Chereads / Phantom trooper / Chapter 18 - Arc 2-Chapter 11 (The call-part 4)

Chapter 18 - Arc 2-Chapter 11 (The call-part 4)

Minister:"The next representative is-"

General Suzuki:"Japan would like to go next, if it is alright with Russia."

General Popov:"I do not see a problem."

General Suzuki:"Thank you. For our representative we have chosen Master Sargent Yamato Takeshi of the JSFG (Japan special forces group). Born in Sendai, finished ranger school and later special forces training. No A former hacker and a close range specialist, Takeshi is a cunning strategist and infiltrator. For the year and a half that he's been working with the special forces he's taken down a large portion of the Yakuza chain of influence. Currently, he is in Hong Kong, working on taking down the heads of the Yamamoto, Goto and Nishimura families. Due to his knowledge and experience in the technical field, he will be an invaluable asset."

General Douglas:"You mentioned he is a former hacker. Care to elaborate?"

General Suzuki:"Yes. At the age of twelve he was noticed at his school for his great talent at information and technology. He started making different types of programs which helped organise not just his school but others as well. However, when he turned seventeen, he started taking it too far. He started hacking and accessing trade files of international companies and even tapping into bank files. He would even sometimes hack into overseas servers like Korea and China, causing problems just for the fun of it."

General Hans:"Well. Looks like you have no right to lecture us about the discipline of our soldiers."

General Suzuki:"While he was a hot head, his attitude changed drastically. After he was discovered by the PSIA (Public security intelligence agency) he was apprehended and taken into custody. There we made a deal with him. We will give him the permission to hack and program all he wants but under direct surveillance of the military. He accepted under one condition, that he himself becomes a part of the military. So we sent him to ranger school and later to the SFG. He's been working with us ever since."

Minister:"He sounds interesting."

General Suzuki:"Well, he's not a bad person. On the contrary he's very enjoyable to have around. The reason he did what he did was because he wanted to have fun. He always wanted an exciting life."

Minister:"Have you chosen a callsign?"

General Suzuki:"Yes well, he said he wanted his code name to be... *Techno*"

General Hans:"Techno?"

General Popov:"That is a strange name."

General Suzuki:"He said that he was either going to be called that or he won't join."

Minister:"Very well. What are his current whereabouts?"


(Six days earlier)

Hong Kong


The city of Hong Kong was quiet beautiful at night. The way the lights illuminated on the surroundings it looked like a city of light with glowing rivers. The skyscrapers were particularly eye catching. Even though it was midnight, the city was as live as ever. A lot of people, especially the youth, enjoyed the night life.

However, in the underworld, or maybe above world, something sinister was happening. In the eastern district was a tall skyscraper. On the 57th floor, a meeting was about to take place. A meeting between the three Yakuza families. Three men were sitting at a round table in a somewhat small meeting room. The floor was filled with guards to make sure nothing happens.

The head of the Yamamoto family, Fuji Yamamoto. A large man with a shaved head and a scar on his left eye. It is said he took the head of his rival , Riku Yamashita, head of the Yamashita family and a skilful swordsman, with his bare hands, earning his scar. His organisation controls the territories of Vietnam, Thailand, Laos and Cambodia through shear force and fear.

The head of the Goto family, Okuninushi Goto. A middle height thin man with a moustache and glasses. Unlike Fuji, who is a brawler that prefers to fight and dominate his opponents, Okuninushi is a diplomat and a business man that prefers to settle things in a civilised matter. He's been building his organisation for twenty years making him quiet possibly the most experienced out of the three. His mainly controls the Philippines, not wanting to get to close to the main land for safety reasons.

Lastly, the most influential of all, the head if the Nishimura family, Takibi Nishimura. A round man in his late thirties. He's a conniving schemer who much prefers to trick his opponents rather than fight them or reason with them. He's a real punisher, often killing people as an example of burning their property if they don't fall in line with his plans. Debauchery is his game. Spending money on women, booze and flashy things is a passion of his. His organisation spans across Singapore and Indonesia.

These three are the most influential people in the Yakuza and if they work an alliance, all of south east Asia will be theirs. This is something that can't happen.

Okuninushi:"So... shall we begin?"

Takibi drinks from his wine glass:"Yes I believe we should."


Okuninushi:"Excellent. Now, as you know, we are the most influential people in Asia and the Yakuza. I proposed this meeting to make a proposal."

Fuji:"Spit it out."

Okuninushi:"I propose an alliance between the three families."

Takibi:"Can't say I didn't see this coming. A clever man like you, creating a superpower. I figured this day would come."


Okuninushi:"Yes, well." He adjusts his glasses "I do believe that an alliance would be beneficial to all of us."

Fuji:"How so?"

Okuninushi:"Think about it. We control individual parts of this region but together... we can control the entirety of south east Asia. The South Pacific would be ours."

Takibi laughs:"I like the sound of that. The three amigos making a big gang, hehehe."

Fuji:"Can't say this want ballsy but I see a problem."

Okuninushi:"And that is?"

Fuji:"Our families have had a history of disagreements and fights. What makes you think this will be any different?"

Okuninushi:"Simple, we are all necessary for this to work. Fuji, you are by far the strongest. Your soldiers are ruthless and you crush everything in your path. But without a brain to back up that brawn, you will eventually fall. Takibi, you are a great intimidator. You control people through fear. But even you know that can only take you so far. I am master planner and organiser, but without a capable workforce and strong enforcers, I too, will fall. However, we each fill each other's gaps. Together, we will be perfect and unstable."

Takibi:"Well... I have of say it... great plan. You really thought of everything. This is like some super secret villain alliance or some shit. I like it."

Fuji:"I cannot say I disagree. This truly does sound like an elegant plan, and you make very strong points... so when can start."

Okuninushi smiles:"Right now." He stands up and lifts his cocktail,"To the future of our alliance."

Takibi stands up with his wine glass:"To our fortune and our future."

Fuji stands up with his large bear mug:"We will crush all our enemies, and rule as kings."

They clink they're glasses and then... darkness.

(Minutes earlier)

56th floor

This was the floor with the server room. Okuninushi planned on gathering the plans and details of operations from all the families in order to better understand each other.

What he didn't plan however was for someone to steal it. A man in a dark outfit is typing on a laptop. It was Takeshi. He smiles:"Man, this is GOLD. You guys should of really guarded this better", he says as he turns to four dead bodies, the bodyguards of the Yakuza families assign with keeping watch over the server room.

Takeshi talks to the radio:"Hunter actual, this is Hunter1-Techno, do you copy, over."

Radio:"We hear you Techno. Sitrep."

Takeshi:"Primary objective complete, moving to secondary objective, over."

Radio:"Copy that Hunter1, once completed head to the roof, a helicopter will meet you."

Takeshi:"Rodger, over and out."

A man enters the room on the side:"Hey Haru! Everything good in there!?... Haru?!"

Takeshi takes the USB from the laptop and pushes a button which destroy the servers and turn off all the power.

Man:"Huh! Hey this ain't funny! C'mon already!"

Takeshi puts his night-vision goggles on and pulls out his MP5SD. Slowly walks to the other side of the room and...



In the hallways of the 56th floor, the bodyguards were scattered and confused. They couldn't see anything and they couldn't turn on the lights.



Takeshi kills them all, one by one. The bodyguard in the hallway around the corner heard the bodies fall and he pulled out his pistol. When he heard the last body fall, he didn't hear anything else for seconds.

Then, from behind him, he felt a gun on the back of his head. He could only utter:"H-How?"


Takeshi works his way up to the 57th floor. When he opens the door and enters the room, a man grabs him and pushes him into the wall, he starts punching his stomach, but Takeshi head buts him, kicks him away and pulls out his HK45 and shoots him.

However, the shot wasn't suppressed, and everyone heard it.


Red lights started turning on.

Takeshi:"Juuuuust great. Looks like it's gonna get rough."

(In the meeting room)

Takibi:"What's going on?"

Fuji:"Is this a part of your 'plan' Okuninushi?"

Okuninushi:"What? No! Seems like we have intruders."



(With Takeshi)

He kept killing bodyguards until he reached a long hallway. There was a door at the end which led to the meeting room, but there were two body guards with UZIs spraying down it. Takeshi was forced to take cover around the corner. He pulled out a smoke grenade and threw it down the hallway. The smoke built up and the bodyguards stopped firing. Takeshi then emptied his mag down the hallway and killed them. He walked through the smoke and entered the room. But then Fuji charges at him and they both break through a dry wall into a dojo like room.

(Takeshi's POV)

This large man charged at me and busted through that wall. Damn he's strong. This guy must be Fuji Yamamoto.


Takibi:"Ok! Let's go Okuninushi!"

The two leave through a door on the other side of the meeting room.

Fuji stares at me:"SHINOBI! I am impressed! Killing my bodyguards and making all this way! Your skills are truly commendable! However, this is where you die!"

My guns were behind him, I had no choice. I pulled out my combat knife and get into my stance. Fuji runs at me and tries to punch me in the face with his right arm, but I evade below and slice his side. He turns and tries to hit me with his left, but I repeat and slice his left side. He raised his arms and slammed the ground. I jumped back but he was ready, he charged and kicked me with his right leg, launching me two meters to the side.

Fuji:"Slippery little bastard aren't you?"

I thought:"Shit he's good. Those wounds I gave him aren't doing much. I need to strike deeper. No, I need to strike smarter."

Fuji runs towards me and attempts to punch me with his right hand again, but I got a different move. I move slightly to the left, grab his arm with my right hand as it's passing by and stab him in the side. My knife pierced his liver, but that son of a bitch is tough. I let go of my knife and start punching him in the face, but just then, he kicks me in the solar plexus and knocks me into the wall. I can hardly breathe and he's panting.

Fuji grabs me by the hair and lifts me up on my feet:"You have my respect shinobi. But like I said, this is where you die."

He straightened his fingers like a spear and pulled his arm back. I saw this as an opportunity and pulled out a smaller knife from my pocket and stabbed him in the throat. He lets me go and falls on his knees.

I pulled out the knife from his side:"Shinobi? Hehehe, you got it all wrong old man." I look his dead in the eyes with a smile,"I'm just a hacker." I pierce his skull and he dies.

I pick up my guns and make my way to the top (A/N: the skyscraper had 60 floors). The helicopter lands and I get on.

Pilot:"What happened?!"


He lifts the bird and we slowly fly away. While we're flying I pull out a tablet and catch a video feed of a vent.

(3rd POV)

Okuninushi and Takibi went to the 60th floor and entered an office.

Takibi:"You sure it's safe here?"

Okuninushi:"Yes, this is my office. We have guards all over the lover floors and there's no way that assassin killed Fuji. Even if he, he wouldn't be able to put up much of a fight against the guards. We're safe."

Takibi:"Oh thank God. For a second I thought we were gonna-"


Takibi:"Hey, you hear that?"

An RC car falls from the vent. It had explosives all over and and a note that says...

Takeshi:"Game over."


The office exploded. The people on the streets started screaming and running. A lot took pictures and videos of the explosion.

Pilot:"Holy shit! What was that?!"

Takeshi:"That... was an explosion my friend."

(Two hours later)

Takeshi is in an office. The office belongs to lieutenant Akira Tanaka, the officer in charge of the operation. He wasn't pleased by this:"Takeshi... WAS THAT NECESSARY?!"

Takeshi:"I suppose not."

Akira:"You... suppose... not?"

Takeshi:"Well, it was my backup plan. I originally thought I would just shoot them and that's that but things got... complicated, so I had to do it this way."

Akira scratches his head:"Oooohhh it's all over the news. This is bad. You could of just left after you got the data. That objective was optional!"

Takeshi:"Yes, I know. That means I had an option to do it and I did it. Isn't that what we are supposed to be doing here? Taking our key figure heads?"

Akira:"Yes, but-"

Takeshi:"No buts. Letting them live is just asking for trouble. My father told me:"Of you start something, you have to finish it." So I did."

Akira sighs:"Fine I guess I can't argue with that. Plus it wasn't against the rules. Alright, go patch up in the medical ward and go home."

Takeshi:"Yes sir." They salute and he leaves.

(Ten minutes later)

Medical ward

A nurse was taking care of Takeshi's injuries as he hissed in pain.

Nurse:"Seriously? Again with the act?"

Takeshi:"Oh c'mon Noriko the dude was tough."

Noriko:"You say that every time."

Takeshi:"Well I mean if this time. The dude broke through and use me as the battering ram!"

Noriko (sarcastically):"Oh wow, that sounds suuuuper dangerous."

He starts chuckling and laughing. So does Noriko.

Takeshi:"So... wanna go out tonight?"

Noriko:"We went out last week."

Takeshi:"You taking me to hospital to have my stomach checked for foreign objects isn't us going out."

Noriko:"Hm, ok then. You buying?"

Takeshi:"Of course, just lemme get my-"

He sees his phone is glowing. He received a message from someone named Suzuki. It says:*Contact me. We have a lot to talk about.*

Takeshi:"Actually, I can't make it tonight."

Noriko:"Why? Is it work?"

Takeshi:"Something like that I guess."

Noriko:"Well ok, next time then. You're still buying though."

Takeshi smiled:"Of course."

They kissed.


(Present day)

General Suzuki:"He's in Tokyo right now waiting further orders."

Minister:"Excellent. Now last, but most certainly not least, Russia."

Picture reference and basic info

Name: Takeshi Yamato

Date of birth: 15th of October 1983

Place of birth: Sendai, Japan

Height: 180cm

Fighting styles: Judo, Karate

Primary weapon of choice: HOWA Type 89 spec ops

Secondary weapon of choice: MP5SD

Sidearm of choice: HK45

Equipment: Smoke grenades and night-vision goggles

For picture references check the chapter on wattpad:

End of chapter 11

To be continued...

Thank you for reading