Having money feels so nice.
But it's also not as easy as one would think.
I need all of my self-control to avoid spending it all on the first chance.
Collecting it is already an adventure. It's the broad of the day when I reach the administration office, and the room is also full of sun rays. It means that the girl attending to me is human.
Or at least, she isn't a vampire.
She delivers some banknotes and coins while murmuring: «you should have asked for more...»
I never had this much money in my pockets. And I don't want more. It was just to make everyone forget the events.
I don't need it so badly.
«I don't have a wallet!» I realise, then.
The girl chuckles. She rummages in a drawer and takes out an envelope.
«You can use this,» she says.
«Oh, thanks,» I reply.
It's certainly better than walking around with banknotes stashed in the pockets. And I'm not sure they would fit.