Scorcher, Train Trek and Optimus ran off of the lift as the doors slid open, struggling as they had been damaged due to the battle. Shockingly, there were Decepticon forces fighting the Autobots right on their position, Autobot bodies lying deactivated all over the main lobby of the Spire. The three move into action; Optimus knelt down and focused his aim, unleashing a stream of fire towards the entrance, taking out the Decepticon drones. Train Trek approached the last remaining Autobots that had not perished and swung his hammer, knocking away the Decepticons that were barring down on them. The drones that had taken his hammer broke apart, their limbs and internal mechanisms scattering the floor.
Train raised his shield as some drones opened fire on the Autobots, protecting the injured them. "Get out of here. Get somewhere safe." He commanded, the soldiers that were the least damaged nodding, moving to assist their more injured allies. Train Trek returned his focus towards the drones, lifting his hammer and slamming it down, crushing two drones beneath the head.
Scorcher was less focused on saving the Autobot soldiers and more focused on blasting the drones. He fired each revolver simultaneously, hitting the processing centers of every drone, taking out two at a time. He was slowly moving forward, taking out a large group of drones and clearing the lobby. The few drones that Scorcher and Optimus had not taken out yet began to fall back, running away from the three formidably foes and back out towards the streets of Iacon. With the lobby cleared, the three moved towards the door way and looked out towards the streets to see the chaos.
Autobot civilians laying dead, having been slain by the drones. Flyers swerving through the city, dueling in the sky, with those not paying attention crashing into the city that they're battling in. Optimus looked towards Scorcher and Train Trek, his arm shifting back to a normal hand. "You two go try and defend the wall and secure the breach, I'm going to try and take control of the streets once more." Before the two could try and reply, the Autobot jumped and transformed into an red and blue truck, driving off. The two looked to one another and shrugged, running towards where the main breach was.
Scorcher jumped into the air, his limbs collapsing and his body shifting into a small red vehicle. Train Trek's transformation was less spontaneous, his body shifting as he stomped behind. His Steam Stack slowly shifted to where his head was, steam slowly rising from the spout. His bulky body became a long rectangular vehicle that Scorcher couldn't label; he had never seen a vehicle like it on Cybertron. Now was not the time to question, however, there was a battle that needed winning. The two rushed through the city, Train Trek wrecking any drone in his way by running them down. The streets of Iacon were devastated, the civilians who called the city home lay dead on the ground, along side the soldiers who were meant to protect them. The Decepticons are becoming more and more about destruction.
Finally the two reached the wall where the Decepticon forces were flooding in through. Autobot soldiers trying to push them back and secure the hole, the drones fighting to keep their entrance, only being replaced by a new drone when one fell. The Autobots had no such advantage; when one fell, there was no replacement once the body dropped. Scorcher and Train Trek shifted into a walking stance and pulled out their weapons; Scorcher firing his revolvers while Train Trek prepared his cannon, the weapon replacing most of his right arm. A small handle popped out, and he grabbed it, pulling it once to warm up the blast. The remaining Autobots saw the reinforcements, and say that the weapon was charging up, clearing the breach. The drones, believing they won, began to flow through once more.
"Now would be a real good time to use that thing!" Scorcher said, only able to shoot so many drone heads. Train Trek did not reply, only focused on the indicator that said his cannon was almost ready. Once it was, Train Trek Smiled, and pulled the handle again.
The barrel of his cannon lit up like the sun, drawing the gaze of all the drones in its path. Almost as fast as their focus shifted, a large beam of light disintegrated them, clearing the whole horde that lay behind the breach. A large swath cut the Decepticon forces now, the battleground now deafening silent. The Autobots took advantage and rallied, forcing the Decepticons along the wall to retreat. Scorcher looked to Train Trek, who looked as if he was about to fall. Every joint on his body released a cloud of steam, and he fell to the ground, landing on his knee. Scorcher holstered his pistols and moved to help his old time friend.
"I don't remember it doing that." Scorcher commented, removing the cannon from Trek's arm and lacing it on his back. Train Trek simply laughed, his voice tired and drained.
"Well, it's been some time since you last saw it at work, friend. Perceptor has been toying with it, modifying it into the devastating weapon you see before you." Train Trek muttered, letting Scorcher help him stand. "He's still trying to find a way for me to use it without draining most of my power, but obviously, he hasn't figured it out yet."
"That's obvious." Scorcher says, hearing the fighting continue in the city itself. He looked up to see a vessel getting shot by one of the city defense towers. "Look's like their air support is done for." With that comment, Train Trek looked up to see what Scorcher was talking about, almost to fall over in shock.
"That is no Decepticon ship, that's Omega Supreme! The Decepticons are trying to take him down to gain access to the Omega Key! He Want's the Cor-" Train Trek fell over, coughing. Scorcher helped him sit up and placed him along a wall.
"I can tell this Omega Supreme is important. I'll go and try to defend him." Scorcher said, trying to relax his friend. Train Trek nodded, trying to catch his breath, and with that, Scorcher ran off, transforming and heading to where ever Omega Supreme would crash.