I'm in the classroom no one sees
No one at all sees the real me
I'm standing right there but they don't see. They act as if I'm not there
I'm there in the shadows cause no one really cares.
What's the point when everyone ignores you
I just wanna be seen
To be seen for who I am
For people to see the real me
But what can I do if they don't see
Cause I'm never gonna be
The person that they want me to be
All the thoughts I have
Stay in my head
I wanna blurt them out
But to who
Who wants to hear what I have to say
They might just try to push me away
Cause no one will hear someone who can't be seen
No one wants to
And some people might call that being mean.
I raise my hand but the teachers avoid picking me
So what's the point
Why try to fit in
Why should I try to make them see me
If they wanted to be friends
They could just come up to me
No one knows my name
No one sees me in the crowd
I walk upon them everyday and I'm just invisible
So I have no face nothing to show
For me being anywhere cause no ones sees
No one cares
If I'm just being me
My teachers don't know my name
I'm never picked for a team project
My teachers don't pay attention when I ask for help
They go around and pass me like nothing
Like no one is asking for help
Because what's the point when you can't see something that's invisible right
Just don't try and carry on
Cause nothing gonna change so stop trying to force yourself to see something that I can't see or realize.