Kheanna's POV
Today is Friday and as usual, I'm late again. My dad drove me to school because I know Maria would be angry again if I go with her.
I kissed his cheeks before going out. I dashed through the hallway and up the stairs. I was about to turn left when someone bumped into me. I fell to the ground and landed on my butt. Damn this feels like deja vu.
"Ouch! Hey, watch where you're going!" I hissed. I was about to stand up when he offered to help me. I looked up and it was...Mikael?
Yup, it's definitely a deja vu.
"Sorry, Ms. Sanches. I didn't see you there." He apologized and smiled at me.
I accepted his offer and he helped me stand up. I dusted off my skirt and let out a fake cough "I'm sorry as well for shouting. I'll get going now. Bye!" I ran to our classroom and sat down beside Maria.
"What took you so long? You're lucky Ms. Marquez isn't here yet." She said while playing on her phone.
"I woke up late again. Mama forgot to wake me up early." I said and rested my head on my table. I didn't get enough sleep last night because of him.
"Don't sleep! The teacher is coming!" Maria whispered at me. I fought my urge to sleep and sat straight on my seat.
"Goodmorning class." She greeted us with a smile. She's a kind adviser for us.
We greeted her back and we sat back down. I didn't really understand what she's saying because I was so damn sleepy.
"So class stand up, and head to the back." They all stood up and followed what she said. I stood up as well and went to Maria's side.
"Hey, what are we doing?" I whispered.
"We're doing our seating arrangements." I just nodded and listened before we get scolded for whispering.
"We will first arrange the boys. Please line up by height." She said and they followed.
She started to assign their respective seats. As always the shorter ones are at the front then the taller ones are at the back.
After that, she told us to form a line as well and assigned our seats. I'm a tall girl so she assigned me to the last row. I sat down on my seat and just kept quiet. I'm really tired that I badly want to sleep right now.
"Now, that will be your respective seats until the end of the school year. But for your science class, each row must be divided by two people. So class kindly stand up again."
Ugh, stand up again? I'm really lazy to follow.
Even if I'm lazy, I still followed what she said. Ms. Marquez told us to arrange the chairs first before assigning our second sitting arrangement. After that, she first assigned the boys by their height and in an alternative order. She then gave us girls our seat and I was put on the third row which is actually great because it's not too close nor too far from the blackboard.
We still have 30 mins. left before our second period and she said that it will be our free time.
I was about to just have a short nap when my seatmate suddenly talked to me.
"Hi! What's your name?" He asked. I haven't talked to him since our first day because I prefer that they should approach me first. I looked in his direction and simply answered his question.
"Kheanna Sanches. You?" He nodded and smiled at me. Well, he's nice.
"I'm Vince Garcia. Which school did you come from?" He asked again. So now we're having an interrogation.
"I came from Earoz University."
"I haven't heard that school before. Welp, welcome to LVH! Hope you're enjoying your stay here." He cheered and gave a big smile. He sure is a happy person. Hope all!
"Yes, I'm enjoying it! It's quite fun here." I said and gave a smile as well.
"Hey! How about you newbie number 2?" He asked the guy on the second row. Wait...Mikael sits infront of me? Why didn't I notice that minutes ago? Now, this is gonna get awkward.
He turned to us and when he noticed me, he gave me a big smile. I looked away and pretended that I didn't see him, he let out a chuckle before facing Vince. "Yes of course. I'm also enjoying my stay here. And by the way, you can call me Mikael or just Kael." He answered.
I just took out my sketchbook and draw anything that comes to my mind. I also used my headphones so nobody could disturb me but I was wrong, there are still some people who'll disturb a busy person.
"Hey!" someone tapped my shoulder which disturbed me from my artsy time. I took off my headphones and look at him. Nope, it wasn't Vince. It was the one and only Mikael. I still feel awkward towards him after what he said last night.
"U-uh what's u-up?" Because of the awkwardness, I stuttered talking to him.
"Why are you stuttering? Are you scared of me?" He joked and again left out a cute chuckle. Cute? What?
"No. Why would I be scared of you? I can beat you up anytime I want to." I said which silenced him. I guess he thought I was serious. Well, I was half-serious about what I said.
"Chill. I was just joking, but seriously don't bully me or I'll tear you apart." I threatened and gave an innocent smile.
"I-I won't bully you, s-so haha don't tear me apart." He said with a scared tone. Huh, it works!
"Yep, I won't!" He gave a sigh of relief which made me chuckle. Scared of a girl I guess.
"You're cute when you chuckle." He teased. M-me? Cute? Well, I already know that but it feels different when it comes from him.
"I said you're cute." He repeated and smiled. Damn that smile, it's making my heart beat fast.
"You're blushing." He said and touched my cheeks. I flinched and move away.
"Oh sorry, you're cheeks were very red." He cupped his cheeks and rested his elbow on his desk and stared at me.
"U-uhm o-okay. I think you s-should go back to your proper seat." I said while looking down to avoid eye contact with him.
"Okay then! Can we have lunch together later?" He asked as he stood up.
"Aren't you going with your girlfriend?" He laughed at my question.
"Like I said last night, I don't have a girlfriend. So please accept my invitation, Ms. Sanches." He held out his hand. I wanted to decline but it's not bad to accept.
"Okay, if you say so." I gave him my hand and he smiled. He went back to his seat before our next teacher came.
I guess we'll have lunch together today I guess. Hope it goes well.