I was about to pick my basket up and go back to where Hae In had left her basket when a thud suddenly came on the changing room's door and my eyes immediately darted to it as my hand went to the gun in my holster. The thud came again and I pulled my gun out of the holster before surveying my surroundings to see if I was still the only one around. I thought of leaving what was definitely an infected in the changing room alone but then I remembered that they could open doors and began to slowly approach the door when a gunshot suddenly filled the air.
I instantly ducked, thinking it was from behind me, but I realized it wasn't after a couple of seconds. The thuds became incessant and I quickly got to my feet, scanning my surroundings in a hurry. My heart rate went back to normal after I realized that it was most likely one of us that shot an infected in another store or on the ground floor.