"Then, does that mean, I can still have some hope on you, my sweet fiancée..?"
He grinned in amusement and I abruptly let lose my grasp on his tunic and pushed him off in complete embarrassment.
"D-Don't call me like that! S-Stupid Prince! "
"Okay, my sweet fiancée". He teased again as though all his happiness has been regained.
"Prince Zenon Charming!! " I pouted as he chuckled.
"So, do you like this room? You can tell me if it isn't comfortable. You don't need to pretend like you are very gentle in front of me.."
"How rude! I am gentle.. "
"Yes, yes. So says the girl who had insulted the royal officials, escaped the prison, fought the dragon and often argues with the Second Prince of the great kingdom..."
"I only do that, because you always seems to enjoy teasing me Prince Zeno. "
"Oh my.. , You know, me so well, already, Lady Rottenstein.. It makes me so happy. Why don't you just marry me, already..? "
I flushed red.
"S-Shut up! Stop joking around.. "
"Haha, I have always been serious though. Well, so anyways.. Tell me, do you like this room?"
He asked me again.
" I had arranged especially for the two of you and.. It's really important because I don't want you to escape from the palace too like how you did in the prison... "
I gulped. Oh dear. That's exactly my plan.
"..Without my notice..? " he stressed with his signature "special" smile as I felt a chill spine in my body.
"O-Of course! I-I love it here, though this p-place seems to be isolated from the other parts of the castle.. " I stammered.
"But, other than that.. The room is amazing, Prince Zeno, especially since it's filled with fresh scent of rose petals everywhere. It's probably because of all the enormous rose bouquets, you have decorated room with in each of it's four corners. It's kinda extravagant for a normal room, if you ask me. But, this is a palace. So, I guess, this is just how things are.. Pfft, it really makes me feel like I am a princess.. " I joked when a serious expression fell on Prince Zeno's face.
"Well, All the guest rooms aren't extravagant.. I did these decorations for you..."
".....What? "
"The Rose bouquets.. You like them, don't you? Seeing your astounded expression.. I suspect, you haven't found my other surprise either..."
"The room is dark and isolated for a purpose, Lady Rottenstein.." He grinned and gently lead my hand to the door of the room's balcony.
He slowly twisted the lock open and a cool gust of wind abruptly blew all my wild hair backwards.
I pulled off my bangs from my eyes and looked forward when my eyes abruptly widen in surprise of what lied before me.
"Woooow!" I squeaked at the amazing sight.
The sky was beautiful. The bright stars were painted upon the darkest night and twinkled in a flickering manner as though each star was competitive in shining it's brightest. The moon peered out from the little fluff of cloud in the clear sky and I, yet again saw another view of the great town of Fairytale lightened by the candle lights.
The scenario was so similar to how I had seen them with my first crush. But, for some reason I knew, this is different.
Because, I felt my heart at ease and.. I wasn't nervous or intimidated at all of the person standing beside me nor did I make effort to impress him. I was just enjoying the scenery that lied before me.
I guess, I was just being myself..around him... now..
I looked at the great city enjoying the view when I noticed a little fireflies slowly fly around the atmosphere.
"Fireflies... "
"Fireflies!! "
My cheeks lightened with cheerfulness and sudden excitement.
"..Prince Zeno, there are fireflies flying over here!! Haha! Fireflies! I have never seen them since ages.. I loved them when I was still a kid.. " I laughed with happiness and twirled around the balcony amidst the group of fireflies that flew around me.
"Gosh, I am so happy they arrived here today.. You know, I was so anxious, they wouldn't..it would ruin everything if that happens.. "
He said softly when I slowly turned back.
"...You.. planned all of this..didn't you?.. "
Prince Zeno looked away not meeting my eyes but slowly walked towards me with a smile.
"B-But.. Why..? W-Why would you go to this extent for a person like me..?"
"Ah, you don't need to think of me so highly, Lady Rottenstein. I had just done it for a selfish reason, of seeing your smile again..." He slowly rubbed his neck and grinned his flashing smile.
"So..Did I cheer you up, Lady Rottenstein?"
No way..
I took a step back in bafflement and confusion but unfortunately my back was already met with the balcony's compound.
He was just cheering me up?
I guess, he had thought I was still not over with my mother's death and wanted to comfort me. But, this was his way..?..
I am sure this gesture would surely make any beautiful heroine to fall head over heels for this handsome prince but.. Stupid kid! Wasting his efforts and creativity on a lowly villainess like me..
"And, Man, I was soooo nervous on how you might respond.. So do you like it Lady Rotte-.. "
For some reason, Prince Zeno stopped what he was saying abruptly and stared at the me whose head was totally stuck on the tiled ground at the moment.
"...Lady Rottenstein.. Are you alrig.."
And, just then a tear rolled on my face and spilled on the floor.
I looked down at the glistening tear-drop in my bafflement and within few second more tears rushed out of my eyes racing those tears and streaked on my cheeks.
"E-eh..? W-What is this..? "
I immediately rubbed my eyes to stop the tears from flooding of my eyes but failed frantically.
"W-Why am I..? Though, I was so strong to control my emotions and tears during my mother's death.. But.. Now..? "
"Lady Rottenstein..? "
"Why can't I..? " I huffed my breath more and stared back at Prince Zeno who had now worn a confused expression for not knowing how to comfort a girl whom he had no idea why she was crying.
"But,.. " I cried with clapped hands and flung them closer to my chest.
"I am happy! I am so happy! I feel like I have experienced all the happiness I yearned to feel through my all reincarnations!.. "
Tears flooded out of my eyes as my lips slowly twirled in a smile.
"I thought, my life was over when my mom died. I thought, I would have no-one to care about a villainess like me, I thought I would feel more lonely now.. but.. B-but..
..I guess, my heart couldn't help but tear up when it finds the otherwise.. "
I cried more when I suddenly felt a hand gently pat my head.
"You really are such a sensitive person, aren't you..?.."
Prince Zeno's palm slowly slid down to my face and he did the one, thing I never expected him to do.
He pinched my cheeks and pulled them beaming with excitement. White lilies blossomed behind the incredibly handsome model like prince and I knew with my flushed yet teary face he was probably thinking I looked like an innocent bunny. Something that made his entire demeanor very excited.