My name is zen I am 24 years old unemployed person. well my life really sucks when it comes to achieving something well its quite boring in terms of normal people well maybe I suck in all field but I will never suck when it comes to games sometimes I think that I don't belong to this world maybe I should have belonged to another world
" suddenly whole building shart shaking all-electric equipment start malfunctioning and a whole house scrambled into pieces "
What the fuck is happening to me I think I died right!!!! Oh god !!!! this must be a dream
"Suddenly a blonde beauty appears before me "
Hello, zen I m the goddess of creation, Liya and I m very sorry because of my fault you have died so to undo my mistake I will grant you reincarnation in another world which is a field with magic and sword
Zen is surprised and asks " u meant to say that you gonna give me chance to live again in another world that means I can use magic theirs.
Yes of course plus I will grant you three wish to ask anything you want will be granted
Zen think in this mind that "yup holy cow this the mine opportunity to get cheat skills "
Ok as u say goddess my first wish gives me immunity to any diseases or poison or any status debuffs the second wish is give me growth type system facilitate that as a market system where I can buy anything if I have money my third wish is to give me magic creation skill help me create any magic that I want
The goddess accept all terms and she also has to give zen language skill also and said now i m sending you to the other world
Hmmm ….. I think i reached another world holy cow!!! now I am 12-year child umm let us check the status, hmm hp 25/25 mp 25/25 ohh good let us check out skills immunity, creation, and language so that's good now I don't have to worry about my future anymore
Suddenly door open and a maid came " oh dear zen-sama has woken up "
Yup, now I remember I m duke 4th son so my chance of succession is not possible. well anyway what kind of that maid was she just runs away to tell my mom and dad that I have woken up
Well anyway let's meet up with them
Hey mom dad ?? mom suddenly fall into tears "oh my child u finally is woken up after falling to the river "I told hey mom just relax a bit will you everything is fine now
Now after doing breakfast father ask me to go to the training ground lets go there maybe something interesting to be seen ...