"Morning doctor!" Jamie beams with a wide smile greeting the doctor, "How was your night?" He questions walking in approaching them.
"You can see. " Jamie says shrugging off her shoulders and eyeing the couch, the doctor chuckles and looks at Ethan who was sound asleep. "He seems to be sleeping well, I feel bad to wake him up. " He says making Jamie chuckle.
"He can continue sleeping later, check is a must. " She adds walking closer to Ethan, "Wake up. " She says slightly nudging him, Ethan hmms tossing around and facing her. Jamie sighs when he just closed his eyes going back to sleep.
Jamie looks at the doctor and smiles awkwardly, "He is not a light sleeper. " The doctor nods his head and walks to the edge of the bed, he grabs the cardboard and pulls it up checking the details added by the nurse during her frequent visit.