As Mu Millie was sworn in she was questioned and she told them what had happened in each life and still happening in this life too, she admitted that she was at fault too, and she would accept her punishment too, but first, they all had to pay for what, these evil ancestors had done, they all sat on their chair smugly, they still had few tricks up their sleeve, Mu Millie knew this but was prepared.
Their first claim was that Mu Millie was lying and that she wasn't a descendant of the royal clan what proof did she have? they claimed that Marian was the descendant of the royal clan because she had the wand staff of the elders, Mu Millie knew that the staff had been lost long ago, she was informed by her Nanna but she also knew that there was a piece of evidence that she would present that would tell them that she was the queen to the throne and that the immediate family had that was passed down from mother to daughters and so on; it was well known but the enemy couldn't get there hands on it no matter how hard they tried; but first she wanted to see what they had prepared for her first.
As they showed the staff off like they had found their escape root, they looked at Mu 'Millie and her clan as they smirked, these people had no respect for the royal clan; they kept looking to say they had won already. They showed them that they get the staff to work we'll sort of it was off; but the magic was there that had to mean that they must off someone of the royal clan in their mist, that explained a lot of how they were able to access the place where this stuff was hidden in the first place.
But what puzzled Mu Millie was who could it be it had to be directly linked to the royal family and it was a female but she hadn't heard of another royal female tine missing unless she had betrayed her clan; she would find out later and deal with it she would punish accordingly this matter to be resolved later but now to deal with a bunch of clowns.
As they carried on with lies they forgot the main details but they carried on trying to weave a web of lies; they thought they had made them believe all these years they could do the same with the ancestor's council order; they forgot the main thing that the original king and queen of the gipsy clan was also part of this councils order; although it was hidden from all eyes.
But the council of the order that had gathered already knew this as they had worked with the royal family from the beginning; they wanted to stop this charade and take these culprits away, but they were told to play along as they need to see who would come forward and who wouldn't believe this lies.
And they knew that this staff could be accessed a little bit by all descendants of the royal clan but they had seen the full effect of this staff and they knew that this wasn't it; as they knew what this staff could also do, what they couldn't understand is these fools didn't even know that if the staff was to let out a hint t of extra light it would perish into the non-extinct, they wouldn't tell them that.
They even went as far s to tell the ancestors to order them on what punishment Mu Millie and her clan should receive, Mu Millie had heard enough as they carried on and on they were on a role, Mu Millie stood up and spoke with her queen's voice which stern but gentle but sent a ripple through every being sat there, there was no doubt this was the queen, this voice could only belong to the queen all the beings.
The ancestors who were babbling now stopped in their tracks wondering what was going on, why was her voice so powerful that it shut everyone in the room up even the ancestor's council order as well, they saw the ancestor council weren't angry they smiled at Mu Millie, they knew something was amiss they didn't know what though, they needed to save themselves so they decided to continue but they found they were frozen to their place and their mouth had sealed.
Leaving them shocked and surprised as to had such powers that they could freeze them and seal them, while they had the staff in there possession.
Mu Millie placed her hand out and called" By the blood of my ancestors I call upon the staff of my ancestors to return to the truthful heir of the royal gipsy clan" With that the staff disappeared and appeared in Mu Millie's hand.
The ancestors were left gasping as the staff appeared in Mu Millie's hands it glowed like the colours of the rainbow these colours were beautiful as they lit up the room making every being present lower their heads as they were aware of what just happened, except the fools who looked on in shock how the staff they happily had just appeared for Mu Millie as she called it.
The fools didn't stop as they knew if they did they were gonna have explain where the staff had come from, their secret would be revealed, they claimed Mu Millie was using tricks so she claim that she was the princess of the royal gipsy clan.
The ancestors shouldn't be fooled by these cheap tricks; they claimed that the truth would be here soon, the true Queen was just arriving; which surprised every being that these people had learned to use the souls wandering spell that's why they were able to stay hidden so well for so long, but that just added to the crimes as it was banned for every every being unless you belonged to the royal clans, and even then they could only use it if they're was emergency even then it had to approved by the ancestors councils members first.
" I think it's time to show you who your queen is if you claim that Mirain is the queen she should be here and be able to attend the court through the doors which she won't be able to enter if you are ordinary witch because you have to be either invited or be summoned by the court's ancestor's council order unless your a king or queen or royal of any kind then you will be able to enter, so I suggest we call Mirain here and test this theory first" Mu Millie looked at the ancestors order they nodded their approval.
The ancestors didn't summon but was told to bring her to the doors, Mirain they still had a few tricks up their sleeves they weren't going down without a fight, as Mirain arrived she approach the entrance of the courtroom with her proud arrogant, she hadn't heard what was said inside so she assumed that all was going to plan, but was froze at the door because she couldn't enter she struggle a lot but still couldn't her ancestors looked on in shock as they didn't know this existed if they had known they would found away through it.
Little did they know that there was nothing of the sort it was Mu Millie's trick to fool the fools, mu Millie thought it wouldn't work, but it worked and now they panicked as they didn't know what to do, how do they clear this obstacle they all looked at each other than at ancestor's council order who looked at them to see what they would do now?
The fools remembered Mu Millie said she couldn't enter unless she had royal blood which she didn't although she stole blood from a royal descendant which they had kidnapped and were now using to trick everyone to believe that Marian was of royal blood, unless you were born of royal blood you couldn't trick the ancestor's council order; they could see through you they were given the special ability when they made members of the order, but the fools weren't aware of this.
As the ancestor's council order saw this they immediately order the arrest of Impersonating a royal member of the Gipsy clan. Mirain and her clan and the ancestors were charged with having stolen the staff wand from the royal gipsy clan, and they were charged with having a royal descendant captive in their midst, they haven't even been charged for any of the other charges were enough to bring them all down, but the biggest change was that they brought this court together under false circumstances.
The royal King and Queen made their presence known to all that were present; all that were present bowed down to them they knew who they were; Mirain and her ancestors saw this they didn't want to bow but they did it was as though their bodies didn't belong to them anymore they looked up and saw the faces of the two couple who everyone was bowing to and saw the women be identical to Mu Millie they were left shocked; they knew they had been fooled all along and the real king and his Queen was here all along.
What surprised Mu Millie herself was that she still had most of her powers although she was on a different plain, where it was just her spirit, she also saw the ancestor's order council smile at her and then bow down to her too, Mirain clan also bowed down by force unknown this reminded of her first meeting in the cave with Mu Millie, Mirain know it was too late to understand the powers this royal family had.
Mirain had underestimated her target as she was so busy focused on getting rid of Mu Millie that she completely forgot the warning her grandma had given her that the royals were not to be messed with she thought her grandma didn't want her to succeed in her plans she killed her grandmother with her bare hands, but now she knew she was doomed from then on as she was so full of greed to have all ultimate powers in her hands.
The trial continued and more evidence came forward of the cruelty of these ancestors together with other beings as well and the Mirain clan came forward, those all involved would be punished accordingly; the trial finally came to an end and the punishment was served, as Mu Millie hoped they were banished in to the worm hole never to exits again that included Marian, and her clan which was a bonus for Mu Maillie the Great War she was preparing for wasnt going to happen anymore what a relief.
The other beings gave their evidence too and the leaders also demanded justice and punishment for their own, Mu Millie couldn't believe that all the beings in existence on the earth had come together to help her take these ancestors down, it was the lord's way telling her that justice was going to happen today.
With the evidence stack against the ancestors they realised they were going to go down , they turn on each other causing chaos in the court room, amazingly in their frenzy they had disclosed their crimes and some crimes that had been committed that no one knew of shocking that the court room, Mu Millie was satisfied with the out come, finally the trial that had extended over the entire week was coming to a close.
The punishment was as expected to banished to the wormhole that their was no return from, Mu Millie was satisfied with this she could finally go and enjoy the time she had left with her family she was happy, she didn't cause the ruckus she originally wanted to this way was better and a lot more people and beings got their justice too.
As the punishment were handed out the doors of the council chambers opened a group of people barged in with weapons; which surprised all present they looked on at the idiots that stood before them; the fools looked at Mu Millie didn't she say that Mirain couldn't pass through the door how did these people pass through, they knew they had been tricked;
The main thug came forward and pointed at his weapon at Mu Millie and aimed to attack yelling" your the reason we are going to that place I would rather fight and perish into nothing than go their and take a few of you with me what say prince..cess" he aimed and came for the ancestors counsel order, But the minute he got close the man disappeared into nothing, surprising the whole room.
Mu Millie looked she realise the ancestors council order were protected by their own auras they wouldn't be the ancestors order if they could be taken down so easily, the other people that were there also saw this they turned their attention to the all gathered and attacked them instead, they knew at least they hurt them it would cause a ruckus in all the beings would they could get away with committing assorts of crimes, that they could escape.