Chereads / The Eye Of The Storm (A Fantasy Romance Novel) / Chapter 32 - Chapter Thirty-Two: Farewell to the Old and Greetings to the New

Chapter 32 - Chapter Thirty-Two: Farewell to the Old and Greetings to the New

Ayra heaved out a breath before letting her feet fall in the air before her. Her wind hovered around her, embracing her ever so tenderly as she leapt from the high-stoned walls of the Academy. 

She had chosen to propel herself out through the back walls of the Academy. A wise move indeed, since she didn't want grumpy ol' Orus to shriek his rusty beard out about her tiny, deadly hour escapade. Ayra didn't want anyone to know that she'd left. At least, not yet. 

She couldn't hold back any longer. Time was merciless and Ayra had none to spare. She had seen him--alive. Her best friend was fucking alive and that's all that mattered to her. She didn't bother to completely feed herself about the Gates and the demons and the Sentinels anymore. The library fed her what she already knew and Ayra hoped it was not very late before she understood she was sitting around idly.

Who knew? Maybe Ruhnn was already on the other side of the continent as she breathed. 

Or, even at Tyria, working out another ruthless plan with his ruthless...companions. 

With a silent whisper of a thud, she landed gracefully and offered one last glance to the looming Academy behind. She walked straight ahead, eyes fixing on the mountains peeking beyond the city with her heart and mind focusing solely on the clear path that was laid out for her just a few moments ago. 

It was as if the Celestials had taken pity on her and had placed a palm against her spine to push her in the right direction. Ayra was lost. And with that same feeling, she had made up her mind to leave, not completely understanding on where to even begin with. The Fiend had been churning in her head--curious if that otherworldly creature would point its long, cracked fingernail in the direction of her best friend's footsteps--but to make a visit to Azrynia again… was a hellish debate. 

It was truly a blessing. To have walked in at the right time and let her wind carry Mother Danelle's and Nascha's conversation. Though it was too perfect to have been a coincidence, Ayra didn't dwell on it. She had her destination already marked on her map and her feet hell-bent on taking her to Tyria before the moon bears full. 

Ayra walked and walked will the woods closed in on her solitary figure. She tried to ignore the empty, lonely air on either side of her, where two strong warriors had always walked with her. 

It felt strange, almost cruelly deceiving to venture without Valda and Neslyn. It felt unnatural. It had always been the three of them, through thick and thin, through tough and rough---it was consistently three and never one.

Although, Ayra supposed one was better than none too. This was not their usual mission,an experience that they can cry and laugh over large jugs of ale and warm food. It was not the same, no. This mission of hers would cost her more than her life and Ayra knew that. Ayra also knew that one is better than three and that's the sole reason why she left a stupid note behind, along with her fierce-hearted friends. 

It was during times like this that Ayra wished to be selfish. Really, heart-wrenchingly selfish. 

She shook her head and pushed forward, huffing as she ascended the path that lead down to the little, port city of Bellhaven dwelling on the opposite side of the mountains.

It would rather be a tedious journey by foot but she believed that she would make it before the last ferry would sail towards the north.

The night was melancholic and forlorn, resonating with her heavy heart. 

Ayra almost made it to the peak when the wind fluttered around her. Her steps faltered when something sliced the air behind her. She whirled around, nearly missing the object that came flying to her head. 

Her hand splayed open and a small, crumpled piece of parchment rested within it. 

She slowly opened it and stupid, stupid words greeted her, 

Don't fucking follow. 

Ayra shut her eyes and delicately growled,

"What part of, "don't fucking follow," didn't you understand?"

Valda just smirked and pushed herself away from the tree she had been leaning against. Neslyn stood a few feet away, wiping her nose and glaring at her. Her eyes filled to the brim with tears and anger. Ayra had never seen Neslyn so outraged but she supposed she played a major part behind it.

The raw guilt dug it's claws deeper within her but she somehow managed to remain stone faced.

"The instructions were rather muddled, my dear betrayer. You were practically begging for us to tag along. I mean, when did the Stormbreaker ever venture without the Witch and the Healer?" 

When Ayra didn't reply, Valda smirked. "That's right bitch. Never." 

Ayra made no move to hug them, even though her heart wildly thrashed against her ribcage in raw happiness and coaxed her to do just that. But the consequences and the risk still held her mind and soul in hostage and Ayra had to bend her decisions and bury her selfishness according to that. 

With a passive face, she snarled,

"Go back right now. Both of you." 

Valda's cocky expression turned solemn. 

"I don't know what you are fucking thinking but we are not going back. Not without you. Hell fucking no. You either take us with you and tell us what the fuck is going on or you come back with us. There's no other choice for ya'." 

Valda got in her face and snarled, "It's ride or die together, Ayra. It has always been ride or die together with us." 

Ride or die together. 

Ayra closed her eyes at that. 

"You're right." She agreed, missing Valda and Neslyn's small smile of triumph and relief. But it soon broke down to undiluted anger and disappointment at her next words.

"You're fucking right. But no, it's not ride or die together this time. I am not holding your hands and dragging you both over the edge because of me. I don't care if you hate me but go away right now. I don't need--" 

Ayra's breath got knocked out when Neslyn stepped forward and began hammering her clenched fists against her chest. 

"Don't you finish that sentence! Don't you dare finish that sentence!!" Neslyn laid her temple against Ayra's chest and sobbed hysterically.

"You need us more than you think, you fool! You love us and you want us to be there for you. Will it kill you to fucking accept that?" She growled. 

Ayra stood there, eyes wide as she stared at a dishevelled, sobbing best friend. 

"You've never failed to be there for us. Never failed to have our backs. But why is it so difficult when it comes to you. Why don't you ever let us be there for you?!" 

Ayra still stood there, speechless. A tear trickled down her cheek and she made no move to wipe it. 

Neslyn's shoulders shook as she cried and cried and cried. 

Ayra slowly wrapped her arms around her best friend and laid her cheek against her head. 

"I'm sorry." She whispered and Neslyn completely broke down in her arms. 

Valda stood there, gnawing her lip while facing the muddy ground of the woods. Ayra noticed this and Valda, as if she somehow knew that her eyes were on her, looked up at Ayra. 

Ayra's smile was apologetic as she opened an arm towards her. And Valda, without a beat, hurried towards the embrace. Warmth blossomed in her heart and the looming fear that clawed at her senses immediately vanished into nothing. 

"Don't leave us. Don't leave us, Ayra." Neslyn whimpered and Ayra tightened her hold against them. 

"I'm sorry. I won't, I'm sorry." Ayra whispered and Neslyn nodded.

"Yeah, you better not. Or else I'll burn you alive. I swear to the Celestials above that I will burn you alive." Valda's head was buried against her shoulders but Ayra knew that the witch was also crying. 

They stood amidst the quiet woods for a long time, leaning and embracing each other. The wind sang and danced around them and Ayra wanted to stay like this forever. Safe in her family's arms and tucked away from the darkness of cruel reality. 

When they pulled apart, Valda lowered her head, discreetly wiped her tears and half-snarled in Ayra's face. 

"Now tell me what the fuck is going on." She demanded. Neslyn gestured her head, inquisitive to know as well.

Ayra sighed and walked towards a tree. She rested her back against it and lowered to the sodden ground. Valda and Neslyn wordlessly did the same. 

She looked at them and back at the midnight sky. The threat still lay ahead but they were here. For her. Without an ounce of dread or uncertainty. So, Ayra wanted to be selfish. And she prayed that nothing worse will root out of this decision of hers. But her best friends were here and suddenly, that's all that mattered. 

She bit her lip and met Valda's and Neslyn's red and intent eyes. 

Ayra opened her mouth and spilled everything. About what happened back in Azrynia. About what had occurred in the First Gate. About who she had met and what she had seen. 

Her lips quivered and her soul cracked as it spoke about Ruhnn. Who and how much he meant--means to her. And who he is now. She told them everything. And they listened and listened and listened, silent and speechless as they stared at the girl in front of them. At the girl who was gripping the locket resting around her neck as she spilled her story to them. 

Later, under the moonless night-- the Stormbreaker, the Witch and the Healer ventured towards the port city, all the while holding the girl's hand in a tight, protective and a promising grip. 


Sunshine poured into the quiet, empty chamber. 

Mother Danelle stood by the door, hands firmly bound behind her.

Three cold and empty beds welcomed her. 

Mother Danelle looked down, shook her head and with a small smile, she closed the door. 

"Gone?" Nascha questioned. 

Mother Danelle nodded her head. 
