Chereads / ANIME LIFE DRAFT / Chapter 7 - Bonus chapter: Izumi Natsumura 3.5

Chapter 7 - Bonus chapter: Izumi Natsumura 3.5

The bell rings, and I wake up. Everyone's putting all their stuff in their backpacks.

Are classes over already?

"Ok, guys, enjoy your lunch," Horinomi-sensei gets up and leaves.

And almost everyone does the same. Soon the classroom ends up almost empty.

Honestly, I would have preferred classes were already over, but, hey, if there are still more classes, I can sleep even more.

And if I sleep more, I can stay awake longer.

And if now's luchtime, I get to lunch now.

And that's fine by me. :D

So, I take my backpack and put it over my desk.

Let's see, what will I lunch today? Maybe a burger or a sandwich and some chips. I'll have to go to the expending machine to get myself a soda. Maybe Sotoka-chan can come with me.

Oh, right, Sotoka-chan.


Maybe I should go talk with h—

Sotoka-chan's gone.

Maybe she doesn't want to see me anymore. She's just trying to avoiAre you still with that?!

Better focus on one thing at the time.

First get lunch and then we'll see.




Ok. So what will I lunch today?

I open my backpack and look for my food.






What? Where is it?

I should have something somewhere around here.

But the only food I find is a bag of chips and a sandwich. The bag of chips is open and almost empty, and the sandwich's crushed and filled with mold.

The moment I take it out everyone stare at me like they always do and start whispering.

What? It's not like I'm gonna eat it or something.

I get up and drop it on the trash bin.

But everyone's still staring at me and whispering like they always do.

What?! I already threw it out! Or do you want me to eat it?! What's wrong with you?!

I go back to my desk.








Oh, yeah, I don't have any lunch, and that's weird; I always have some supplies, but, thinking about it, because of ANIME LIFE and that, I haven't got my weekly's snack supplies. And why didn't I buy some when I was at the convenience store? I should have got at least some chips or something.

But I was too sad about Sotoka-chan thing to remember.

Oh, right, Sotoka-chan.




But, anyway, it doesn't matter for now. Better focus on getting lunch, Izumi.

Ok, so I'll have to go get it at the cafeteria.

And that's it.

Maybe Ino can come along.

She, as always at this time, is alone at her desk eating her bento box.

"Hey, Ino, let's go to the cafeteria."

Ino closes her bento box.

Gets up.

And leaves.






Yeah, she's not going to the cafeteria.

Well, whatever, it's not like I need her or anything; I mean, I can go all by myself, I don't need anyone's company.

And why did she get mad at me? She didn't even want to join ANIME LIFE in the first place.

And she doesn't like anime either.




Whatever, like I care.

I get up and go to the cafeteria.


And it's as full as always. Everyone's in line and pushing each other and taking the best meals. Here you always end up buying everyone's remains. But that's not that bad, to be honest: all junk food is good food.

What really annoys me about here is people: they yell and laugh and get in your way and bother you and stare at you like they always do. Why don't they go somewhere else? Why don't they bring their own lunch? Why don't they just disappear?

As if. Anyway, I go to the back of the line, and it barely moves.

Everyone around here talk and yell and, as always, murmur:

"Hey, Nuki-chan's here."

"Look, that's Nuki-chan."

"Hey, Nuki-chan!"

"I love you, Nuki-chan! Marry me!"

And laugh. But who's this Nuki-chan everyone's talking about? Seems popular.

Yeah, whatever, I'm still in line and bored as hell and, of course, papers balls, napkin balls, aluminum foil balls; straws, forks, spoons, and so on start to fall near me, and I don't know why everyone love so much to throw things at each other 'cause when I wake up in class, there's always pieces of paper, pencil tips, chunks of erasers; pens, pencils, clips on the floor, and it's a nuisance 'cause sometimes those things end up all over my hair.

And I've never seen the ones throwing that stuff. Sometimes I look everywhere and I never see them, but, the moment I stop looking, they start throwing all that stuff again.

They're such a nuisance.

Anyway, it's my turn now. I buy a sandwich and a soda for ¥600. I would have been way less at the convenience store, and I would have bought some manga with that money, but, whatever, I have my food now.

Now where can I eat?


I end up locked in the bathroom. But I'm fine. I didn't stay at the cafetería 'cause there were lots of people and I don't know any of them and I don't want my food to end up filled with paper balls, and I didn't go to my classroom either 'cause it's so far away and maybe there still some of my classmates, and I don't know them, and they also throw paper balls and stuff to each other and but I'm fine the bathroom isn't a bad spot and it doesn't smell that much 'cause my food smells more and better and theres no one here and its so silent and im fine really even if i endedupwithoutsotokachanandinoandeveryoneelseareweirdandanuisancecausetheyonly stare at me but they dont get near me or talk to me or aknowledge me in any way its like i was a something i dunno something so strange for them they fear me or hate me i dunno but imfinereallyidontcare igotusedtoit italwayshasbeenthisway and i dont know why ive always tried not to bother them or get in their way or anything but they always treat me the same doesntmatterwhathappersorwhatido itslikenothingidomatterreally likeidontmatterinthefirstplace likemyexistenceisandisn'tatthesametime likeiexistbutitdoesntevenmatterforanyone andicantdoanythingaboutmebutimfineimfineimfineidontcareivealwaysbennfineandivealwaysbennthewayiamnothingwilleverchangebutimfineicanonlybefinebutimfinereallyimfineimfineim