This is the story of how I die... Got your attention? Good. This is my story, here we go! Right out of high school and straight into college, I am currently going to a school called Osnádúrtha: Academy of the Supernatural. As the title implies, this is a school for those of mystical lineage. Species range from Werewolves to Nymphs, occasionally you'll see a fae or two.
However, I am a less common monster of sorts. I am what you'd call a pure blood. We are very rare. Our only marking is our eyes or a mark we get somewhere on our body when we turn 19. I'm lucky enough that only one of my eyes holds the mark of a pure blood. My natural eye color is hazel, but my left eye is a bright gold.
Being a pure blood is no joke, it comes with dangers no monster could imagine. I have the power to control the elements, but this gift comes with a price. When my powers are used, my mind enhances my perception so I can see the dead. This may seem like just another power, but the dead can haunt you in more ways than one. The dead should only be tampered with by reapers, soul guiders. They usually have a medium to accompany them, help them deliver restless spirits to peace.
Now, you may be wondering why I am not hidden away. I was given a gift by a witch when I was just a baby. I was given Pathokenesis, the power to manipulate emotions, to help disguise my powers. This is the only power I can use without having any bad side effects. I'm turning 19 in a few months, then I'll have to worry about the mark. I keep a eye patch over my gold eye and I say that I'm injured, and the world is a better place. This is a new experience for everyone here, let's just hope it's a good one.
I arrive at school early in the morning, hoping to get the bearings of my new school. I stepped through the front gates, immediately feeling a sense of calm, and walk to the front office. There currently aren't any people at school, so I make my way to the front desk. The lady sitting behind the computer is definitely a character, she is definitely a shapeshifter. Her natural form is a young woman with mocha skin, dark brown eyes, curly brown hair, and a warm outfit that matches her style.
Her head pokes out from behind the computer and she smiled kindly. "Hello, dear! How are you doing today?" I nod with a smile. "Great, m'am. I would like my schedule. My name is Llesme Madeleine Ever." She typed quickly on the computer. The sound of clicking and whirring erupted from the computer, concluding in a piece of paper with ink to come out of it. She rolled in her chair to the printer, grabbed the paper, and rolled back to me.
"Here you go, hun." She hands me the paper, and I thank her with a silent nod. I exit and wander the halls, searching for my first lecture. I gently open the door of the class, greeted by an older looking man. He was a Goldhorn centaur breed. He had the lower body of a deer, an upper body of man, and naturally golden colored antlers. He had dark brown hair, tan skin, and moss green eyes. He pushed his thin framed glasses up his nose and smiled.
"Hello, take a seat where ever you'd like. The lecture will start in about half an hour." I nod gently and smile. "If you ever need anything, sir, I'll be happy to help." His eyes widened then he smiled. "I'll take note of that, Miss?" I giggle. "Llesme Ever." He nods and reads through his papers, I take out some of my supplies. I ignored as kids came into class, there were a few kids who seemed a little out of it or sad and I tried to make the room feel happier.
Afterwords, I could tell everyone was in a better mood. I smiled in content as I created some symbols with my ink pen, I saw the last group of kids walk in and I took out my actual pen. I suddenly heard a large thud next to me and I quickly turn my head, I see an air nymph with flowing hair. Her crystal, almost see through, blue eyes stared at me and she spoke.
"Hello! You look so cool, I love your hair! It's so curly and luscious! It looks like the sea turned auburn!!! Oh my god, and don't even get me started on that hazel eyes of yours!" I shrank back a bit from the noise and chuckled nervously. She smiled brighter and spoke again. "I'm Kai Witherspoon, pleased to meet you!"
She stuck out her hand and I shook it. Somehow, her smile grew wider and she looked forward. The professor cleared his throat and spoke firmly. "Everyone, as you know this is an exclusive school. If you are here, you've worked incredibly hard to get here." Everyone nods, and I notice there is a small amount of kids. Usually there would be somewhere around 200 kids in a college lecture, but here there was only about 50...
"I'm going to give you this first day to show me your powers, tomorrow we will be working on how to use them in life." Everyone looked around with either excitement, anticipation, or boredom. "I'll call each of you by name up to the front of the class. If you have a dangerous power, or a power that is not safe to demonstrate, notify me and you will tell the class what you can do." I saw a few kids kind of smile and nudge each other, I rolled my eyes and watched as one by one kids demonstrated their techniques. Pyrokenesis, telekinesis, amalgamation, shapeshifting, even a werewolf and demon hybrid.
When my name was called I stepped to the front of the class. I saw some kids whispering, most likely due to my eye patch, and I smile humbly. "Hello, my name is Llesme Ever. My ability is Pathokenesis, the ability to control emotions or moods." I smile again and speak once more. "I can usually use my magic without being seen, but I'll use a little flare." As I finished my sentence, I wink and I give the room the feeling of overwhelming excitement. They all applaud and everyone looks at each other after a while, leaving me to giggle. "I don't use these powers often, but it has helped me in one too many occasions. This is why I'm usually on call for teachers and staff."
The teacher chuckles and speaks. "This meaning that if any of you get the bright idea to get into a fight, you will be physically and mentally incapable of doing anything under her power. So please, refrain from any negative behavior." He turns his head. "And do not use your power in spite." I nod with a smile and sit down. Kai is looking at me in amazement, then her name is called. She walks to the front and giggles.
"I'm Kai Witherspoon! I'm a nymph, an air nymph to be exact!" She sends a gust through the room and it comes back to her, picking herself off of the ground then drops back to the floor on her feet. She smiles and goes back to her seat. I notice a few certain people go up. Two boys go up, obviously a couple from the flirting I could hear behind me. One was a reaper, Joshua Cooper. The other, a medium, Seth Lee. They looked at me and they both gave me a weird look and stared at each other for a long time, then payed attention again.
A girl went up named Anaitis Calypso. She was a Lorelei, also known as a siren. She looked scary, but I could tell she was kind. Finally, another boy came up. He had pale skin, with rough patches of scales here and there. His eyes were gold, with a glow that almost seemed to mesmerize me. His dark brown hair seemed almost auburn as his gaze pierced the room. "I'm Hattori Kyro, I'm a dragon." He looks at the teacher. "I don't like transforming in such small spaces." The professor nods and I rest my chin on the back of my palm as he walks calmly back to his seat, which I now notice was, next to me.
I feel my elemental power suddenly click and I hold my head gently, the spiritual side is hyperactive with all it is sensing. My eye aches as I feel liquid escape into my eye patch. I hold my hand over my eye and raise my hand. "Yes, Miss Ever?" His eyes widen, he stands up quickly, then walks to me in a hurry. "Are you alright?" I nod. "My eye is messed up due to my powers, my power lets me sense things I can't necessarily handle."
My gaze redirects on my professor as Kai looks at me concerned. "Go to the nurse and get a new eye patch. Is there anything I can do?" I stand up, still holding my eye, and whisper to him. "Tell mister Hattori there to calm himself. He seems a tad..." I cannot continue my sentence as the pain increases a bit, causing me to slightly grind my teeth. This makes Kyro look at me, his eyes seem to focus on me and his problem seems less heightened. I sigh in relief even though my eye is still in immense pain. Joshua and Seth speak simultaneously. "We will make sure she gets there."
I raise an eyebrow as they stand up, not waiting for confirmation. The professor nods and goes back to his desk. I walk to the door with the boys on either side of me. We exit and walk through the hall quietly, mostly out of my awkwardness. They have this feeling to them, like they were both staring at me but not at me. They open the doors to the nurse and get out a new eye patch, then a bandage. Seth hands me the bandage while I take off my patch, making sure to keep my eye closed. Seth speaks with a soft but firm tone. "Why do you have a spirit clinging to you so tightly?" I look away as I wipe my eye, making sure there was no more blood under the eyelid. Joshua kicks in. "It doesn't even want to communicate."
I keep my eye closed and hold my hand out for the eye patch. "How would I know? I can only read and control emotions..." The spirit must have been lost for so long, trying to find peace, that all it can do is find something in relation to a reaper. "I'll take that off of your hands." Seth says as he slowly hovers his hand above my back then grabs onto the air. I'm sure if I had used my powers on purpose, I would have been able to see it. I tie the eye patch on and throw the other away, sighing with relief as the pain edged away. Seth walked over to Joshua, he then took the invisible spirit and sent it away. I yawned and closed my good eye. It was nice, the darkness. It was comforting.
I smile to myself, feeling calm and content. I open my eye to see them looking at me oddly. "Are you sure you're alright?" I nod with a smile. "Definitely. It's nice to talk to you both. Would you want to be friends?" They look at each other. "You want to be friends with us?" Joshua said with a disgruntled voice. I glanced away, worried that I annoyed him. "Yeah, it's fine if you don't want to though." The friendlier boy nudged him in the side a little with a pouty frown. "Don't be rude. She's nice." He rolled his eyes and stuck out his hand. "Joshua." The friendlier one held out his hand as well. "Seth." I smile a little and shake their hands. "Llesme."
They look at each other again, this time a little smirk forms on Joshua's lips. A grin takes its place on Seth's, and I giggle. "You two are so obvious. Just make contact or something." They look at me and blush, then Joshua kisses Seth quick on the lips and takes his hand. "You guys are adorable and all, but we should probably get back to class." They nod and we all smile. We get back to class and we all sit down. Kai immediately hugs my arm while pouting. "Are you okay? You didn't say anything..." I giggle a bit and pat her head. "I'm good, Kai. My eye is messed up so I had to get a new patch." She nods with a little frown. "Did you get hurt?"
I smile. "Yeah, it was when I was young. The first time I sensed someone's negative emotions, it took a huge toll on me. I can still see through my injured eye, but it's safer, and honestly a lot less sickening, if I keep it on." She smiles again then plays some games with me. 20 questions, would you rather, stuff like that. By the end of our class it was lunch time. That one class is extended, meaning it lasts about three times longer than a normal college class. I stand up, putting all my stuff in my bag. The boys stare at each other and I giggle quietly. "Hey guys." They look at me. "Wanna eat lunch with Kai and I?"