Chapter 87 - 87/88: BLABBER IN HER SLEEP



He walked over to the sofa and sat there elegantly looking at the Demon King who sat there like he was placed on a throne with wine in his hand he wasn't drinking he was smelling it and smiled:" would you like some it's called Millie original she did make this with her delicate hands did you know this, of course, you always followed her very closely from a distance same as me. Waiting for them to make the move so we could approach, her she has had a very busy lifes and she suffered in each life all thanks to you and Marian and her Martain clan, she was misunderstood by the people closes to her and stabbed in the back, oh! sorry poor choice of words in the front by the one that claimed to love her the most, when she least expected it she suffers enough hasn't she or is there more to come? " he looked at Mu Kai he wanted to see the reaction as he hit his sore point.

Mu Kai gritted his teeth he didn't need to be reminded of what he had done he lived through it. He did it only he knew how he felt after he carried it he took the life of the he claimed to love the most. He knew the Demon King was right he didn't check anything to confirm, if it was true he sentences her to death without listening to her, he saw the she was innocent of all crimes.

He was to blame the sadness and the despair he brought upon his beloved to say he loved her the most was a joke, he couldn't even give her the justice she deserved he violated the basic human right to be proven guilty before convicted but he didn't even allow her that.

He was very angry and he saw red he didn't want to know if it was true or not he was scared if the truth was what he didn't want to hear, she would leave him for another man so he did the thing he thought would resolve this if he couldn't have her nobody could. He was a cold tyrant King.

To the point after he killed Mu Millie he killed his children he had with Mu Millie they reminded him of her he was manipulated into thinking they might belong to the Demon King too? He didn't know if Mu Millie knows if she finds out she would leave him? Would she hate him?

He cleaned out the Mu Millie clan the ones that hid were safe and the ones that wherein his kingdom wasn't safe he hunted every last one and killed them without just cause only they were related to the former queen and might rebel out against him he knew they would demand answers and justice which he had none off.

He looked at the Demon King smirking at him he so wanted to punch that face of his he was holding back he wanted to know where Mu Millie was and what she told him and whether he could fix his mess or not?

Both men drunk the wine and stared at each other each of them reminiscing about their own time with Mu Millie and what happened today.

Mu Kai broke the ice:" well why did you call me over it was not about having a drink you know how much drinking we have done over the years digging into the past and pointing fingers" he smirked.

Demon King:" same as always jump to conclusions without listening to reason that's what went wrong the first time you can blame the witch if you want but your heart always told you the truth but her eyes always spoke the truth you just had to look at her, you chose the mind control and there you are making the same mistakes again" he sighed.

Mu Kai wasn't here to hear what he did wrong he knew what he did:" what do mean? I did what I thought was right at the time as a king I had to make a judgement and it wasn't only me the whole royal advisors all made the same judgement" he wasn't blaming anybody for his mistakes but the there was clear evidence that all pointed to Mu Millie so-called crimes! It clearly showed she had committed the crimes at the time he didn't know the council advisers had also been bribed too and everything was fabricated.

Demon King chuckled at the comment just made:" you were the king you could have changed the verdict if you wanted! also, you didn't have to kill her, you could have sent her to go cold place! or divorced her and you could have banished her from the country! But not only you kill her you had the crowned prince executed and the second prince and little princess murdered not only that you wiped out any sign of the Mu Millie clan that was revenge on a different level for something she didn't do? so she didn't deserve it either let's leave the past where it is let's talk about today" he sighed.

Mu Kai looked surprised at the Demon King he knew all of it every last detail! and does Mu Millie know as well? he was in a lot of trouble that he couldn't explain any of it to his wifey:" does Millie know what I did after she died" he gasped for air it was like someone had knocked the air out of him.

Demon King looked at Mu Kai trying to understand this man:" I don't know what she remembers or what she knows that something you will have to discuss with your wife but let's focus on today or you might not get a chance to ask her" he sighed.

Demon King continued:" you have to speak to her sooner rather than later she needs to understand what happened today, by the looks of things she only recently remembers her first life and she is bitter about the women you killed her for? and to see her hugging you and you placing your arms around her in front of Angel send over the edge, she feels betrayed and humiliated she is hurting before the hurt turns into pain and despair, you need to explain everything to her otherwise I don't think you will be able to control her anger you seen with your eyes today she mange to froze everyone in their place she wasn't even using her strength if she did they would all be dead, so go and find her and talk to her before war breaks out " he smiled but it was a bitter smile to say you won this time too.

Mu Kai looked at him he was right when he walked into the room she had frozen everybody to where they stood and force them to kneel without even lifting a finger if she had they would be dead now. He knew compare to Marian, Mu Millie was very powerful but also the fear of the ancestor trying to repeat history here again, but it wasn't Mu Millie ancestors it was the overall ancestors from all the clans that exited. They didn't like that the Royal Gypsy Clan because of the strength they had and the power like that they wanted to share it with other witches and other clans, each individual that's has been in the royal gipsy clan they yielded a lot of power that's brought whole tribes to their knees, they were stronger in every aspect which the ancestors feared, they always tried to find ways to suppress the Royal Clan throughout history but for some reason, they failed each time they had Mu Millie killed, so they could end the royal gipsy clan she came back to a certain point they didn't understand it yet, but they needed to find out? It's only a matter of time before they do and stop Mu Millie be reborn agin, because they did a misdeed they had to suffer but they didn't learn their lesson they send Marian after Mu Millie, again and again, he had to protect her at any cost this time even going her ancestors would pay for their crimes he would br8ng them to the overall council of the all ancestors?

Mu Kai spoke softly:" erhm! Where is she" he needed to find Mu Millie and talk to her?

Demon King spoke:" she is in the xxxx island settling her beast in, I will open the portal from this end so you can go here now" he smiled he didn't like Mu Kai but for his angel, he would let him be!

Mu Kai smiled bitterly at the Demon King calling his wifey his angel, but! he wasn't wrong she was an angel compared to them all:" thanks and she is going to need us all if she decides to hold the ancestors accountable for the punishment they implemented on Mu Millie they only made her suffer a lot of lifetimes they owe her a lot we all do! and she needs to have solid evidence that she has been innocent in her first life! We will gather the order of the all the elders of each clan and being and hold a trial to prove her innocence she was mistreated and have those involved punished for their part, only if we have all the elders and ancestors on board will be able to punish them, in all of this and I got a feeling there is a mastermind behind all this someone or something has been orchestrated in the dark and I got feeling it has something to do with the Fengs so could I ask for your help on this as you know I'm a warlock and they are too so I can't be seen going against them although I hold a lot of authority they are untouchable that why they have got away with a lot over the years?" he looked at the Demon King before he passed through the open portal!

The demon king nodded he would do anything for his Angel just for his Angel, not for anyone else.

The Demon King wanted to send him somewhere else had it been another time he would have done so but today he needed to make sure his angel was okay and from being with his angel he gathered one thing she loved tho cold-hearted tyrant warlock someone had to help get him back to his angel and he would be delighted to gather the evidence he already had most of it he was waiting for a chance to get justice for his angel now was the time.

Mu Kai stepped through the portal to find an amazing island it was perfect for the beast he looked around to see the beast running around having fun. He saw his wifey sat leaning on her brother from her steady breathing it looked like she had fallen asleep. He walked over to Mu Taichung he also saw him coming he knew he needed them to talk so he slowly held his baby sis so Mu Kai could sit next to Mu Millie he leaned her in so she could carry on sleeping the weather was warm outside so they could sleep outside with no worries.

Mu Taichung left he had to go and do what his sister had instructed him to do earlier. He watches the duo sat there and smiled they looked good together he wish d they could work their problems out!

Mu Kai sat there while his wife Leaned on him more she sniffed him then cuddled into him she smiled and slept cosily cuddled into Mu Kai. He slowly moved to lie down and pulled Mu Millie into his embrace he never wanted to lose this feeling he got when she was in his arms. He felt all the worries disappeared and he was at peace!

Mu Mille every so often would sniff him and her grip would tighten on him she chuckles as well so whatever she was dreaming about was making her laugh it made Mu Kai smile too. She was an angel she found happiness in the strangest of places, she found the good in everyone! She believes everyone deserves a second chance! And helping anyone and everyone who needed it regardless if they said thank you or not she believes that you always get rewarded for your good deeds and action!

He watched his crazy wife sleep and remember when she had the all the humans, beasts and beings bowing to her she did even lift her fingers she hadn't used much of her powers he couldn't believe how powerful she was no wonder the ancestor was afraid of her she was his little wifey!

Mu Millie had a habit when worried she would talk in her sleep even if she didn't tell him when she had a problem she always blabbered it out in her sleep so he would know what she wanted or needed. This time he was waiting for her to speak he needed to know how much trouble he was in! So he could work out how he fix this somehow?

Mu Millie blabbered:" Kai I love you don't leave me! please I beg you! I will do everything you want me to! I will be a good wife! Kai, please don't turn your back on me it hurts bad! it's like someone took a dagger and stabbed me in the heart, look it's bleeding! Kai! Kai!..."

She stops for a bit her tears were flowing soaking his shirt as she continued: "I don't want to lose this time too! I don't know what you want me to say or do to keep you by my side I don't know why you don't love me! Kai if you leave I will be miserable! but I won't die this time and I won't let you kill me either!"

She let out a sad laugh!:" because the baby I am carrying will bring you back to me so this time I will fight tooth and nail for the sake of this innocent child! You have to believe that this child is yours! The last time when I was pregnant you accused me of being an adulteress and the baby not being yours! You've punished an innocent child because you said that I caused the miscarriage of Marian babies which was to be the crown prince of the kingdom but the truth is they were never yours they belong to her older brother I tried so hard to tell you they came to avenge the death of their siblings which you ordered because of treason they planned to kill you after they kill me so be care full of them don't trust them this time the6nwill do the same use you for their gain and kill you when they don't need you okay? She sighed sadly.

She hadn't finished today she had a lot to say:" you killed us without any remorse in your eyes! Did your hands not shake when you lifted your sword from a fleed of a moment I thought saw the old Kai but it was an illusion? If your gonna leave us this time I won't stop you! this time shows a little sympathy to us, please! And if you must go then spare our lifes before you leave, go quietly because I won't be able to face you!" she sobbed quietly on his chest.

Mu Kai knew she was asleep talking but did he hear right she was pregnant she was having his child well that was understandable because they never used protection, he didn't think he needs it he was told not by one doctor but three he couldn't have children he couldn't wait for her to wake up some could ask her! he was cursed by Mu Millie he would never have children of his own if he kills the one she was carrying, which stuck with him he never did in all his lifes but then again he never had a wife or a girlfriend either! He needed to know if what she said was true he had to wake her but dare not to just in case it was a dream! He just wanted to live happily in the illusion that he was a father although he was already was a father to the most amazing pair of children he loved them both dearly they lit up his world especially his daughter.

He was a father when he was king he had three children two princes and his princess she was the light of his life until Marian came he became cold to his angel but that girl never lost her smile she smiled in delight every time she saw him even though he frowned every time he saw her, and that night when the spell was cast on him, he was their puppet, he walked into his angel room she smiled even when he stabbed her in her heart she still smiled she only asked him one question:" daddy are you happy with me now" she didn't scream or cry or beg this cruel father to stop she just smiled.

Remember8ng his cruelty to his children he sobbed quietly he looked at his hands and wondered how could he have done that and he was glad that Mu Millie wasn't there to witness the brutality of what he had become he was a monster the whole place fell into disarray after the departure of his wife and children once the place would have children running around laughing and the corridors echoed with sounds of happiness ow after the massacre in the place, the place was like a graveyard the servant would hide when they saw the king coming in fear of their lives.

The tears dropped on Mu Millie face she thought it was raining when she opened her eyes she looked up and thought it was her brother but to her surprise, it was her husband he found her? He was good at locating her but she wants to hide just a bit longer.

She just didn't want to face him until she sorts out her feelings and heads her heart and mind were in a battle she was confused, so she stays focused on the task ahead she would this time make Marian and her clan pay for what they did? And the ancestors who punished her being too strong that they feared her she didn't even use her magic then she worried that her subjects would get scared so restrained from using her magic in public and it was forbidden too by Mu Kai's father, she would show the ancestors what real fear was she was going to find a way to eliminate them too there had to be away? She knew if one being would know it was Demon King he had tricks up his sleeve?

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