Chereads / I Became a Sengoku Lord! (戦国王になった!) / Chapter 106 - I Dream of a Dreaming Girl

Chapter 106 - I Dream of a Dreaming Girl

"Who are you?"


Until that time, it never occurred to me to ask her directly about her name. It was really strange for even me.



"Mm! I am Rin, the owner of this place. Ehehe… you were the first to become aware and ask for my name y'know?"


"Yep! Everyone else either tells me stories or says boring and weird things that are also embarrassing like… um… "Praise the Star Goddess" or something?"


"Anyways, I think I have to give you a reward or something for being able to get through that sense of trance… Hyup!"

She lightly threw up the metal board that she always keeps near her chest, and it lit up with a gentle glow.


Using something that looked like a pen, she caught the board and drew on it. What she drew appeared right in front of our eyes which is a huge gate that emits a soft glow.

"What… is this?"

"The place where the real Rin is… The room where I kept her while trying to find the person deserving of saving her."

The girl suddenly changed her appearance into a human-sized doll made of metal. If what I remember from Iwasawa-sama's personal books are right, this is something that they call as a robot.

"Rin is… the sole surviving and most perfect invention of my dear master. For many years, I have been thinking about why he made me just to save her alone and not himself as well… but now…"


The robot carefully pushed me through the gate as its last words echoed in my ears.

"Now I know what hope and love means…"


"Is the general alright?"

"Prepare a medical team at the assembly area. If his vitals get messed up, we need doctors around him."

I regained my senses as I was being lifted into the deck of the Ashigara. I heard voices all around me, all planning ahead and acting on protocol to keep me alive.


"He's waking up!"

"Stop moving! I'll check him!"

I was lowered down and saw Ryuusui lighting a penlight on my eyes to see if I am awake. I blinked slowly which made him confirm my awareness.

"He's awake now… but it seems he can't respond much to our words. Bring him to my quarters, he needs a bed to lie at."

"Yes, Captain!"

"Report to the forward base that we have a two VIPs on deck! Turn the ship around! Anchors aweigh!"

"Anchors aweigh, captain!"

I went back to sleep by that moment, but this time, there were no more dreams for me to experience. I expected something… which is by itself a strange thing for me to think about…

Just what is happening to me that I am trying to look for something that I don't even know about?


"Welcome back, Sir!"

"…Sit down… I'm still a bit groggy so don't speak too loudly."

"Y-Yes, sir…"

I was brought back to our base in Ichida Island where I received proper medical attention. After about several hours and the permission of the camp physician, I went to the operation meeting where Admiral Kuwahabara and the other ship captains are in.

"General… pardon me if I must say this frankly, but I believe all of us deserve to receive an explanation from you regarding the events that happened yesterday."

"Of course. I'm not going to obstinate about it."

I narrated what happened yesterday regarding my slipping out of the base, trip to the sandbar harbor and my retrieval of Daigo Aiko. However, I kept my mouth shut regarding Eichi's identity and simply referred to him as a "personal subordinate" who wished to not be identified.

"I see… If that is so, you have showed your great skills yet again, General Shimura. You have yet again, made all of Kiko proud."

"That's right!"

"We're happy to have you on our side and leading us, Shimura-sama!"

Even though I told them to not raise their voices because of my headache, they still clapped and cheered which made me hold my head in slight pain.

"How about you then, Tactician?"


"Why don't you give us an explanation too?"

By the time I said those words, the room became quiet and tense as my eyes became sharp and carried my malice towards him.

"W-What could you be talking about… sir?"

"Captain Masuyo… bring it in."

"Yes, sir."

Captain Masuyo, who is the leader of our special operations group, went out for a moment before bringing in a crate that was slightly wet with sea water.

"And what is this that you ordered the captain to bring in, General?"

"Seiryuu rifles… from the sea wall mission of Captain Masuyo's team."


Masuyo opened the crate and inside were fully functioning M5 Seiryuu rifles that undoubtedly came from our Kiko factories.

"T-this is…"

"They don't have serial numbers!"

Once the other officers looked at the guns and confirmed some irregularities in it, they all looked at me again for further information.

"The Special Agency Department's main job is to collect intelligence, sieve through them to look for potential hazards to our national security or opportunities to outsmart our enemies and if allowed by Iwasawa-sama or the Agency Director, intervene in it."

"What are you trying to get across, Nobisuke?"

"Don't you get it, Ryuusui? The Special Agency Department has been making covert armament deals with the Arakami pirates and are indirectly responsible for their eventual take-over of the Mizuki islands."


"This is absurd! Are you telling us that we are cleaning up their mistakes?!"

I nodded and the other officers shot enraged looks at the tactician and other officers from the Special Agency.


"What? Are you just going stay silent right there?"

"That's the guilt that's stopping them from talking."

I took out a folder and in it was the report I typed up last night about all the irregularities I saw during my trip at the sandbar port.

"There are knock-off rifles in the weapon shops there that imitates our Seiryuu rifles. I have also come across a prototype imitation of our Sakana cannons, possibly one that was also imitated from the deals of the Agency."

"Speak up, you curs!"

"This is not acceptable! Explain yourselves!"

After they saw that the other officers' rage is in its height, the tactician heaved a sigh and spoke up at last.

"Gentlemen… I will speak on behalf of my subordinates and our superiors."


"This won't free you from a court martial, you get it?!"

He wore a calm expression while explaining the events leading up to this mission.

"Ever since Iwasawa-sama hid inside Naka castle, Director Kuro has been remotely sending us out on espionage and sabotage missions to prepare a safe place for Iwasawa-sama's return to the outside world. One of this is what we, the tactics and strategy office, proposed called "Operation Lend-Lease" where we will supply rebel forces with weapons and training and sometimes even direct military assistance hidden behind the veil of a "third-party mercenary group"."


"This has been crucial during our work at Mutsuki province where we supplied a rebelling slave army with weapons and allowed them to take over the province without letting the Imperial Shogunate army to suspect our involvement. Because of this, we now have positive connections with the current government of Mutsuki province which helped spread Iwasawa-sama's ideal regarding the disbandment of slavery."

Hearing that, some of the officers seemed to simmer down from their rage. This tactician sure has one hell of a silver tongue as his choice of words saved his and his subordinates' necks from being slashed on the spot.

"This case with the Arakami pirates… is something that we honestly recognize as a failure. We studied them about a year before the Naka Harbor Bombardment Incident and believed that the Arakami Pirates will be a vital tool for controlling the northern sea."

"But those dogs bit our asses later, ain't they?"

"That… is true."

"Is that all that you can say, you bastard!? I lost a lot of men back then because of your failure!"

"Captain Kidou!"

"Hold him down!"

"Argh! I will kill you, you bastard!"

"Ryuusui, Kuwahabara! Bring him outside and calm him down!"

"Yes, general!"

"Arghhh! I won't let you get away with this!"

After Captain Kidou was taken out of the room, I looked at the Agency officers and gave my verdict.

"Call the Military Police. Have them take the Agency officers back to Kiko and arrange a top-down investigation throughout their ranks. Have them find relevant evidence to their involvement with our enemies."

"Yes, general."

"Stop right there, soldier! This is unconstitutional, general. I believe that you are aware that even the combined armed forces command cannot intervene with the affairs of the Special Agency department due to Article 3 of the Executive Intelligence Agency act."

"Yes, but as the Minister of War and Civil Defense, I have the ability to bypass that law as someone who is part of the Executive powers. I will not be stopped, Tactician."


"Don't worry, the holding facility's food is good. Until this war isn't over and more evidence about your involvement is yet to be unearthed, you and your companions will await your court martial trial there. And don't even think of escaping, or else, you will automatically commit high treason."

"Military Police is here. Please, Agency officers, come with us in peace."

"Agents… Execute the Protocol."



As the MP officers approached the Agents, I sensed something amiss and by instinct, drew my revolver at the same time when the Tactician spoke a discreet order and took out a knife from his wrist to stab the MP who was about to cuff him.


"Get down! Get down!"

"Protect the general!"

As soon as my bullet hit him on the chest and his body hit the floor, the entire meeting room was abuzz with the MPs holding down the other Agents who was about to take out their kunai knives, the naval captains drawing out their revolvers and pistols to protect themselves and my Crow agents hopping into action to surround me.

"Get them out of here!"

"Yes, sir! Come on, you traitors! Don't think about doing anything stupid now!"


After the agents were brought out and the Tactician was confirmed as dead, the question that I expected to come up came.

"So there really were enemies in our own turf… You were right, Nobisuke."

"Yeah… and I'm very pissed about it."

"What now? Without Tactics and Strategy, we can't fully coordinate our forces."

"Yeah, I don't mean to annoy all of you further, but those people hold our intel and plans."

I sighed due to our current situation and thought about it deeply. It is true that the bulk of our plans and tactics was handed to the agency due to them having almost all of our intel, so their treachery ruined our chain of command.

"I'll handle it. It's not like this is my first time to be the sole head of an army."

"This isn't the same as Yukonami, Nobisuke. I believe you are aware of the complexity of naval warfare and how miscalculating wave patterns and storm locations can ruin our plans."

"I know that Ryuusui! That's the reason why I am thinking well about this one!"

"…Fine. It's good to know that you are still thinking properly."

"…Give me until the afternoon. I'll give my decision after dinnertime."

"Alright, you heard the general. We're dismissed until after dinner."

"Please choose well, general."

"We will follow whatever decision you'll make."

We left the meeting room that was being cleaned and I went back to my office which was to my surprise, has three people already inside of it. Namely, Fumikage Ryuusui, Eichi and Daigo Aiko.

"Why are you three here?"

"To help you."

"Help me? Didn't I tell you that I'll decide about this by myself?"

"You did. And I chose to disobey you because of what these two told me while you were unconscious in my ship."

I looked at both Eichi and Aiko who had serious looks on their eyes. It seems like they told him something that I wanted to be kept hidden.

"What's your deal?"

"Aiko told me that-"

"Lady Aiko! Is that how you address a noblewoman, Captain?"

"Argh… Okay. Lady Aiko told me that there is a definite possibility that the Special Agency has more involvement with the enemies than what you initially deduced."

"Why did you hide this?"

"Because I need to confirm it first and what just happened earlier proved it."

I was relieved that Ryuusui played it safe and kept his mouth shut until he can confirm everything. He was wise to do that.

"I see… Elaborate this. What are you three talking about without me?"

"It's about this, general."

Eichi handed me a black folder, a black folder that is only used by the Special Agency and can only mean one thing.

"Top Secret Assassination orders…"

"And guess who are the people being targeted."


This was it. The evidence that proves that the Special Agency was about to commit a coup d'état.

"Kurogawa Toshinori, Nagisa Masami, Aoyama Chiyo, Ishida Takeo, Shimura Nobisuke… and Lord Iwasawa Hiroshi."

"All of the most important people in Kiko were about to be brought down during the war if we didn't bust their plans."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"For you and General Ishida, this war has the possibility of causing your death. For the other ministers, there's the possibility that they will be killed by some "unfortunate accident" or a stray bullet."

"And for Iwasawa-sama and Chiyo?"

"Probably a hidden execution."


What? Why are all of these popping out right now?!

"I know that they are traitors, but what good will it bring them if they kill Iwasawa-sama?!"

"Because for them, the Kirin Lord has outdone his use."

Instead of Ryuusui, it was Aiko who answered my question.

"What do you mean?"

"Have you ever looked into the background of the people in the Special Agency except for the Crows, Nobisuke?"

"They are… members of the nobility and… oh."

"Yeah, the nobility from the pro-war group of the Noble chamber. People who had long waited to have enough power to spread their control around Japan. And now that Iwasawa-sama's technology, economic system and even the formation and stabilization of the Southern Alliance has reached its peak, they have decided to eliminate our master who is reasonable with his use of such power."

"I see it now… Because of the structure of Kiko's government, if they can reach a majority vote in the Noble chamber in the event that Iwasawa-sama dies, they can probably rule over Kiko as a council-"

"-and exercise our overwhelming military power to conquer the country forcefully."

Now that my thoughts are in synch with theirs, I asked a question about how they got the evidence.

"I had my men steal it from a messenger that they secretly sent to Kise to give it to Reika."

"The Pheonix priestess? Why would she be sent such a thing?"

"Because they want her to send her blessings once your master dies."

"What?! Then that means-"

"Don't worry. Reika is innocent about this. She might be my mortal enemy for the throne of Kise, but I am not that petty enough to endanger her relationship with your state about this matter."

"Still… why would they be brave enough to assume that Reika, someone who acknowledged Iwasawa-sama, will give them her blessings?"

"The answer to that is simple. If they successfully reign over Kiko and activate their secret connections to the Arakami pirates, who do you think will be the most endangered in the mainland?"


"Right. Kise depends on international and local trade to have enough power and money to exist as an independent nation. However, if the Arakami pirates begin to actively raid their land and blockade their part of the northern sea, they will collapse."

"So Reika-dono can do nothing but obey them…"


At this point, the web of our perpetrators was complete. Thanks to Aiko's inside knowledge and connections with our enemies, we saved everyone from being killed by our corrupt and warmongering nobles.

"…I have my decision now. We will start a two-front war."

"Two-front war?"

"Yeah. Here and in Kiko. We will continue to bring down the Arakami pirates while I'll send my instructions to Ishida who will sieve through our government officers and pick out the traitors."

"I see… If it is Ishida, he can properly do it."

"He might be, but to make sure of it, I will send more help. Umm… Shinigami."

"Yes, sir."

"Go back to Kiko for now and help Ishida in rounding up our traitors… I'm sorry if you can't be the first man with us to step in Mizuki island for the battles."

"Don't worry, sir. I understand the gravity of the situation. I have no complaints about your order."

Eichi exited the room, and I was left there with Ryuusui and Aiko.

"I have another concern to raise, Nobisuke."

"What is it, Aiko?"

"I believe that your traitorous agents haven't mentioned the true leader of the Arakami pirates, don't they?"

"Nothing was mentioned. They said that all of them answer only to their own ships, so there is no need to find who leads them."

"I see… they really were planning to throw you guys under the horse cart."


She stood up to tell me and Ryuusui about the leader of the enemies.

"He's considered as the Pirate Lord of Mizuki. His name is Arakami Akagi."

"Arakami Akagi… Akagi the Terrible?"


"He's previously known as just a random buccaneer from the north of the country, but if he was adopted by the Arakami pirates and he is leading them now, it would mean that-"

"Your deduction is correct, Captain Ryuusui. He is indeed someone from the northern provinces… and guess who arranged for all of the things to align in order for him to become the leader of the Arakami Pirates…"

"Miyazono Keiji."

"Correct, general."

That clears up a lot of extra questions. If he was the one who sent over some of his men to be brainwashed and used to bombard Naka harbor, it is possible that he is also someone that we can use to clean up Kiko in one fell swoop.

"The only problem is that he's probably also in hiding now."


"Before we saw each other yesterday, I went to Mizuki and found out that he's hunkering down in his own palace after Keiji's assassins failed to kill him. For now, the control over his pirates is now under the Star Cult's control."

"So, the reason why your former boss is stopping you from coming here is-"

"To buy time until he successfully kills him and to hide what actually happens to those that has outlived their use for him."

"Your life really is in danger."

"Why else do you think I accepted your help?"

I pondered for a moment about the current situation and decided to make a call to end all of this headache that is being placed on my shoulders.

"Ryuusui, leave my office for now. As for Aiko, can you stay here?"

"Roger that. Think well, Nobisuke."

"Got it. I'll be sitting here."

After I was left alone with Aiko, I dialed a frequency in the radiophone that was owned by just one person.

"Good afternoon, Iwasawa-kou-sama."

"Ah! I recognize that voice any day. Why did you call so suddenly, Nobisuke?"

"I… I want you to listen to me carefully, my lord."

I narrated everything that happened since the war started and he patiently and thoughtfully listened from the other side of the line. By the time I finished speaking, it was almost sunset outside.

"I see, I see… So that is how things are going on over there, huh?"

"Yes… I'm sorry if I have to make this call so suddenly when you also have your own problems to deal with, Kou-sama."

"Haha! No need to feel so down, Nobisuke. It's not like this is your fault. On the contrary, your actions and proactiveness is to be highly regarded."

"I-I am honored."

He audibly heaved a sigh before telling me his own advice about how things will be handled.

"I am a merciful ruler, Nobisuke. But I have none to give to traitors. Our judicial system headed by the Misanagi clan is just. I'm sure that they'll be executed because of high treason… even the noble chamber representatives. Don't let them get away with this."

"Your instructions will be honored, my lord."

"As for how we will handle this war, I'll try to call the Kiko Three to your aid."


"Why are you so surprised? My benefactors owe me one for giving me this title and I proved their judgement right. I think I can ask those three old men to get out of their rocking chairs and tea rooms and help you guys out there for just once."

"T-thank you! Thank you very much, Iwasawa-sama!"

It never occurred to me to ask the Kiko Three for help. Perhaps it was because I didn't want to ask the retired warriors to fight again, but if Iwasawa-sama says that he can ask for their help, I'm sure it will be great help indeed.

"Well then, I guess that's it for now. Good job so far, Nobisuke."

"Ah, I almost forgot. I want you to talk to her."

"Oh yes. She's under us for now, huh? Hand her the phone."

I gave Aiko the speaker and the microphone and she initiated the conversation.

"Greetings, Kirin Lord Iwasawa."

"Good evening too, Lady Daigo."

"Ara? Seems like your master is more respectful towards noblewomen than his subjects."

After giving me a sharp remark, she spoke to Iwasawa-sama regarding his journey.

"I highly suggest that you come back to your lands before this war ends. Right now, your enemy is content with just shooting around your feet. But if he loses grip in the south, he will send all of his cronies to end you directly."

"…I see. I've already had an arrangement to meet with the Shogun tomorrow. If things can go well, I believe we can settle this peacefully."

"W-wait, Iwasawa-sama! The Shogun is-"

"Do talk to him properly, Kirin Lord. Your nation's future is on your shoulder."

"Yeah. Thanks a lot, and I apologize in advance if you'll have a pretty awkward talk with Reika."

"I can handle it. Don't worry."

The line was cut immediately without me having the opportunity to tell Iwasawa-sama that our enemy is not the Shogun.

"Why did you do that, Aiko?"

"It was a valuable opportunity."

"Opportunity to what?!"

Aiko sighed for a moment before she looked at me with a serious gaze.

"I believe that your master has been included in the Shogun's plans to defeat their common enemy."

"W-what? How?"

"Think of it in this way… The Shogun is more than capable of reconquering his home province through military means, but since he is dealing with a psychotic control-freak who has no sense of value in human life, it is more than possible that the innocent countrymen that he values so much will be used as meat shields."

"And what will be Iwasawa-sama's role in this?"

"That, I don't know fully. The only thing I can be sure of is that the Shogun seems to know a lot about your master… both his past world and present world identity."

I furrowed my eyebrows as what she was saying sounded like nonsense. But I can sense honesty and determination in her words. She might've been our enemy back then, but now that she has no other place to go to, it seems like she's not bad of a person at all.

"I get it… I won't ask for more. But if this somehow ends up harming my master…"

"Don't worry and wish for the best. If anything, its your job as his followers to make sure that he won't be harmed."

Dinnertime came and afterwards, the senior officers went back to the meeting room to hear my verdict.

"I called Iwasawa-sama and in light of our current situation and the treachery of the Special Agency, he said that he'll request the help of the Kiko Three."

"T-The living legends themselves?!"

"This is unbelievable! I can't believe we can fight alongside them again!"

"All right, everyone. Settle down!"

After the room was silenced, I continued with our talks.

"Our main objective used to just be the subjugation of the Arakami pirates, but after my trip to the sandbar port, I confirmed that we have more things to do here."

"Like what, general?"

"The Star Goddess Cult of Mizuki is making moves that will affect our war with the pirates. Although they are supposed to be separate entities, it seems like religious fanatics in the pirate fleets are blindly following the words of their leaders and causing havoc in the islands."

"The Star cult, huh? This isn't my first-time hearing about them, but I didn't know they have a militarized wing now."

"Well, like it or not, that's the situation we are in now… We're going to have a bad time here if we are caught off-guard."

"I know what you're talking about. Since the waters near the main island are shallow or full of reefs, our main navy can't get close to the shore. All that we can provide now are naval gun support."

"According to the intel we have at hand, how plausible is a successful land war in the main island?"

Ryuusui tossed a question to a clerk who gave his deduction.

"Considering that this is in the main turf of the pirates, the island is full of rivers, marshes and cliffs, the Arakami pirates favor ambush and guerilla warfare and our enemies are high-morale zealots… Under 30% success, sir."

"But if the Kiko Three is here?"

"That can double, but I will not be able to say anything conclusive, sir. Since there are other factors that are not yet in play."

"I see…"

Ryuusui gave me a gaze and asked me something.

"Nobisuke, you once told me that we cannot involve civilians, right?"

"Yeah, according to our martial rules."

"I know that this may raise some eyebrows… but do you mind if you make an exception for this plan I have in mind?"

"Tell it to everyone first, only then will I give my verdict."

He breathed in to gather confidence before telling us about his suggestion.

"Why don't we find a local group that isn't in good terms with the pirates as well. You know, arm them and have them fight with us?"

"Dismissed, we will not do that, Captain Ryuusui."

"I guessed right… Since this will only be a repetition of what the Special Agency did."

"Right. I know that all of you care about your men's safety first and foremost, but I cannot allow local people to take the brunt for us either. We're not savages or heartless brutes."

As we pondered more about our next moves, we tried to find a way to solve two withstanding issues we are having.

First, we wanted to end the war quickly since our men may not be talking about it presently, but we are aware that they want to be home before summer starts for the summer festival. However, now that we are in the main area of our enemy, the number of our operations and offensives will grow exponentially. And now that we lost our strategizing and intel branches, we will have a harder time in managing all of that.

Lastly, we don't want to lose too many men. Experienced military leaders like Uncle Takeshi and Master Fumikage and Hikigaya will come to our aid, but it will only change our situation slightly as the terrain is still the same. To that, we have to come up with a brilliant solution.

"Sirs, if I may be allowed to speak?"

"Huh? Scout Balloon leader Omura, what is it?"

Suddenly, the leader of the scouting balloons squadron raised his hand and asked to be allowed to speak.

"I have a strange, yet I believe, effective solution to this."

"Alright, do speak up."

"Do you remember how Special Force Captain Masuyo's team entered the sea wall last time?"

"Yes, I think they rode your air vehicles and used those new tools called a parachute, right?"

"Right… So, considering that we are dealing with the possibility of ambushes and guerilla fighters as our infantry lands on the island… I want to ask for permission for my squadron to be armed with mortar bombs, flare guns and grenades."

Everyone in the room furrowed their eyebrows and gave the air balloon captain a confused look, but after piecing things together, they stood up in surprise and spoke the similar words.

"""That's brilliant!"""

"I see. So, from being air scouts, your group will become air grenadiers… No, there must be a better name to be given to you…"

"How about "Air Force"?"

Ryuusui's suggestion came at the right moment as the new word had the good ring that stated the lethality of their new purpose.

"Alright, Captain Omura. I believe your force has to change up some things to fit your new job. I'll give your team a few days to complete your adjustments as I arrange for the armaments that you need."

"That's good. We have to sew bigger balloons to accommodate the extra weight of the weapons anyway. Ah, while we are still here. Captain Kido, I have a favor to ask."

"Ah, yes. What is it?"

"I heard that your ship has some broken stoves, mind handing them to us?"

"Sure thing. I'll have them sent as soon as possible."

With things going well now, we expect the war to become more easily won.

However, the same doesn't go with this strange feeling in my heart.


Later that night, when I have returned to my quarters to rest, I found myself repeating that name as I dozed off.


This strange feeling in my heart… what is this? Why does it make my heart heavy whenever I remember that dream when I entered that gate?



She was there, asleep and in peace. I cannot properly see her face because of the light that attacks my eyes. But one thing that her appearance left me was a strange feeling of… I don't know.

I dream of a dreaming girl… and I want to save her from that dream.

"Just wait… I will get there soon."