Sorry read the next chapter first (sorry)

In the meantime Mu Millie headed back to her body she wanted to go home and see her newborn babies she was missing her family. If there was one thing she had learned in all her life she loved her family the most and this life was the best life out of all her lives she would live it for her family.

As she went back into her body she heard Mu Kai speaking to her, so she paid attention to what he was saying and out came the confusion which confused Mu Millie how, and where! and when did this all happen, when had he met this woman and who was she to him? Did he still like her? Is she still here with him! has he been lying all this time to her! did he ever love her? Mu Millie was lost in their own thought as she lay there what had she come back to, was this the end for her and Mu Kai?

She wanted to scream and cry but nothing was coming from her, her emotions all froze as she carried on listening to his confession she was extremely puzzled when did he live in Italy for him to have this woman it must have been before he met her that's all she thinks off for an explanation for this.

She tried to open her eyes which was difficult after a lot of struggle she opened her eyes and looked at her husband to see why he said what he said and saw a book in his hand he was reading a passage from it she breath sighed of relief as she stared at him he was indulging in this book of his that he had not noticed that his wife was awake staring at him.

Mu Millie grunted to get his attention as he looked up he jumped up dropped the book and lept on her, she was so squashed that she couldn't breathe, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but the tears flowed anyway she didn't even know she was holding in" hey a-bit to tight can't breath" she chuckled.

"Hey, you finally woke up how was it, is it all sorted because a lot has changed here too, I have loads to tell you better get the okay from the doctors, then I fill you in it's so good to have you back" he kissed her cheeks then her lips then her cheeks again then her lips.

Mu Millie didn't stop him she had missed him as much as he missed her, she held his neck and deepened the kiss, she let him know how much she missed him without words, she breathed heavily as she let go, then chuckled at him.

Mu Kai was no longer surprised at his wifey's way of showing love, he liked it without words she could say a lot, he didn't know how or why he understood every gesture made to him.

"How are the twins? I want to see them! How long was I out for? How much have I missed !" She asked a lot of questions on the go.

Mu Kai chuckled" The twins are fine. They are gorgeous and naughty simultaneously if that's understandable. Still, now you're here, you can see for yourself, and you can see them in a bit after the doctors check you over, and everything is okay, alright. For the time you were out, well, that's a long story, but don't worry, I will fill you in, okay? I missed you so much, and never do that again, okay" he leaned in for another kiss" I missed that. Funny expression of yours, but again, I got my wicked way with you," he chuckled again.

Mu Millie turns to look puzzled" What do mean you wicked? what did you do? Wait a minute do I want even know what you did? And that look tells me I don't want to know right?" She smiled as she knew he only pulled that face when he had done something he thought was naughty but was really sweet and innocent but he didn't need to know how naive he was.

Mu Kai chuckled" It's a secret not saying anything my lips are sealed" he smiled his cheeky smile leaned in and kissed his wife.

The doctor knocked on the door walked in and smiled at Mu Millie" Well come back how do you feel any pain in your head or anywhere in your body" he asked as he checked Mu Millie's pulse.

Then he checked her heartbeat as well as listened to her breath" Well you look well I will send you the relevant checks then I think you can go see the twins they are so gorgeous" he smiled.

He called the nurse and told her what tests had to be carried out when they were done to report back to him and he would check through the reports before he discharged her. As she was the granddaughter of his dear friend he couldn't leave anything to chance otherwise he would have that grumpy old fart on his back.

Mu Millie went with the nurse. She did all the checks then I asked Mu Kai to take her to see the twins. After all, she had waited a long time for these twins to be born; she couldn't wait to meet them; as they walked into the room, they saw all their families gathered; the twins were being passed around. There were too many hands that wanted to take care of them.

Mu Millie knew if something had happened to her while she was fighting the enemy, her children would have been in the safest hands of the there entire family.

She smiled as she watched the family surround the twins including her own children, he looked at her oldest child sitting in the corner watching and smiling at her he was the only one who saw her walk into the room, he walked over and hugged her"…..okay….now...angel" he smiled.

Mu milled and hugged him back "Yes my beautiful baby boy everything is okay now I think we can live our lives normally or as normally as possible with who we all are.

As they spoke the others also noticed Mu Mille was in the room they were startled as nobody told them that she was waking they all started talking at the same time asking questions, Mu Millie looked at the hundreds of questions that were just fired at her" one at a time please I will answer all your questions but first I want to see my children please" she smiled.

Grandpa came over he hugged his granddaughter" My sweetheart how are you,& you had all worried is everything sorted if it is does that mean it's time for Grandma to leave us as well" he asked when he realised that he would lose his wife again.

" hmm yeah, Grandpa I'm sorry it's what it, is I can't do anything sorry I wish there was something I could do to keep her here" She was sad that they wouldn't be able to see Grandma anymore it had been so nice to have her here by their side helping them.

" it's okay I know this day will come but it hurts, all the same, I am very happy with the time I spent with her thank you" he kissed Mu Millie's forehead.

As he did he turned around and grabbed his wifey hand and walked out he wanted to spend the last moments with his wife, he was very grateful he had this much time, he was able to tell her everything that was unsaid before and show how much he loved and missed her, he was sad that she would leave him again but he was very grateful that he got this chance that no one gets, he went to his bedroom he talks so fast as she didn't know how much time he had left.

Grandma looked and smiled she knew that her time was coming to an end and she needed to return as that's the way it was, she would miss her family but she couldn't be here as the time ripple would be affected changing the future, which she didn't want because you wouldn't know if it was good or bad.

Mu Millie slowly walked into the room where Grandma and Grandpa were explained that time was nearing they needed to head to the den where it would more better to leave to make sure Grandma would go back to the right place and not be lost soul, as ever I'd their fair wells it was an emotional time for everyone they were losing grandma again.

Mu Kai whispered in Mu Millie's ear" Is there any way we can keep grandma here forever" he sighed he liked having grandma around.

Mu Millie smiled a very sad smile" Sorry there isn't she has to go back" She sighed too if there was a way she would do it in a heartbeat.

As they all headed to the den they watched as Grandma vanished like she had been an illusion they all burst out crying even Grandpa had tears flowing down his face he left alone in the garden, slowly everyone headed to rooms as they were too upset to talk about it" I want to stay here for a bit if that's okay with you" Mu Millie asked Mu Kai.

"It's okay take your time" he knows she needs time to come to terms with Grandma gone for good.

The minute the door shut Mu Millie started going through the books to see what she could find she remembered while on the other plane, she had seen a spell that helped keep grandma in this world, she wanted to see if this spell was there too.

It was a long shot but she wanted to try it as it would let them spend more time with their grandma, she found something similar she took it out and started casting the spell but in order to get her grandma back she had to sacrifice something, without thinking she cast the spell grandma appeared before her in human form.

Grandma looked surprised happy but worried at the same time "What have you done you silly child you know what you've sacrificed to keep me here in the flesh" she sighed how would she be able to forgive herself?

Mu Millie smiled" It was nothing I would give my life in exchange for you as well my dear grandma" She smiled she knew what she had done but she didn't mind and she knew they all owed her she had helped out a lot so grandma wasn't aware that she hadn't exchanged much.

Both grandma and granddaughter walked out smiling and chatting grandpa walked in from the garden wondering if he was hearing things as he could hear his wife talking but he couldn't see her there was a woman with his granddaughter talking but not his wife but she felt like his wife and sounded like her too.

Mu Millie smiled" Grandpa I know it's weird but it's Grandma as I couldn't get Grandma's body so I had to find another body as Grandma's body has disintegrated for some reason, so I'm afraid this is Grandma now if you know what I mean" she didn't know how to explain it.

Grandpa walked over" How and when and whose body did you steal and where from" he was shocked happy and surprised at the same time if that was possible he walked over and tried to hug the woman who was supposed to be his wife he found weird but good at the same time.

Uncle walked out as he heard the commotion in the living room "What's going on who's the woman dad is hugging" he looked a bit shocked at his father.

Grandpa glared "You rascal would I hug any random lady it's your grandma, not her body if you know what I mean," he thought it sounded better in his head the words sounded strange when they were out of his mouth.

" eh" was all Uncle managed to say as he looked at Mu Millie for an explanation.

" well it's like this I said a spell when I was up there I wanted to try it to see if I could bring grandma back but I couldn't use her original body so I had to bring this one don't worry she has no family and no background so nobody would know she is missing we swapped souls that's all," she said it was a normal thing to do.

Grandpa and Uncle and now Mu Kai looked horrified at Mu Millie they didn't know what to say anymore, except that they were happy and unsure at the same time.

But when grandma spoke they all knew it was their beloved mother, wife, and grandma as she sounded the same if one were to close their eyes they would imagine her face" Omg are you for real Mu Kim walked down the stairs he was shocked" I'm impressed sis" he smiled as he walked around Grandma and looked carefully "Good idea as we couldn't explain what happened and how so this better " he spoke to everyone here and understood what he was explaining nobody dared to say anything they weren't expecting this they were grateful that they had grandma back.

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