Chereads / THIRD TIME COULD BE A CHARM / Chapter 103 - 104: plan to break marriage with out war

Chapter 103 - 104: plan to break marriage with out war



They all bowed to the king and Mu Millie curtesy. This was the first time seeing the king in real life she normally see him on t.v also the first time back here after gained memories of her past life's.

Mu Millie didn't think before she spoke:" when did this become the King and Queen chambers it was the west side was it" she smiled.

Leaving a very surprised People including the king and queen. The queen answered:" it has been the royal chambers since the first queen died nobody wanted to live in the west wing anymore. It was burnt down a while back and now they say it's haunted and the priest agreed that we shouldn't live there" she smiled.

The King was curious that Mu Millie was well a wee of their history he wanted to ask more but there was much serious matter that needed his attention.

The King turned to Mu Jade and asked:" what was so urgent that could be spoken on the phone" he look anxious.

Mu Jade finally spoke:" your highness my old buddy we are big trouble I don't now to mince my words so I am going to tell like it is, we are big trouble the rebels are planning a surprise this time they have the help of the prince of xxxxxx country so their people have infiltrated the palaces, the minister cambers, the guards, and the army, when the children rescued the princess they als9 found these" she showed him a, that they found.

The King's face paled he was in shock he didn't think that the prince was this cruel he know he was a cold and bitter person but when they approached the proposal of marriage he thought they wanted to resolve all disputes that had been going on.

He looked at the equally shocked Queen she looked at Mu Millie and then at Kai then back at Mu Jade:" what should we do we don't know who we can trust" she sighed.

Mu Jade spoke again:" as you know there are no secrets between us and you know that I am also your shadow guard and our team is always watching you all in secrat so always safe, that's why we able to locate the princess quickly before anything bad happen and you also know about my wife being a witch too and it is past down to the daughters of my household" he smiled at his granddaughters with pride.

The King and queen gasped they knew she looked like their dear friend but to know she was carrying the same gene as her grandmother they were happy tney knew tney would be saved.

The King asked:" well, well is she powerful like my sister " he smiled.

Mu Millie looked at her grandfather as in who is his sister and what does he know about is the part of the underworld too.

Mu Jade smiled and chuckled:" well there is only one way to find out my brother in law" he looked at them both.

The king rose his hand above Mu Millie hands and chanted something. He then stopped and looked at Mu Millie shocked and bewildered:" did you is it even possible but I thought it was a myth never in my wildest dream could she is the one" he pulled in Mu Millie for a hug.

Leaving a very puzzled Mu Millie as in wtf was happening right now what did this just recite and was he asking.

She looked t9 Mu Kai for help, she saw him smiling proudly but why was he so happy about someday anyone tells me what was going on.

The queen pushed the king out of the way and approached Mu Millie and hugged her then she looked into her eyes and smiled:" omg she is the one they have spoken of 8 thought tney said that the witch is already born but she is in xxxxxx country that's why we agreed to the marriage proposal " she looked at Mu Jade and chuckled.

She spoke again:" Jade you know what that means right I can't believe that she is the one that means that Taichung is the wizard, isn't he! oh my, we had the royal stamp with us, I can't believe that bold man lied saying that had her he had the stamp they used that as a threat to make us do as they wanted, so who do they have" she looked at Mu Jade.

Mu Millie was past confused she they were speaking a different language all together but she was pleased to see an equally confused Mu Kai so she was the only one that wasn't understand8ngbthe situation.

Mu Jade turned to Mu Millie and spoke:" yeah my granddaughter is the one they spoke off she is the true heir of the royal gipsy witches and yeah my grandson is the wizard they spoke of, the pair of siblings I thought would come from the same parents but they share only a blood bond of cousins they got that part so wrong didn't they" he chuckled.

The queen spoke:" no they didn't get it wrong it was told that way, so the true heirs wouldn't be in danger from everyone, they wouldn't know that they were only blood-related, not siblings it was our ancestors that spread those rumours to protect these two" she smiled at Mu, Millie.

She spoke again:" you look confused my dear don't worry I will explain it all to you so we shall have tea and leave yhem to discuss nonsense which tney all good at" she held Mu Millie's hand walked into the bedroom.

Mu Millie followed reluctantly as she was going the okay from Mu Kai that she will alright he was right here close by.

The queen chuckled at her antics, she remembers the first time she met her dear friend she was the same looking at Mu Jade the same way.

They sat and the tea was served Mu Millie just started at the queen then it came to her that they were somehow related but how?

The Queen looked at Mu Millie and spoke:" I know that look anywhere you look exactly like her when she was puzzled too, the same smile if she didn't know she would say he was her grandmother, and yeah we are related she smiled as she spoke:" My husband is your grandmother cousin but it is a well-hidden secrat, for several reasons mainly to keep your grandma and the King safe" she smiled.

She continued after sipping beer tea:" as you may be aware that there is a myth that from the Royal Gypsy which clan there be a pair of a sibling which will have powers as a witch and wizard when they find out that there is such a case they hunt and kill the pair because they all fear that together they will be the most powerful who will be able to control all other beings"

She sighed as she continued:" see all the the others fear that these two will bring about the end to their existences and some meddling from other witches clans who are envious of the Royal Gypsy witch clan, as you saw my husband has some powers he was very strong when your grandma was alive becomes they were contented but when your grandma died his powered weakened too" she sighed deeply again.

She still explained:" when she died it was like a part of him died too, I don't how best explain it the king doesn't like to talk about it either he keeps it bottle up but lately he was feeling different he said he felt a presence like his beloved cousin was by his side he also felt his powers return too, he hasn't let anyone know because as you know we live in a society where this is all fairy tale" she took hold of Mu Millie's hand and smiled.

She spoke softly:" the reason was you, my dear when you brought about the awakening of Taichung powers you also weakened the powers within the king too, for me that is telling how powerful you are but dear you have to keep, a secrat from everyone become I know your grandma didn't die she has killed the reason was someone found out that the king was linked to your grandmother they wanted to weaken their bond" she sighed.

As the tears rolled down her cheeks:" I owe you, grandma, a lot she died saving my husband and son and daughter in law, unfortunately, they couldn't reach my son and daughter in law in time but she saves my granddaughter we lost a lot that day it was like my husband sole died too" she sighed.

Mu Millie didn't realise she cursed loudly:" it's that Mirian again and the ancestor of the order, it wasn't just me they targeted they went further they attacked my whole clan but now they will pay for everything it's time they rein ends soon they will pay for everything they have done" She huffed.

Mu Millie now realised there was a lot more to all of this than she originally thought she had to go back and catch up on history lessons that won't be in the books she needed to find one ancestor that would tell her everything she knew which one she smiled at e thought how angry grandma would be when she found out that Mu Millie has done over to find her nemesis.

She asked:" your Highness can is ske you something personal " she smiled.

The Queen looked at her chuckled:" yeah I know what you're about to ask you want to know about my brother right:" she chuckled more.

Mu Millie looked at the Queen she wanted to ask but she didn't know he was her brother but she had heard from grandpa how he hated rivals and how grandpa hated that man until he saved him that day.

Mu Millie:" yeah I want to know what his relationship he had with my grandma who did not want to talk about him why does grandma look hurt every time he has come up" she sighed.

The Queen:" well there's a story of love betrayal and broken promises, broken hearts too" she sighed.

She continued:" well my brother was engaged to you grandma since young, they would be considered childhood sweethearts they were inseparable while growing up, but my brother had to go and join the army, she waited for him to come for her he did but he brought a bride with him who was pregnant, he broke your grandmother's heart, he told her, he only saw as a sister never a lover which hurt her so much, she left and moved away nobody heard from her until I married the King, and found that she had found your grandfather and they were married with three children" she smiled.

Mu Millie was surprised she would never have thought that grandpa was not grandma first choice but she still met grandpa so they become a very loving couple that understood each other very well. But she didn't understand was why grandpa hated him.

Mu Millie asked:" Could I ask why grandpa hated him then" she looked toward the Queen.

Queen pointed her finger in the air:" well you see my brother's wife died from illness so he was a widow when your grandmother met him again, I think that brought a lot of old memories flooding back and my stupid brother tried to make friends with your grandma but she bluntly refused, he then had to cheek to tease your grandpa saying he would steal her back he was confident that she would return to him but it wasn't the case" she sighed.

She smiled:" then the King stepped in and stop my brother approaching your grandma again which he did, I think but then before anything happened we were attacked and all hell broke loose and the tragedy happened where we lost a lot of people that day " she sighed.

Mu Millie sighed she was going to be asked about that day when the door knocked and Mu Kai walked in he smiled at the way his wife and the Queen had become close, he knew his wifey could befriend anyone she was just like that adorable.

He approached:" it is almost late we will be going now your highness " he smiled.

The Queen replied:" ahh yes okay we have been talking for a long-time we will catch up some other time then Millie and I will tell you more okay" she chuckled.

Mu Millie got without thinking and hugged the Queen taking her by surprise but she still hugged her back and then kissed her on the forehead.

Mu Kai watch while holding his breath he knew it was a rule nobody could touch the Queen but when he saw she responded in a motherly manner he breathed a sigh of relief. He held Mu Millie hand as he led her out of the palace.

Mu Kai knew his wifey was different from all the women she did things using her heart more than her mind. He loved her for that but he also knew that one day it will, also land them big trouble too.

As they headed home Mu Millie had a lot to think about she also, wanted to knew about this third Uncle she had she knew that one died at birth but the Queen said he died on that day so who was he?

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