He finally, sopke after thinking:" yeah you right I am sorry for that I should have checked everything properly that was a mistake on my part for that I apologise but for what Fen did she suffers from mental health which she is being treated for she understands what she has done and is truly sorry for it? I can't change the past we can only make the future better and it looks like you landed on your feet fine look you are the Mu's princess and now your also the wife of Mu Kai so I would say you have done well in life hasn't treated you too bad" he smiled as best as he could.
Mu Millie:" yeah your right you can't change the past no matter how hard you try it can't remove the scars that are left behind! it can't bring back the dead! It can't undo was has been done! but you can certainly take control of the future and life has been good to me I thank the Lord for sending Kai into my life he accepted this broken soul and loved it so much that it mended its broken wing and taught it how to love too and my family Grandpa Jade, Uncle, Auntie, Brothers love me and showed me what a loving home looks like " she smiled as she looked at Mu Kai.
Feng Chou Looked at the way they looked at each other and you could tell they loved each other he was happy for her she did deserve to be happy he saw the way she looked at Mu Kai. She never looked at him like that but then again he never gave her reason to look that way he always scared her he wished he doted on her and got to know this woman before he met Fen things would have been different.
Mu Millie looked at Fen and thought you I am not letting off you will get your retribution soon just wait and watch you have a lot to answer for I have a few lifes of gifts to give you" Kai can we go now I am tired please" she leaned into him.
Mu Kai watched he realised it was too much for today it was best to take her from here now before something else happens. He looked at the Gunwoo's:" we will take our leave and thank you for keeping my wife company while I was on stage" he slightly bowed to the elders. As he started to walk away. He had given Master Gunwoo enough time to see his baby girl and see what wonder-full women she had become it was to show him he missed out on a lot.
Feng Chou watched as Mu Millie left his heart ached but that was the consequences of his action this pain would remind him of how he made Mu Millie suffer this was nothing compared to want he put her through all because the women stood next to him. He walked away from the Gunwoo's as they watched them retreating too.
Myung Gunwoo spoke:" I need to get to the bottom of this but from today we will not be working with the Feng's cancel all contracts with them and turn down all upcoming projects with them he looks at the children sat before him.
They all nodded they also wanted to know what the deal was with Mu Millie the Feng's and Fen.
Fen walked behind Feng Chou who was taken large steps to the bar he wanted to get drunk so he could forget the pain in his chest. Fen tried to reach out to catch Feng Chou's hand but missed her ended up slipping and falling landing face-first on the marble floor. That would leave a nasty bruise in the morning
She screamed catching the attention of the people around her apart from the person whose attention she wanted he didn't turn around he walked to the bar ordered a drink and gulp it down in one go. Fen turns around to get up but she forgot she wasn't wearing any underwear she wanted to grab Feng Chou in the ladies for a quick one or if she found a suitable guy to give her some fun she would take it in a dark corner! She wasn't expecting to be on display to a lot of people around her. Men looked at the site with wow while the women were disgusted with her!
Ladies and girls started talking about how kinky Feng Chou was to have his wife come like this.
It was embarrassing for Feng Chou but more for Fen she was seen was talked about by the elite not in a good way as she wanted and their families this was a family event there were youngsters and teenagers and hormone crazy males around too who had their phones out to take videos which they uploaded to the internet it was going to hot gossip by morning.
Fen was left embrassed she always thought she could impress these ladies with her clothes and jewellery and try to get into one elite ladies club! that was designed for the elite ladies of high society she had been trying to get in for ages.
Her inlaws women were all members but they wouldn't take her with them, they didn't like her they didn't along with her they found her a drama queen and trouble maker when there was a gathering she was involved there was always an argument?
Fen thought she would try her luck here today but it turned out all to differ from what she had planned she cursed Mu Millie under her breath if she hadn't seen her today her luck wouldn't be so bad she got up and looked for Feng Chou who was sat the bar drinking away he wasn't even facing her, she knew he would be no help so she walked to wards the exit as she was very embarrassed she thought she would go home and wait for drunken husband then deal with the way she always got she wanted or so she thought.
Feb knew by tomorrow everything would explode on the internet and her inlaws who hated would despise her a lot she also sa the way Feng Chou ignored her she knew she needed to take drastic action or she would lose him she also wanted to deal with Mu Mille that way she dealt with Chan Wen who was paying for killing her baby and putting a spanner in her works with her body?
Feng Chou saw everything he sees Fen leaving from the corner of his eyes he was glad she was gone otherwise he would have to play the devoted husband and embarrass himself further which he wasn't going to do, he only did it as his duty that he was obliged to. He did sign a marriage contract with her at the time he thought it was the right thing to do now he was suffering the consequences. As she left a woman approached him she sat next to him:" hey handsome fancy a nightcap with me " she smiled seductively at him.
He looked at her and smiled too:" don't mind if I do " he smiled back at her it could be anybody but Fen he couldn't bring himself to be around her unless he was drunk, but the women next to him are his secretary she had been keeping him company since Mu Millie left she understood him and his needs she had become the person he would turn to release his desires on.
They both walked to the lifts and stepped in the door closed leaving them both of them alone she pulled his tie towards her and kissed him on the lips he responded it was hard and rough he trapped her hair in his fingers yanking it back to reveal her neck which he started to suck down to her breast he released her bra and them sucked hard on it suddenly the lift went ping the door open they walked hand in hand to their room. She opens the door entered as he followed he headed for the shower he dragged her with him he had rough sex just like he did with Mu Millie he called out Mu Millie's as he reaches his climax he might have been with this lady but in front, of his drunken eyes, all he could see was Mu Millie. He screamed her name over and over again while reaching his climax the lady in front let him she knew to want he wanted and she gave it to him she didn't mind being just a Mistress she got all the perks condo, car, black card, her maids and butler, she also hated his wife Fen and she wanted her place secretly but she wouldn't make a move until Feng Chou would get rid of Fen. but in the meantime, she enjoyed the perks!
The lady chuckled she didn't mind being called Millie she rather enjoyed it. She had seeing Feng Chou regularly they were fuck buddies they were friends with added benefits they never wanted to commit to each other, so this was a perfect arrangement for both of them. The middle-aged women were Feng Chou personal secretary but in the office, she was professional she did her job but outside the office, she was a wild one that lived to have sex with her boss they played different role plays but the name he called was always Millie.
Feng Chou had started to see her after Mu Millie left, he was looking for an escape from the atmosphere that had developed at his house he hated going home so when she offered to keep him company and one thing let another then she told him that she didn't want commitment he didn't want either and there began a very peculiar relationship.
At home Fen went home she broke every vase in the house the maids hid in the corners they thought they would be hit by the flying glass everywhere, she hated that happened today she so wanted to get into the elite club but it's not going to happen she blamed Mu Millie for it? She cursed loudly that she was bad luck every time they met she would fall on bad luck when she found out that her husband was staying at the hotel she knew he had a woman there she thought it was a call girl but it still didn't change the fact her husband was with another woman not with he had changed ever since she woke up from her comma he married her after she tried to jump off the building but there was no love in this relationship he had everything but the one person she wanted he wouldn't even look her way she was like an object in the house just there! she cursed under her breath as she sat and cried.
She was so scared now of losing Feng Chou she seen the way he looked at Mu Millie why was she always so, lucky? She tried to murder her a few times but every single time was unsuccessful she didn't know why? She took out her phone she made a phone call the other end answered quickly:" hey hello Fen what can I do for you sexy lady!" he chuckled.
I hired a hit on person why wasn't it carried out" she waiting for this arrogant person to speak.
The man who is the leader of some locals thugs who carry out any job for the right price frown at the way this lady spoke he growled:" what do you mean I did kill all the people you asked us to and the last I told you before is untouchable so why are you bothering me again and you still owe a payment so get your arse here and pay it today don't make come and get it myself I'm sure your husband will have a few questions for you if I do" he was angry he knew that Mu Millie was off-limits as he found out when they tried to kill her his men died but he didn't understand she had no weapons but she had a hell of fighting skills most people trained all their lifes couldn't fight like that! so he knew she wasn't an ordinary lady after doing his homework he found out they just ordered a hot on the granddaughter of Mu Jade they were worried for their families they would be wiped out to like they never existed.
Fen was fuming she barked :" I will come over don't come here" she didn't want the Feng's finding out. She had to find a different way of killing Mu Millie she had to go and make a payment she hated it so much.
She thought that Feng Chou isn't coming home tonight so she can go and quickly makes the payment and come back before Feng Chou came. But little did she know her every move was being watched by not one party but two and they had recorded everything.