

Mu Millie looked at the couple she didn't recognise them but the man's eyes looked familiar but why? how was this person who she never me so familiar to her? She was scared she needed to find Mu Kai now.

The lady spoke:" so you are Mu Jade Millie Nice to meet you dear" she smiled.

The man didn't speak he was just observing Mu Millie which was making her uncomfortable it was like she was under investigation she wanted to leave and go home which she was going to do even if she couldn't find her husband she knew the bodyguards we're outside

As she looked around she saw someone more like some people she would rather never see again. She almost forgot to breathe when a hand landed on her shoulder she knew without turning around who it was she want now just to hide in him she didn't want to see them ever again well she did after she destroyed them she wanted to the look on their face after been humiliated she had planned it well it had to a good moment in the public eye to embarrass them.

As she looked around she saw the man and women she didn't want to ever come across in this lifetime at least this murdering pair walked around and chatted and laughing with others as though they hadn't put a foot wrong they were law-abiding citizens only if the public knew but not to worry soon the who nation would know about this power couple as they had been come to know about. She felt her stomach churn when she saw them laugh with another couple the way she flaunted the designer dress that she was wearing and the diamonds shined on the lights of the room she was the envy of a lot of ladies who wanted her place only Mu Millie knew better about that place.

She felt the hand on her shoulder tightly as she fixed her feelings and hid her fear away it had no room anymore she didn't need to fear them she was a Mu she was Mu Jade granddaughter, not a nobody that could be pushed around. Who was she kidding seeing this man brought back memories of all her lives of torture endured from this man but what she thought was fear was anger surging through her body that she was once this weak that she let this man do what he did and got away with, she was disappointed with her self that she he wanted his love she craved for him to accept her, she was just upset with her self that she didn't think much of her self as person, as a human to be manipulated by this human who stood at a distance away smiling like he was a true gentleman the ent of men and the dream husband for a lot of women here only she knew better what he was under that mask of a face that he showed the world.

As she was still in her thoughts Gunwoo Mingyu looking at her and the line of sight where he saw Feng Chou stood he wonder why she was looking at him like she wanted to murder him? what had he done to deserve such a glare from this beautiful young lady? These young women didn't suit this look she had beautiful gentle features! who was the spitting image of her mother the same facial features the same eyes that you could lose yourself in! he did she was his first love but unfortunately, he let her go under the family influence he regretted it every moment of it since it happened he always wanted to apologise but never got the chance his ego always got in the way! And then when he put his ego aside he found out she died before he had the guts to approach her.

When he found out she had married and had a daughter he thought all was lost he was heartbroken he thought least she would beg him to accept her because of the child but she was too stubborn as well he never blamed her he was too blame some of the things said in the heat of the moment we're uncalled for which ended a relationship before it even blossomed he was left with regrets he finally agreed to marry the lady his family choose for him. He recently found out that this child was his His beloved never got an abortion his family lied to him he was very angry at Mum Millie mother for a very long time! he wanted to know but he tried to contact Mu Jade to find out but he's not wanting him to meet Mu Millie made his suspensions grow now.

Then when he found how old she was because his sons went to the same university as her from the way they described her he knew deep down it was his little girl whom he had ignored for year's, he knew in his heart that she was his now seeing her his heart was shouting that this was his one and the only princess who he viciously turned away from and she was like an angel descending into the world but he had one regret that he never gave her his name, he could only hope he was right but now the time wasn't right but he would and he hoped she would accept him with the open arm?

At this moment in time Mu Kai didn't know what to do one side he had Feng Chou and Fen the other he had the Gunwoo's who his wife was unaware of at this moment when she found out would she be angry or upset he didn't know what to do he was hoping that Gunwoo Myung wouldn't tell Mu Millie whom he was until he could talk to her first.

Mu Millie was focused on Feng Chou hoping they wouldn't notice her she didn't want to see him she still remembered her last encounter with him she didn't have anything to say to them.

Mu Kai was called to the stage to sign the collaboration so Mu Millie stay sat with Gunwoo's who were aware of who she was and they were all happy for her to join their family anytime.

Her father had never moved his eyes away from his daughter because he didn't know when he would next see her he so wanted to hug his baby girl and tell her he was her father. He wanted to tell them he is sorry for not acknowledge her and lett8ng her grow outside the family? The kids were impressed with their brother in law the most sort out bachelor in the country was no longer available because he belongs to their sister. They were liking their sibling more and more?

As the signing was going on everyone eyes were on Mu Kai but Mu Kai his sights are on Mu Millie he was worried he found her line of sight wasn't her father but Feng Chou and the way she looked even he didn't understand what she was thinking but it wasn't good he thoughts began to run will she use her magic here there a lot of warlocks they will hunt her if she is caught he couldn't imagine what they would do to her, he regrets to bring her here!

Mu Millie turns away from looking as Gunwoo Mengjung spoke:" hey Millie tell me what are you doing now are you working you were pretty smart at university always the topper of the class" she smiled.

Mu Millie smiled back the smile dazzled everyone who looked they saw her white teeth and her dimples which she got from her father:" hmm I don't know about smart there were smarter students than me, but now I help in the office on upcoming projects with my brother and husband " she didn't want to say it's not like she could say: "well in my spare time I kill demons and other creatures that cause trouble oh by the way I am a witch " she wished she could!

Gunwoo Mengjung spoke:" okay so tell me what your latest project that you're working on" she was trying to make conversation because her Uncle wanted to hear his daughter speak.

Mu Millie smiled:" well I mainly work on a charity event that involves working with children of deprived background to help them into education and they can make a better life for them and trying to help their families out of poverty so they make enough to keep a roof over their heads with the skills they have if they don't then to teach them skills so they can earn money" she was so happy when she told them this she was proud of her this project which she was managing her self.

They all stop to listen to her speak they didn't know why they wanted to listen to what she was doing and the way she spoke about so passionately her father smiled at his daughter she so reminded him of her mother she was always helping people in need and her aid work was so selfless you would never say that this mother and daughter was from a rich background.

Gunwoo Myung finally spoke:" that's amazing if you ever need funding or help don't hesitate to contact me you are amazing helping those in need you wouldn't be able to tell that you belong to an elite family" he smiled he so wanted to pat her head but held himself back.

Mu Millie had a sad smile on her face as she spoke:" I didn't always belong to the rich family I lived on border poverty line I was lucky I worked and made my way through I even held support ungrateful people who later rewarded me with heartache" she looked towards Fen.

Her father quick sharp eyes followed her line of sight to see her staring at Fen he made a mental note to find out about this couple and why his daughter seems to hate them. It hurt him to know his daughter lived on the poverty line and he didn't know he had let this child down very badly.

Gunwoo Myung asked:" so how did you end up, in the same university as my children " he needed to know.

Mu Millie sad smiled appeared again:" I won a scholarship when I entered the exam for the university my college teacher help me to get into that university I, however, had to pay for my room and foods and clothes I did two jobs and tutored lots of students and somewhere very kind they brought lots of snacks" she smiled as she looked over at Gunwoo Jihoon.

Gunwoo Jihoon smiled back and chuckled:" you were the cute older sister that I never had so I did what I could to help you wouldn't accept extra money you said you hadn't earned it but you would always accept snacks and all my old clothes and old gadgets by the way what did you do with those clothes" he always wonders what girl would do with boys clothes and he never saw her wear them.

Mu Millie smiled:" I used to redesign the clothes I wore and thank-you you were very sweet to me when I needed the most and you were every kind heart your parents taught you well not all rich kids like to help the poorer students" she smiled her eyes lit up when she spoke.

Her father on the other hand was horrified at what he heard his daughter lived like that where she was wearing hand downs he so hated himself right now, he knew that Mu Jade had disowned her mother when she married Chan but he didn't know his daughter suffer due to his selfishness. What amazed him was his daughter still manage to smile like there was 100% light bulb insight of her she was so full of life.

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