"In Nigeria, specifically in the Yoruba culture, when old people die, we usually throw a big party after the burial and it usually goes on for several weeks, depending on the religion of the dead."
Adebola Ade, member of the Council of the Elite Seven and Nigerian member of the House of Representatives, had come to join them on the bench and both Cory and Scarlett looked up at her as she took a seat, eyes wide in disbelief.
"Are you serious?!" Cory asked, truly astonished and Adebola nodded affirmatively.
"We even have this tradition of showing up in a unique outfit everyone who can afford it has to wear. It's called Ankara oku." She continued, watching as Scarlett nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, my Dad's sister Aunt Beatrice talked about it one time when she travelled there for her Father-in-law's funeral." She chipped in, remembering her Dad's sister who had been unable to show up today due to an issue with her flight. She lived in California.