Chereads / THIRD TIME COULD BE A CHARM / Chapter 99 - 100: MEET THE EX

Chapter 99 - 100: MEET THE EX



Mu Millie mange to make an appointment through Feng Chou's secretary saying it was business related she didn't want to meet Fen or look desperate she would end up killing her. She really couldn't tolerate the women every time she saw her she remembered her son Feng Loki lying on the hospital bed, helpless attached to the machines that were keeping him alive. She didn't know why the thought of this women made her anger rise and blood boil after she remember the pain her Baby Feng Loki went through. And then she remembered the pain her children in her first life suffered in the hand hands of this vicious woman, She knew was being punishment form her pervious life but Fen wasn't inccoent she was evil as they come, so why didn't she get her punishment?

Fen in the first life couldn't be the official wife she had be one of the concubines because of her low birth. She was born in a simple family of farmers but like every girl she big dreams of a prince coming and taking her away becoming a princess of a far away place.

Fen got most of her dream by climbing in to the Prince Charming's bed after drugging him but at the time she also,used the art of black magic which was forbidden in that kingdom because of other issues that had taken place. She mange to get away with for a very long time. But when they found out she was one of his concubines so she wasn't punished.

She had used it to charm the prince who now turned in to king thinking if Mu Millie lost favour with the king she would be dethroned and she could become Queen. So started her plan she was very cunning the way she worked, she managed always to land Mu Millie in the middle of every disaster until to a point where the king truly believed that Mu Millie was evil and vengeful.

Mu Millie believed herself that she had caused this her self, where each punishment given she took quietly. Until to wards the end she discover that Fen had used her magic on most of the people in the palace she had them under control, as Mu Millie wasn't aware of her witch powers she couldn't do anything,so Mu Millie-was pushed in to the corner and slowly he lost the favour of the palace she was the most hated person there until she was executed.

Mu Millie only discover this recently in this life when she was playing back her memories she could see things from a different angel she was shocked but not surprised the Fen she knew was still the same but in this life she didn't have any witch powers or any kind of balckmagic but she had drugs as her evil charms and guilt tripping tricks that she used on Feng Chou to get him in bed and then married to Feng Chou.

Mu Millie snapped out of her flash backs, as she had arrived at the Feng Office she remembered this building very well in her previous life's this was the very building she was thrown off by Fen and Marian who appeared as her sister Chan Wen.

Mu Millie arrived at the office hoping that Feng Chou being from a warlock background would believe in past life's or it would be hard to explain. And him being the way he is most likely beat her out of the office. At this point she could only hope he would agree and help,her?

The receptionist were very nice they took her to the office where Feng Chou was and his secretary told him that I was waiting. Mu Millie didn't hide her name so she was surprised that he even wanted to see her but she was pleased all,the same.

Mu Millie didn't wait long she was called in she had never been to his office in this life time but in her pervious life time she worked at the company so she remembered what it looked like. She walked over but instead of sitting behind his desk he asked her to sit on the sofas.

She was surprised as pervious she was always told to,stand she wasn't able to seat on these seat which would be dirty if she sat on them. She looked around nothing had changed they were all the same she noticed a picture frame on his desk he never had that there before she was curious as to,who's pictures was.

She didn't need to guess it would be Fen who,else.

Mu Millie obliged since it was her needing him on board with her. She smiled her smile as she placed her hand out to hand shake which she didn't think he would take but to her surprise he shook.

Feng Chou looked at Mu Millie he was so happy she came he couldn't believe she was in front how he had missed her she looked amazing her eyes looked at her shoes she would fidget with her fingers when nervous. He saw her looked up he followed to where she was looking.

He smiled he knew she was curious as to who's photo was there he smiled and picked it up and brought it over placed it in Mu Millie hands.

Mu Millie was surprised that he had picture of his son Feng Loki she knew she could get him on board now. She also knew he loved his son very much it showed when he walked over looking at the picture his face changed in to a smiling to doting one.

As she sat down the tea arrived she was surprised when did he drink tea he was coffee person but people change. She sipped her tea they hadn't spoken to this point but they looked comfortable with each other, Mu Millie was no longer scared of him he no longer looked at her with disgust.

Feng Chou finally broke the ice:" so it's you who wants do collaborates with this project I admit I like what I see did you come with the plan yourself I knew you were the one that completed those projected files thank you " he smiled.

He always knew she was smart but he was so bitter, about Fen God's only knows why he took it out on this beautiful women in front him he regrets giving her up and taking Fen as his wife.

He found himself always comparing Mu Millie to Fen and he missed her simpleton smile look. He missed walking in from work and having her waiting with hot food and the smile made all tiredness disappear, he always frowned seeming her and got angry he would tell her get out of his sight!

But he never told anyone he always looked forward to going home he knew he would see her waiting for him but now he missed it so much he would go home no body their to greet him no hot food waiting for him. He would walk in and see her but instead of smiled he would frowned but he didn't know why he heart was always happy to,see her.

In the bedroom his clothes where always laid out his water ready for him and then the cuddliest teddy bare to sleep with and the sex was out of this world although Mu Millie never responded because she didn't want to do, her shyness when he would finish with her her flushed face mad him hard again.

Her shyness and flushed looked always got her tortured more he had women in his life before but Mu Millie gave him a whole different feeling he loved it.

And now nothing all he gets Fen complaining about his mother or his brother or his sister or the maids or she didn't have enough money when she went shopping or someone got something better than her, his sex life was zero with Fen every time he looked at her he was put off. He looked for pleasures out side he couldn't stand touching Fen she disgust him he was getting his karma for not appreciating what he had until it was too late.

Feng looked at the Beautiful women sat opposite him she was richer than them, but her appearance said differs at she was designer wear but she suited it she had very little make up on but her beauty spoke volume. He knew she was cute when she was chubby,,but now she was more sexy and elegant than can expected. He so wished he had never let her go.

Mu Millie looked at how haggard he looked he had age before his time. Mu Millie didn't know what she was feeling she was looking at the person that couldn't protect her child from that awful women. But she didn't know why she felt sorry for him, after all she was the one to start this mess, and she had to get him on board in order I take down ancestors.

She smiled at him:" Master Feng I know we have never been on good terms, but I believe we can put that behind us and do this project I know you will benefit from it too" she smiled and her dimples showed.

Feng Chou already loved the dimples in her chubby face but they are more visible now she had lost the weight he cleared his throat:" yeah I would like that I would love to collaborate with your company" he smiled.

Mu Millie asked she needed this sorted today:" Master Feng can may be we be friends we spent a lot of time together it should count for something right! She smiled and thought we after all,were a couple in a lot of lifetimes, she was subtly hinting hopefully he would get it.

MumMillie tilted her head and asked:" doesn't it feel like we have been tighter in past life's too " she didn't what the hell she was babbling or where she was going with it but she hoped he would gag sort off.

Feng Chou looked surprised:" you know what sometimes I feel that too do believe we lived this life before" he chuckled he couldn't believe that he could talk about this with anyone without sounding like a crazy oerson .

Anna looked over and thought brilliant it would be easy to get him to see his past lifes:" well if you want maybe you could see these past life's I can help you remember your past lives would you be interested " she was so hoping she didn't sounded like an idiot.

Feng Chou looked at Mu Miliie he was a happy to spent anytime with Mu Millie he was at ease and peace with her next to him she gave him the feeling that everything would be okay he knew she sounded crazy at this mom et in time but he wanted her to spend the longest time with her possible so this crazy was okay with him:" sure how do we do it" he smiled.

Mu Millie asked:" are you also a warlock" he looked at him wondering if he knew she was a witch.

Feng Chou smiled he didn't know that Mu Millie was aware of this but then again she was married to Mu Kai who was also a warlock so she would be aware. He thought Mu Kai was lucky to have Mu Millie as his wife he was regretting letting her go. He couldn't talk to Fen about this she wouldn't understand any of it.

Feng Chou:" yeah I am but I don't participate in any of their works they do although as youngsters we were all taught together and also know how to,use some magic but never have used it because I was never interested " he smiled.

Mu Millie smiled:" thats good it will make my job easier then I will reveal something to you don't be too alarmed" she knew she could use the spell to make him forget everything if the need arose.

Feng Chou nodded:" okay what would you like to say" he smiled he had never had this kind of conversation with Mu Millie he liked talking to her he loved and missed her voice.

Mu Millie smiled:" I am witch, not any witch a Royal Gypsy Witch" she looked at his reaction.

He gasped at what Mu Millie had just revealed he looked at her eyes they weren't lying he so wanted to kick himself he would have this woman by his side he throws her away how pitiful could he get:" wow really but when did you know I never s sense any powers off you ever" he looked at her softly.

Mu Millie smiled:" after I left went to my Grandpa's" she smiled.

Feng Chou :" wow right amazing I am happy for you and I would like to apologise for the suffering you received while living with me I was wrong so wrong I have regretted since the day you left, I lost my son to my stupidity I have nothing I work for nothing I only come here to hide from my family I am too ashamed to,face them every time I looked at them they look at me as they miss Feng Loki" he sighed,as the tears released from his eyes.

Yeah he was the cruelest husband and the father that abandon his son when he needed him the most. He still,remembers when he handed his son over to Fen the way his baby boy clung to him as to say don't leave me dada I will never see you again if you do. He can still here his baby boy cry out in pain calling dada over and over until,he stop crying that's the last his beautiful baby boy ever spoke again.

He still wakes up putting his hands out to grasp,him but he missed he watched as his son fell he arched as he stopped crying he remember his heart stop,that day too. He knew everyone see the women pain but nobody's see the heart break of of a father he has cried for his son almost every night he misses his little prince.

Mu Millie sighed as she looked at Feng Chou she could see genuine remorse in his eyes she knew he loved his son Feng Loki but he didn't protect him she spoke softly :" everything happens for a reason you will under stand when you remember your past life's okay" she tried to smiled he was in for more heart break but he needs to,see it in Oder to help,her.

Feng Chou looked at this calm women in front of him. He wonder how she had the strength to be so patient he knew he couldn't if he didn't feel guilty for Fen then he would have strangled that women for what she did but he owed her a life.

Mu Millie hit while the iron was hot spoke:" well then quicker the better" she needed to complete this before her husband and brothers came through the door like a pair of overprotective gangsters.

Feng Chou nodded:" what do need from me" he smiled. He felt smiling he was happy he no longer felt like a dead soul.

Mu Millie hate this part the most she didn't want to touch him but it had to be done if she taps into his brain:" place your hands in mine then I will start the change if you feel any pain or discomfort in any way stop me okay" she sighed as she places her plans out.

FengChou couldn't believe he would touch Mu Miilie again he was so happy that he instantly placed his palms on hers without hesitation. He heard Mu Millie chant something over and over again it was all foreign for him is was the language he didn't understand but he had faith in Mu Millie she wouldn't hurt him and even if she did he deserves it.

Al he did was look at beautiful women in front him he took in her very feature she had changed a lot. He often found himself watching Mu Millie sleep he couldn't explain it at all but he loved watching her she was chubby but the cutest thing he ever saw.

He walks wished he had met her under different circumstances he would loved her so much. He couldn't explain his heart loved her but his mind hated her what was going on with him at the time he was full,of rage and took it out on the wrong person. They all told him he had the wrong person he would regret it they were all right they could see a side of Mu Millie that he was unable to,see?

After a few minutes his mind was playing things which he felt as well it was like watching a movie but it was him in the movie he felt every emotion this character was feeling, he went from one life to the next until he reached his first life where he was king and he was married to Mu Millie she was his queen. But he wasn't happy with her he didn't want her to,be his wife he loved anther he wasn't surprised it was Fen.

What he saw made him frown that in every life time there was Fen who he was in love with and he dismissed Mu Millie and treated her badly but the first life really shocked him, why he saw what he did to Mu Millie and unfairly he treated her, he married her for his own benefit when he was done playing with her he tossed her aside and made her feel like she was nothing, he was the cruelest in his first life, then he saw the tricks Fen played on Mu Millie, and how he accused her of things she never did, but later came to regret every thing.

He knew in this life he did the same for Fen he destroyed the women in front of him and then he chose to stay with Fen he couldn't believe he made this mistake in every lifetime he always rejected Mu Millie. What didn't surprise him was it was never Mu, Millie fault she was found in those circumstances that led him to believe that it was her doing.

He always ignored his instinct which was always right about not being Mu Millie but all Fen and Mirian do8ng he saw clearly that these two women were somehow related but how he would find out.

The one thing he noticed that the women in every life was his wife she loved him dearly but he pushed her away each time and punished in the cruelest ways possible, but in-the end he end he took her life, he left her soulless each time he was so ashamed of what he did to, the most wonderful thing that came in to his life.

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