Chereads / NEVERENDING NIGHTMARES / Chapter 1 - Living In a Nightmare


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Chapter 1 - Living In a Nightmare

Jess's POV (Age Cycle: Age 5)

I woke up panting from a terrible dream. Taking in my surroundings, I realized I was in an unfamiliar area.

"Mommy, Daddy?"

I slowly get up from the bed as I began to wonder who's room I was really in. Out of no where, I felt a strong presence behind me. I stopped mid step when I felt a soft touch on my shoulder. I quickly turn around feeling my heart jolt expecting someone to be behind me. The only problem was there nothing behind me at all.

My breath began to quicken as I continued to walk forward looking for any source of light but I seemed to have no luck. I felt a lump in my throat as tears were building up.

"Is anyone there? Please, I'm scared."

*Song Lyrics-Nightmare by Set It Off*

'They're coming, creeping from the corner

And all I know is that I don't feel safe

I feel the tapping on my shoulder

I turn around in an alarming state

But am I loosing my mind?'

Walking further in the darkness I felt as if my imagination was getting the best of me as it seemed I was hearing footsteps nearby.

"H-hello?" I hollered seeing I was surrounded by nothing but shadows.

Suddenly something off in the distance fell on the ground. The hallway echoed with a loud crash from broken glass as if a picture frame fell from the wall. The sudden sound caused me to scream and run off aimlessly in the darkness. After awhile I stopped running to catch my breath as I hunched over panting for air as if I ran a marathon.

"Mommy, Daddy!!!! Where are you..!!!" I screamed out in fear.

'I really think so

Not a creature in sight

But what you don't know is that

My breathing gets faster

And so does my heartbeat

I wish this was over

I wish that this was a dream but

I created a monster, a hell within my head

Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own

Oh I'm so scared'

I get up putting my hands together slowly looking around.

I hear footsteps off in the distance.

"Mommy?.... Daddy?....."

I ran to the source of noise.

I see a small flashlight in the distance turn on. I quickly ran to the light. When I arrived it started flashing quickly.

I hear heavy breathing behind me. I felt my breath hitch as I started hyperventilating again.

I turn around quickly but there was nothing again. I felt my whole body shaking so hard. I slowly turn back around hunching over picking up the flashlight.

I look around aiming the flashlight around the room then out of nowhere. I see the flashlight flashing quickly. I see a door open slowly off in the distance hearing it creaking loudly.

I slowly walk up to the door.

"Mommy, Daddy?"

When I approach the door the flashlight went out completely.

I screamed out loud seeing nothing but darkness.

I hear a cracking noise from inside the door.

I look down and shaking the flashlight hoping it would turn on. Shortly after the light shined in the room.

My eyes widen as I see a shadow fade away in the corner of the room.


I slowly walk inside the room. The second I did the door slammed shut behind me.

I jumped up screaming out loud again.

I turn around shining my light at it. I see something written on the door.

I slowly read it out loud.

"Hello..... Jessica... Be... your..... Friend.."

"Let' You....can.... Find.... Me!

"You....will receive....a... Prize!"

"Someone wants to play hide and seek with me? Wait is that strawberry Jelly on the door?"

I notice red liquid running down on the door. It had a really bad smell though. I notice more red liquid on the floor. I aimed my flashlight at the floor slowly letting it lead the way. I hear cracking noises again. I aim my flashlight toward a door and see a little light in an empty room filled with shadows all around.

The noise is coming from inside.

I slowly walk inside feeling my body tremble not understanding why.

When I approach the light from above I hear.


My flashlight went out the second I approached the light.

I screamed our loud again. I shook the flashlight seeing it flicker back on. Even though it was flickering I still aimed at the floor.

I screamed as loud as I possibly could feeling my whole body go into complete shock and terror.

"Mommy?.... Daddy?....."

I slowly walk up to two bodies lying on the floor. I felt my stomach knot up and something come up. I threw up smelling a terrible stench seeing the red liquid all over the room.

I feel a presence behind me again.

I quickly turn around feeling a sharp pain on my neck.

I aim my flashlight in front of me feeling my heart ache in so much pain.

My imaginary friend, Bon Bon.

He opened his mouth as my head went deep in his mouth, he was holding me by my neck digging his nails deep in my throat.

"No!!!!Bon Bon!!!!! NO!!!!!" I screamed out as loud as I could then.....


'I created a monster, a beast inside my brain

Nowhere to go, I'm not on my own'

(Age Cycle: Age 14)

I jumped up from my bed panting hard.

I patted my head looking at the mirror.

"It was just a dream.... Thank god..."

I get out my phone messaging my best friend.

"Hey I had a nightmare can I call you?" I read out loud as I typed.

'She always stays up so she always reply fairly quickly.' I thought to myself.

After awhile there was no reply.

"Hmm.... That's weird maybe I'll call her.."

I dial her number and wait patiently.

When the call accepted I was about to speak but I hear rapid heavy breathing.

My spine chilled.


That's when the phone hung up.

My mouth gaped as I felt my air being taken away.

"Okay, okay everything is okay.. It's just a prank... Yeah just a prank..." I said to myself.

I hear my phone go off on my hands causing me to drop the phone in surprise.

I ran to it seeing I was getting a call from my mom.

'Mom? Isn't she inside the house?'

I slowly approach the phone picking up off the floor answering the call.

"Mom? "

My whole body began trembling as I heard the same heavy breathing as Molly had.

I felt tears come as I began hyperventilating.

Then the call ended.

I slowly approach my door opening it.

I see all the lights turned off in the house.

'My mind impaired to wake me from my nightmare

Wait, something doesn't feel right (feel right)

No, something seems wrong (wrong)

And I've been feeling this way (oh that's too bad), for far too long'

I slowly turn on the flashlight mode on my phone.

"Mom? Dad?"

I slowly walk to their room knocking, then I hear glass shatter inside.

My instant reaction is too run but... what if she's hurt...

I slowly open the door seeing shadows everywhere.

I look around on high alert.

"Mom? Dad?"

When I took a step in the room I feel something wet on my feet. I jumped back being started feeling it cold and sticky. I stepped back feeling myself slip in whatever I was stepping on.

I look down the same red liquid from the dream I had. I look down seeing my whole body covered in the sticky liquid.

"Wait... Is that jelly or..."

I was cut off by my train of thought when I hear dripping from the bathroom.

I slowly get up aiming my flashlight upward to the bathroom seeing the door barely open.

I walked up to the door as my vision began to get blurry.

I felt tears come.

I smell something so awful I began gagging.

"Mom, dad?"

I slowly open the door. I hear the dripping coming from the tub.

'I guess they didn't turn off the water all the-'

I was cut off when I aimed the light to shine in tub. I grabbed the shower curtain slowly opening it. The second I did my jaw dropped, my whole body went into complete shock and denial.

All that could hear was my echoed screams bouncing off the walls.

There hung my mom with her neck cracked. She was hung with the shower hose wrapped around her neck. Her head was cracked with blood oozing out onto the tube. Out of no where I hear heavy breathing behind me.

I immediately turn around ready to punch something.

My eyes widen as I see my dad behind me crawling on the ground.

"Jess... Get out of here... It's after you too...."

Then he smashed his face on the ground. I felt tears pour off my face as I notice he was missing half his body.

I felt tears overcome my face. I ran fast through the house. When I make it to the stairs I see something that caught my eye. A small like shining on the ground like a flashlight on a phone.

I slowly walk down the stairs approaching the phone.

I turn it around feeling my skin crawl.

'As my vision gets blurred, my skin's getting colder

Appearing young, while I'm growing older

I collapse to the floor and scream:

"Can anybody save me from myself?"'

I see the background picture of a phone. Me with a wicked smile with a knife at Molly's neck.

My eyes watered so much.

"No... " I breathed out.

I see the phone deleting all the apps within seconds but the gallery was the only app left.

I slowly select it.

I see several pictures. I select the first one.

As I flipped through I was seeing picture after picture so close together it was like watching a video. I saw myself covered in blood. I grabbed someone and dragged them in the living room. I see the lights turn on and Molly on the ground.

My eyes widen as I see stab wounds on her legs and arms. I see myself with a kitchen knife stabbing her over and over in the stomach. At the end I grabbed her hair pulling up and sliced her neck.

That was the last picture. That's when all the lights turned on at once.

My mouth widened as I see myself holding a knife with blood all over me.

I slowly look up feeling my body shaking.

I cried out loud as I see Molly on the ground with stab wounds everywhere.

I dropped on my knees gripping the knife in my hand. I grit my teeth so hard I could chip them.

'I fucking killed my best friend..She's dead...I..killed her.'

I look down looking at my bloody hands then the bloody knife.

I cried out.

"I'm so sorry Molly..Forgive me.."

I held the knife to my throat closing my eyes shaking so badly.

"Forgive me."


'I created a monster, a hell within my head

Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own

Oh I'm so scared (oh, oh I'm so scared)

I created a monster, a beast inside my brain

Nowhere to go, I'm not on my own'

I felt my body leap up panting so fast. I look around.

"A nightmare I should tell mommy and daddy.."

I look around the room and see it's dark. I felt my body shivering as it was so cold in my room. I hear noises everywhere. I feel my heart race as I hide under my covers.

'It's not's not real..'

I felt tears come as the noises got louder and louder. I grit my teeth crying. I felt my bed sink down as if something was on my bed. It went to my feet....then legs... Then stomach. Then.... The blankets come off harshly.

I screamed out feeling massive pain everywhere. Crushing feelings all over my body. I was defenseless and unable to move all I could hear was bashing,cracking and sloshing of liquid.

'My mind impaired to wake me from my nightmare'

I leaped up panting hard.


I ran to the light switch in my room flipping up but nothing happened.

I screamed so loud.


I hear a door squeaking.

I see the bedroom door opening.

I ran downstairs jumping the rest of the way.

I rammed my body at the front door trying to open it.


I quickly unlocked the door opening it quickly.

I felt my heart sink as I scream out loud backing away.

I see a ledge of a high building.

"How....HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!!!" I screamed out loud.

I hear footsteps behind me.

I look back and see him.... My imaginary friend when I was younger.

"B-Bon Bon?"

I see him get on all four running at me hissing loudly.

My heart pounded out of my chest.

I turn around looking at foot seeing the jump was so far down.

I felt tears come as I took the leap.

'Walk into the latch, I find myself looking down

Frozen still with fear, now I'm plunging to the ground

If only I knew how to fly, then I could convince myself

This isn't my time to die

Instead I'm rocketing faster, and faster

I dive, fall to the floor

And when my body crashes to the pavement'

I woke up panting hard.

I began crying holding my hair squeezing unbelievably hard. I let out a blood curtailing scream.

'I'm right back where I was before

I created a monster, a hell within my head

Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own

Oh I'm so scared

I created a monster, a hell within my head

Nowhere to go, I'm out on my own

Oh I'm so scared, no, no

I created a monster, a beast inside my brain

Nowhere to go, I'm not on my own'


I hear footsteps outside my room. Then my door creaking open. I look over at the door seeing a big outline of a figure.

I quickly get off my bed crawling underneath.

I look around hearing footsteps coming closer to me.

I covered my mouth scared I'd blow my cover.

I hear the footsteps go away.

I sighed in relief.

Then all the sudden I hear a loud scratching noise right in front of me.

I see Bon Bon stick his head under the bed with his hand out scratching the floor board digging his nails deep inside.

I screamed as loud as I could.

I need to escape.

"No!!!! Get away!!!!" I cried out loud.

I quickly crawl away but felt a sharp grasp on my ankle.

I screamed out loud as I was harshly pulled out from under the bed.

I was dragged out of the room down the stairs.

I cried screaming with each stair was bashing in my face. I could feel my face getting wetter and wetter by the second. I open my eyes seeing the stairs were becoming red. When he pulled my on the flat surface I tried grabbing anything but I couldn't reach as my arms were too small.

I hear the front door unlock.

I quickly look and see him unlocking the door swinging the door open.

I see a bunch of snow fly inside the house.

I squint my eyes seeing nothing but white outside.

'No houses... Nothing.'

That's when I was dragged again toward the door.

I felt the cold consume my body with the snow causing my body to get frost bite fairly quick.

I screamed out with the burning cold going throughout my skin.

I was picked up and thrown deep into the snow.

I quickly get up running toward the door. I held my hand out screaming then the door slammed shut.

I turn around seeing nothing but white.

I was shaking so badly I could barely walk.

"S-someone.... Please.... H-help me... Please." I cried.

I kept walking until I collapsed in the snow.

My breath was slowing down rapidly.

I felt my eyes slowly close into a pit of darkness.

'My mind impaired to wake me from my nightmare

Awake me from my nightmare

(I'm so scared) Awake me from my nightmare

(I'm so scared) Awake me from my nightmare

(I'm so scared!) Awake me from my nightmare'

I open my eyes.

I felt my heart ache badly. I let out the harshest scream I possibly could.