyoko asked him the question that everyone seeks to be answered right now.

"So, Chiyo-chan only has a few days, huh?"


"We're saddened and angered with all of this, Shimura-dono… Trust me."

"I know that… thank you for the gesture."

Nobisuke left the room as quickly as he came in, leaving all of them feel the sheer anguish and hatred that he is actively holding back in his heart and mind.

"Nobisuke-dono isn't any good either…"

"Chiyo is his cousin. He's bound to feel intense hatred with her eventual passing."

"I can understand that to some extent… I lost an elder brother when I am young after all."

"I don't think we should expect the two of them to be in the right mind for serious conversations for the next few days… if we ask them about how we have to handle things with the Daigo clan, they might overrule us and order an all-out attack on Kise."

"I second that."

"Excuse me, everyone…"

Their conversation about how things should go for now was cut short with the arrival of a person who brought in a handcuffed young woman in the room.

"I'm bringing in someone who just woke up from her trance."


"Shogun, what is the meaning of this? Why did you bring her here?"

"Because what she has to say is something that won't be as credible if I just sent someone to say it."

Shogun Sora let the young woman in who is still dressed in her bloodstained and dusty Yukata that she was arrested with. On her hands were a pair of handcuffs and his mouth had a cloth gag.

"I want you to say everything that you revealed to me earlier… Word by word and with nothing omitted."

"Mm! Mm!"

After she gave her response, the Shogun took off the cloth gag on her lips and she heaved a sigh before she spoke everything.

"Reika-nee intends to commit a chemical attack on Shinka and Yukonami before this week's end."



"Is she insane?!"

"Kyoko-nee! Mitsuhide-nee! Please stop her! Everyone in Kise's governing body is under her brainwashing already! No one but you guys can stop her!"


Today was a normal peaceful day in the corner of the province that was given to me by my beloved master, Kusanagi Kyoko-sama.

"Argh! Why is the fifth volume of Silver Blade not out yet? It's been two months already! Geez!!!"

"Be at peace… We have other novels to read while waiting for it. The author must be simply taking a break."

"Muu! Like you're one to speak, Mitsuha-nee-sama! You're the one who always complains about delayed novels, y'know?"

"Urgh! N-No I don't!"

"Yes, you do!"

Today, a guest from Kiko's Misanagi clan, a child named Misanagi Rinne, was in my room, reading some light novels with me. She was complaining about the delayed release of the fifth volume of Silver Blade. Deep inside, I was also frustrated since it is my favorite series, but being in front of a child, I had to keep some control over my emotions.


"A soldier from the border? What is it?"

"I bear news from our borderline with Kise, my lord!"

"Kise? What on earth?"

I took the scroll that was on his hand and opened it.

However, instead of the normal report that I expect to receive today, the contents of the scroll were something that was enough to make me stand up and order my army into full readiness.

"Soldier! Tell the commanders and captains to immediately gather all of our forces!"

"Yes, mam!"

"Head maid, head maid, are you there?!"

"Yes, my lord. What is your command?"

"Secure the Misanagi princess in the castle's keep. I don't want to hear that she was harmed, am I understood?"

"As you command, my lady!"

My mind was running in full force after that moment…

After all, the contents of the scroll were as follows.

The are massive movements of troops to the southern tip of the Kise Peninsula. Although the possibility of a simple military force exchange is possible, we believe that this sudden shift in their movement leads to something that we do not expect.|

"Please… Please don't tell me that you really are not on our side…"

That day marked the beginning of the end for the Southern Alliance and the beginning of the new era of civil war across the country.