"Why is the location of your phone in Maize City?"
The world fell silent. There was no TV background noise, no drops of water leaking from a faucet nor a singing cricket outside. Eve jerked her head up and made eye contact with Ambryan. Her husband stared back, mimicking her wide look.
"Eve?" Avery spoke again. "Eve! I asked you a question."
"Mother." Ambryan flickered his gaze towards the smartphone.
"Yan? What are you doing in Maize City? Shouldn't you be in Rome?"
Gulping, Eve waited for Ambryan to say something. Her mind had gone as blank as the day she had a speech contest back in college. She blabbered her heart out until one of the judges gave the cue that her time was up. Anything she could have said better rushed to her head after it was over.
If only she had them during the actual contest.
Why were the best responses always after when she needed them?