The four Autobots rolled into the nearest town, noting the massive amount of devastation that was present. They had made their way through the German lines, not getting stopped at all thankfully. It appeared that the Germans were more lenient on their comrades, especially when their tanks appeared to need critical repairs. They were unhindered and continued through the war torn country before reaching the first town they've seen: Namur.
What ever was here before must have been massive for these smaller humans. The four vehicles rolled slowly past the only solid standing building that remained. The large fortress towered over the road, and Scorcher stopped the group. He did not detect any humans nearby and allowed himself to stand. When he stood up straight, his head barely reached over the wall of the fortress. The other three transformed as well, looking around and making sure that they were truly alone. Scorcher pressed his hand against the fortress walls, causing the wall to shift slightly.
"These beings wouldn't stand a chance if the Decepticons went on to try and take over this planet properly. It would be metal flakes against the grand spires of Cybertron." Scorcher commented, removing his hand to see the large imprint his hand has left in the structure. If he had used more force, he would have knocked the wall down. Bumble Bee turns to Scorcher, looking to the fortress wall.
"They may be smaller and weaker than us, but as Optimus would say, they deserve the right to be free. If the Cons try to do anything while we're here, we'll do our job and try and stop them." the Autobot said, looking up to Scorcher. Scorcher looked town to the smaller Cybertronian, shaking his head.
"I know I agreed to work with you guys, but I never agreed to be a full on Autobot. Especially after that stunt Prime pulled sending us here." Scorcher walked into the city, looking at what remained of the war-torn city. It didn't look like any these humans could do on their own without the kind of weaponry Barrage and Bombard were disguised as. He made his way towards what used to be a building, only tall enough to reach his chest, and that's when he saw it.
A foot print.
"It looks like the Cons are already trying to take over." Scorcher said, the other three walking over to check out what Scorcher was talking about. Bombard knelt down and studied the foot print before nodding.
"Yep, definitely Cybertronian. There are even trace amounts of Energon here." He poked at the edge of the foot print. "It's not really a surprise, since we saw that gas Con working with those humans directly. Maybe these humans are being bribed somehow or they think that the Cons are the good guys?"
"Does it matter right now? Let's just focus on finding Cliff and then finding the shard. Maybe look for those Dino bots. Bee, anything on them from that chip you got?" Scorhcer turned around from the dilapidated building at towards the scout. He shrugged, raising his hand.
"Not much, only that there was a squad of Autobots sent here as well, but they've been here for, well, a long time. They've been here since before these small bipedal humans walked the surface of this planet." Bee said, looking around the ruined city. He moved towards one of the other destroyed buildings, seeing another set of foot prints that could only be Cybertronian.
Barrage climbed onto the fortress, looking around the surrounding area. Looking to where they had came from, he could see the growing clouds of battle fill the air, looking to the direction they were heading, he saw...
"Decepticons!" Barrage shouted, pulling the other three out of their investigation. Barrage transformed into a cannon, firing shells off towards the group of Cons. Bee, Bombard and Scorcher pulled their weapons out and took positions behind rubble. Scorcher looked over his piece of cover and saw them: ten Decepticons driving towards the city, swerving around to avoid Barrage's barrage. Leading the group was not a vehicle however, but an animal. A large black horn on the animal's snout, and a grey body, Scorcher could not tell what exactly it was supposed to be, but he figured it had to be one of the Predacons.
The creature shifted and a body took shape, holding a black blade in one hand and a blaster in the other. Chuckling gleefully, the Cybertronian raised his sword at the town, ignoring the shots falling down towards him. "Rampage told us about you lot! He's gettin' a proper punishin', he is!" The Con shouted, slowly walking towards the town as his grunts jumped out of their alternate forms and running towards the town, firing off shots from their rifles. "Boss has sent me ta deal with ya!" The Predacon laughs, rushing forward and firing off some shots as well.
The three returned fire, remaining in cover and blind firing at where the Decepticons were approaching from. While many of their shots were off, two of their shots hit a mark, dropping the Decepticons. Barrage continued to fire off shells, his bombardment hitting the now destroyed battlefield. Two more Cons were taken out, and Barrage shifted to his normal form, raising his launcher and firing more direct shots at the enemies. Some of those grenades went wild, and one blew up near Bumble Bee. The Scout hugged his shrinking cover, looking up towards Barrage. "Hey, watch where you're lobbing those things!"
Scorcher flinched as a chunk of his cover was blown off, exposing the larger Cybertronian slightly. Looking over the cover, he saw that three Decepticons were circling him, blasting his cover away slowly. He grunted, and a face place shifted to cover his face. He raised his revolvers and jumped out of his cover, firing both weapons at the first Con he saw. The grunt became riddled with holes and fell to the ground, creating a puddle of fluids around his deactivated body. Scorcher rolled to a standing position and shot at the next Con, his head blowing up into scrap. He took a shot to his shoulder and flinched, holstering his blasters and pulling out his sword, swinging it at the last Con, cutting the Cybertronian diagonally.
The Predacon watches as Scorcher deactivated his team mates, a stupid grin spread on his face. "Ah, I knew you was gonna be fun to fight! Boss said to me 'Headstrong, don't live up to your namesake. Think a strategy out.' but I knew doing that would have been boring! Now I's get to chop ya myself!" The brute rushed at Scorcher, firing his blaster directly at him. Scorcher raised his left arm, the shots denting his armor. Unlike the other Decepticons, Headstrong's weapon was shooting something solid. Scorcher raised his sword as the Predacon swung his blade, blocking the strike, and looked down to see what he was shooting.
There laying at his feet, were smoking piles of rock. Scorcher looked to the Predacon with confusion in his eyes, trying to comprehend those details. "Rocks? You were shooting Rocks?" But before Scorcher could continue to question this, he was jumped from the back, sending him to the floor. The last two Decepticons managed to avoid the attention of Scorcher's allies and pinned him to the floor. Scorcher easily shoved one off before taking a rock to the back of the head, making him hit his head against the floor. Sparks flew up from where he made contact and Scorcher's world was covered in static. He barely heard the commotion in the real world, seeing shadowy figures of Headstrong and his minions running away, shifting back to their mobile forms and heading into the distance, but Scorcher was more focused on a more clear figure approaching.
He thought is was Soundwave with the overall shape of him, but as he grew closer, the coloration was all wrong, as well as the lack of a face plate, and the strange circle on his chest where the Decepticon logo was on Soundwave. Who was this bot.
"No need to worry, Scorcher. I am here to assist you in Soundwave's absence." The figure said, having a similar monotone voice to Soundwave, yet it differed in that it was a more calmer and smoother voice than Soundwaves purely synthetic one. The figure kneeled in front of Scorcher and raised his head. Scorcher could have sword he had heard this voice before, speaking to Soundwave. "My name is Legate, and my master has ordered me to assist you."