Andriana stood alongside Desmonadon, Verica and the two Red Death that had insisted on protecting them on the bridge of the knock off Star Destroyer, watching as the vessel dropped out of hyperspace. A large red gas giant in view, and as they approached, Andriana looked to Desmonadon. When they left the assault, She had asked the former rebel to take over the ship and lead them to safety when they were being escorted to the bridge. He was hesitant, seeing that he had been a prisoner to them before, and he was still not believing the circumstances he was being put through, but he reluctantly agreed, promising to bring these new recruits to the rebellion.
She slowly walked up to Desmonadon, her appearance still slightly disheveled and cleared her throat. The rebel leader looked to her, his expression somewhat calm, but still that same caution he had when William asked him to join. "Andriana, how can I help you?" He said, his full attention on the former Imperial officer.
"So, I know that we were in a rush, but where exactly are we heading?" She asked, looking back towards the viewport, the red giant filling her vision.
"To the secret rebel base. Here you and your people will be safe, and can help bring the fight to the Empire." As he said this, the vessel began to pass the red giant, and Andriana looked out to see a vibrant green world. It stood out against the darkness of space, and from the corner of her eye, she could see Desmonadon smile. "Andriana, I present to you Yavin 4." He then nodded and walked away, moving to an officer working one of the terminals.
Andriana continued to stare at the luscious world, she hadn't seen anything more beautiful in the galaxy. She had not really considered it but the Empire took beautiful worlds and turned them into tools for their machine. He own home world, how vaguely she could remember, was beautiful; clear skies and red forests, wild life roaming the open plains. When she visited it after she graduated to tell her parents of her new post, the Empire had darkened the sky with pollution from factories and mines, and the plains had been covered by urban sprawls. She made a mental note to herself that the Empire will not take this world. This world will be untainted by their hunger and will remain pristine.
Verica walked up behind Andriana, causing the former officer to look to William's niece. She had the expression of hope, but there was a slight sadness in her eyes. Verica turned her head so she was looking face to face with Andriana and spoke. "We have survived thanks to William, but without him, who will his men follow?"
Andriana gave her a small smile, placing a hand on Verica's shoulder. She did not know, but she knew that they would fight against the Empire, especially the soldiers they had saved from Mygeeto. They had experienced Imperial betrayal first hand, and William's crew had seen how their brothers in arms had been treated by their own, making them see the Empire in a less favorable view. "Well, I could lead them, but I believe that I will have to stay at a base soon enough." She said, subconsciously placing a hand on her abdomen. "So I'm hoping that they will follow Desmonadon or even one of the Red Death possibly." As she said this, the Red Death that had agreed to stay their guardian moved up.
"I believe it should be you, ma'am, being that you were William's right hand woman." The soldier's voice seemed to have more emotion in it than before, as if she was fully human once more. Andriana looked toward the soldier, contemplating.
"Think you for your input. I will consider it. But first.." She turned around, seeing a number of vessels approaching; some were U-wings, others stolen LAATs from the Clone Wars. She smiled, hope filling her heart. "..let's get settled in our new home."