Chereads / The White Spirit (Stiles Stilinski) / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

Lux's POV

I was in Stiles' room now. I quickly pulled into one of his tee shirts and again teleported in the living room where Israel was.

"My lady". Israel gasped out as he quickly stood up and gave a bow.

"Israel." I muttered as he looked up but quickly looked away. Yes, I do not blame him. He's never seen me dressed like this before. I dress up in long skirts or dresses that cover up everywhere but this shirt clearly exposed my thighs and legs.

"'welcome back". He said as I walked over to the hallway.

"Thank you". I replied as I could see Stiles at the door, he'd just opened the door to reveal two well built men looking older than the curly haired guy. I suppose that the two older men are the Hales and the curly one is Lahey?.

I could sense Stiles' uneasiness. He wasn't afraid, he was simply uncomfortable with their presence here. I closed my eyes as I took a deep breathe, trying to emit the feeling of comfort towards Stiles to make him feel better. It worked.

I smiled to myself as I raked my hair back.

"How may I help you?". He asked almost bitterly.

"Hi Stiles". Lahey said trying to manage a smile that came out as a nervous one.

They were here to talk about me.

Stiles looked at him sternly, he didn't smile back instead he turned his gaze to the Hales who looked at him in the same way as if they were in a staring match.

"I asked how may I help you?". He asked again totally irritated with their presence there.

"We need to talk". The guy in the leather jacket said in a no nonsense tone. I assume he's the Derek Hale?.

"Talk about what Derek?." Stiles snapped at him.

"Hey, Kiddo watch your temper". The other man said.. Clearly he's the Peter Hale.

Stiles chuckled. Not an amused chuckle but a mocking one.

"The last time I checked, I wasn't part of pack and you here..". He said while pointing at Derek. "Warned me to stay away from pack!.. Why are you here?". He asked.

I could feel his anger building in him. It was like waves gushing on each other and I'm sure if he was a werewolf, he would have already ripped the trio apart. I tried to calm him down with my scent before he decided to act impulsively. I still don't know what he's capable of and this emotions of his, should be kept in place..  He needs a lot of training.

"Stiles. Calm down. I'm here". I mind linked him.

"As I said, we're here to talk". Derek said.

"Talk about what, huh?". Stiles questioned.

"Can't we come inside?". Lahey asked.

Stiles scoffed. I could not control his waves of emotions from this distance. I needed to be close to him. But the trio will suspect me and I didn't want them to know my human form just yet. I needed to come up with an idea that will not only cover up for me but also send them away.

An idea struck me!.

"Stiles. I'm coming. Play along with whatever game I'll come up with". I mind linked him again.

Stiles' POV

"Stiles. I'm coming. Play along with whatever game I'll come up with". Lux mind linked me. I exhaled sharply. Air that I has no idea I'd been holding.

I wasn't pleased at the slightest with these three on my doorstep. I know my anger was building up and whenever I felt like the dam was breaking and I was about to snap insults to the trio, to send them away but Lux used her overpowering sweet scent to calm me down which seemed to be working for a few seconds before I felt that hot rage in me again.

What was happening?.

Anyways I was glad that Lux came and I wasn't going to face this alone.

"Stiles". Isaac tried again.

"No. You aren't welcomed inside". I answered totally irritated with their presence.

"Why?". Peter asked trying to sound innocent.

What did he mean by 'Why'? Of course I can't let them in because they aren't my friends anymore. They just can't expect to turn their backs on me then expect me to welcome them with open arms when they come to me. Hell no!.

"What do you mean by 'why'?". I asked in a huff. "This is my house, my rules buddy!". I added replaying what I'd once told Derek when he was in my room months ago.

"Stiles-". Peter was about to talk but was cut off when slender arms snaked on my waist to my chest. Lux. She was hugging me from behind and she was standing really close, her head buried on my back and her hands tagging loosely on my shirt. I felt sudden peace within me and all anger was gone.

"No matter how hot your hot your anger is, it can never cook yams". Lux mind linked me. "Remember to play along".

"My love, what's going on?". She asked loud enough for the trio standing on my porch to hear. I smiled at that, was this her plan? Then, I'd gladly play along!.

"Nothing honey... They were just leaving". I answered as I looked at them, their faces filled with surprise and questioning looks of what was happening.

"Oh, so soon?". She questioned as she peered through the space between the door and I. Her hands still on me. Revealing her beautiful face. The trio gasped as they saw her. Guess they couldn't fight the urge of gasping at her beauty.

I smiled wider.

"Hi". She said through a smile.

"H-hey". Isaac stuttered.

"Love, where's my sandwich?". Lux asked as she laid her head on my back again.

"I was about to make you one before I got distracted". I responded. I could see the looks on the trio's faces, expecting me to explain but I didn't want to, I wanted them to think their brains through.

"As much as I'd like to stay and chat, I've got things to do and a beauty to take care of". I said with a side grin as I took hold of the door knob while Lux took her hands off me.

"See you when you see me". I smacked at then before shutting the door and following Lux to the living room where Israel had this huge smile on his face. Lux chuckled and I wasn't even focusing, all I did was smile big as I looked at Lux who was chuckling beside Israel.

"That hit them hard". Israel said.

"They weren't expecting that. Plus they've never thought of Stiles having a girlfriend". She added. My smile started to fade away as that heart ache came back in my heart...

"Allow me to add that they, didn't expect to see lord Stiles having a beautiful lady beside him". Israel said with a smirk. My heart clenched.

My heart ached for her.

I didn't want to have to pretend again in front of people that she's my girlfriend... My lover!..

I wanted it to be something real. I wanted it to be true.

If only...

If only I knew how she felt towards me.

If only I could hold her and tell her that I loved her.

If only I could tell her that I needed her

That I want her

That I miss her whenever she's not around and I want her close all the time..

But would she believe me if I told her my feelings?.

"Well, I have to return to my post". Israel said as he stood up from the couch while his former garments of robes appeared back in place.

"Okay Israel. Take care and call me in case of anything". Lux said as Israel gave her a small bow then me before he disappeared, white smoke following him behind.

There was great tension in the room. She looked away as I looked at her. I don't know why I was looking at her like this. I don't know why... Perhaps I had the hope of her feeling my feelings towards her. I don't even know what I'm thinking but what I know is that I need her in my life.

I cleared my throat. Still standing a few feet away from her.

"How are your parents?. Keeper told me that they summoned you". I said slowly.

She turned to look at me with raised brows. Right, she wasn't expecting that question.

I don't know why but I felt as if things between us had changed. It's like we were the same people but different.. I don't know how to explain this concept but I felt that something had changed between us.

"They're fine." She responded. I nodded slightly.

I could feel that there was something that she wanted to tell me but she was afraid... What could she be possibly afraid of? Was she having the same feelings towards me like the ones I felt for her?

I took a deep breathe as I stood there looking at her. She was looking away from me.

It's clear she didn't want us to talk much.

"Thanks by the way for helping earlier". I said in a small sad voice that came out unwanted. She said nothing.

I sighed as I started to make my way upstairs.

"Where's my sandwich?". She questioned suddenly making me to stop. I was behind the couch where she was seated but her back was still facing me. I looked at her. What did she mean?. I thought all of that was just a game!.

She chuckled nervously. "You thought all of that was just a game, didn't you?". She asked before standing up and turning to face me.

"Yes I did. Though..." I trailed off.

"Though what? Stiles be honest with me". She questioned as she came towards me. My eyes still fixed on her.

I took a deep breathe.

"Yes.." I said in a small voice. "Yes I thought it was a game... Yes I thought it was just a fucking game of pretence". I said not realizing that my voice was now raising.


"You wanna know why? Huh?... Why because I'm so obsessed with you? Why because I love every single thing about you?... Your smile, your eyes, your laugh, your voice.. Hell! I love everything about you. But then, I'm afraid of loosing you, afraid that you'll go away from me. You wanna know why? You wanna know why Lux? Because I love you and I can't stop thinking about you!". I said... No, I was now yelling and now there were tears in my eyes. I didn't even mind anymore that I'd spoken out my feelings. That fear wasn't there anymore.

"I heard you say that I was your mate. I love you Lux. I loved you even before that declaration and I need you in my life.. But hell, your a goddess and I'm just human, tell me! Tell me Lux, do I have a chance with you? Do we have a chance together?". I asked as tears streamed down my cheeks. It felt like I was burning in my lungs and I couldn't breathe.

She pulled me to face her, her hands cupping my cheeks and wiping my tears with her thumbs.

"Focus Stiles". She started softly. "Close your eyes and breathe in slowly.. Breathe Stiles".

She then pulled me into a hug.

"Feel my heartbeat Stiles. Tell me what you think". She said slowly as I had started to breathe well again.

"Stiles, my heart lives inside of me but it only beats for you. I love you as much as you love me and I'm happy to know that you're my mate.." She said slowly as she pulled off of the hug and looked into my eyes.

I felt my heart full..  Full of peace, love and contentment. I looked into her eyes, she was honest with me, she loved me as much as I loved her.

"You accepted me!". I found myself say. She smiled.