

Mu Millie eyes lit up when she talked about her son she remembered his smile his dimples his eyes sparkling his that way he said dada, mama, love, he only babbled a few words but they were sweet to the ears, Mu Milkie tried to hold back her tears:" Fen woke from her coma to find her child dead and Feng Chou hold my child there I don't know what happened but she through my baby boy on the floor he was in the hospital the doctor called me in his office and told me my baby was slowly dying would leave us forever I fainted" she sobbed hard she had never told her story like this to anyone only Mu's.

Everyone in the room saw the way she lit up talking about Feng Loki they could understand the dilemma she was facing but let her continue her story they early wanted to know her life they couldn't gather any information from the Feng's they were tightly sealed but after bribing Fen they got her version of a story which they know was lies Fen was forgetting she went to, the same university as the Gunwoo's children so they knew she was lying!

Mu Millie continued:" When I came around I was told that my son died and they had buried him with me not being there I broke that day into million pieces I lived with the guilt that I couldn't protect my child from those horrible people, if it hadn't been for my twins and my family I would have died too" she dried her eyes on Mu Kai sleeve.

Mu Millie didn't look up she staring at the carpet:" and then after a long time, I found out that my baby boy had survived and they hid him in America from me I was going to go and fetch him when all the that happened with that Marian and her clan so I have to wait a bit longer to meet my angel" she smiled at the thought of meeting her baby boy again.

When she looked up to see the reaction there wasn't a dry eye in the room and this was them hearing the story she there was the Fengs sat around laughing about something although they had lost their grandchild she knew none of them knew that Feng Loki was alive. Because at first she thought that they knew maybe that's why they laughing with Fen that day but later on when she went to the grave of Feng Loki she saw the family there she held back until they left before she went to his grave to see f; owners presents and a lot of things there so she was sure they didn't know.

What still puzzled her was why would Feng Jo take Feng Loki from there and hide him from the rest of the family she would only find out when she would meet him again which she wasn't looking forward to.

Gunwoo Mingyu walked in front of his daughter and kneeled in front of her he hugged her:" I am so sorry baby girl for not being there for you I didn't know you existed if I had I would have come for you and fought to keep you by my side and sorry for what happened you I will make the Feng's pay for hurting my child and all the tears that my child has shed" he wiped the tears away from her face and kissed her forehead.

Mu Millie liked this feeling of hugging her father but she needed someone else arms right now she got up and ran into grandfathers arms and snuggled into his chest she sobbed her heart out just like the first she met him.

This broad chest was comfortable than her fathers and was more secure for her this was the safest place to be it was her comfit blanket that no one else could provide not even her father because she had never known the love of a father, she had cried that much she was tired and fell asleep.

Mu Jade was feeling a little jealous when her father was hugging her but he knew he had given them a chance and let Mu Millie decide for herself but was very surprised when she leapt into his arms and cried it hurt his heart a great deal but he knew she had to let it out of her system he felt her steady breathing he looked at Mu Kai and smiled.

Mu Kai knew she had fallen asleep he sighed she was exhausted he walked over and picked her up princess style:" hey you exhausted your self you need to take better care now you carried extra responsibility" he kissed her forehead and headed upstairs.

The Gunwoo's heard this they were smiled through their tears know that she was carrying a baby Gunwoo turned to Mu Jade to confirm after getting a nod he laughed with his hand clapping:" that's wonderful my child is having a child I am grandpa again I can't be happier.

The brothers let up:" that calls for a party then dad" they wanted to celebrate this occasion as she would be the first of her generation to have a child they looked at their strict father reluctantly hoping it would be yes.

Mu Jade sighed:" you know she is already a mum she has twins and now Feng Loki is alive that's three" he smiled.

Gunwoo Mingyu didn't know this was a well-hidden secrat the Mu's had kept a secret he looked up in surprise and asked:" can we see them are they here they're very quiet for children " he smiled happily.

Mu Jade knew he shouldn't have spoken but couldn't help but gloat now it was biting him in the butt:" of course" he waved his hand at Mu Tiachung to fetch them.

They came down the stairs hiding behind their Uncles leg they peeked from time to time but stayed hidden as they reached the bottom they clung to his legs like koalas.

Mu Lily saw her Uncle sat on the seat she waved at him to come over she wanted to be picked up so she knew she was safe in his arms he obliged, after all, it was his princess calling him. He walked over lifted her in his arms reassuring her she was safe. She peeked out at all, the strangers staring at them she looked at her brother as well hoping she could shed some light but he shrugged his shoulders as he didn't know!

The Gunwoo's stared in amazement at the next generation of their descendants they couldn't be more proud they knew they were shy. And a little cautious to they were strangers to them.

Gunwoo Mingyu spoke gently shocking everyone in the room:" hey little ones my Millie's children oh my you are gorgeous come to grandpa I am your mother's father" he smiled.

They both peeked and they looked over to all the Mu's their part from their mummy and daddy they looked up to Great-grandpa.

Mu Lohan asked:" GGpa where is mommy and daddy" he smiled.

Mu Lily spoke too:" yeah where is mummy and daddy I want daddy" she was ready to cry although she was in her Uncle's arms.

Mu Kai walked down the stairs hearing both his children he smiled:" hey my prince and princess I am hearing " he smile.

Mu Lilly turnaround-looked up she placed her arms out leaping her father's arm she hid her face in his neck and whispered:" daddy who is all the people the old man said he is mummy's father will he take her away to, live with them" she was about to cry.

Mu Lohan heard this and spoke in a shaky voice still attached to his Uncle's leg:" daddy they can't take mummy she is ours he looked towards great-Grandpa:' (Ggpa tell them they can't have mummy I wouldn't let them" he was about to cry too.

Mu Jade looked at his great Grandchildren and smiled:" silly pair nobody is taking your mummy I won't let them they are only there to see her and you do you know this man is your mummy father and this your mummy's mum and these are her brothers and these and Grandparents and Auntie a and Uncles" he smiled as he explained.

The twin's eyes opened wider the twins both peeked a little more now they were curious as they realised they weren't in danger.

Mu Lohan was the first to come out and sand in from of his Uncle still holding his pants he asked:" if you mommy's daddy then where have you been and how come we see only know this doesn't add up " he was suspicious.

Which made the Gunwoo's surprised and he chuckled to Mu Mingyu spoke:" I have been away for a long-time and so I came to see your mummy" he had to, lie he couldn't tell them that he had abandon heir mother made her live a miserable life.

Mu Jade looked surprised not shockwave knew the reason. He thought he would tell a great tragic story but this was short and disappointing.

Mu Lily:" haven't you heard the phone we're you came from! you could have rung you know mummy has no mummy she died so how did another mommy come from! where did she come from! Do they sell, them somewhere " she looked at her father then spoke again:" Daddy I don't want another mummy so don't go, where this grandpa went to get mummy another mummy from although she is very pretty" she looked so, serious right now and so adorable at the same time she intently looked the wife of Gunwoo Mingyu.

Gunwoo Mingyu looked surprised and looked at the children who he was under integration from a pair 5 years old but their brains were out of this world. Then again he shouldn't be surprised these pair belong to his daughter. What was he expecting! he was expecting this from his daughter but he was getting it from her overprotective children. The others just smiled they knew this pair was cheeky and very protective of their mother.

Well as he loosened his tie with all the questions coming from the twins he smiled:" that's a long story and this old man is to blame for not being there for your mummy but I promise I will be here from now on I have a lot to make up for" he sighed sadly. He didn't know what to tell these overly smart children he would just get more questions so it was best to keep it short and sweet although he had fallen in love with this duo before they even open their mouths now he loved them even more.

Mu Lohan looked at his newfound grandpa he knew he wasn't trying to be rude so he tried his best not to frown but this regarded their mummy :" well we leave that to mummy to decide and we will be keeping an eye on you too so make sure you don't make our mummy cry especially now she is carrying my brother and sister" he sighed at the thought of a mother annoying sister coming. But at the same time thinking of his brother made him smile.

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