

Mu Millie was originally going to let these two come home with them but now she wasn't sure she didn't want to dig her demise so early on she had already suffered enough making friends with that deadly women never again, so they would have to find a place to lay low and since the prince was accustomed to the luxury they would have to accommodate.

Mu Millie could feel a headache coming on. Then it hit her this island is perfect it is already protected and it was out of the way nobody would be aware so it was perfect then when the baby is born they could decide what to do then, for now, this couple needed to lay low.

Millie spoke:" well I have the perfect solution to keep you safe away from prying eyes until the baby is born you stay here the island is already protected and we can send help cooks, cleaners and food supply all essential that you might need so what say" she smiled this was a good solution.

The couple smiled this place was very nice it was perfect they would live like kings here the witch was very excited she had never lived in luxury she has a simple life worked for living she never wore designer clothes like now the clothes given to her by Mu Millie and she never ate such scrumptious food as well, she mostly had boiled noodles or maybe once a month got chicken as meat sources, she was more than happy to live here,mother-baby was safe and would be born it would see the light of this world she was very great full. She glances over at her lover who was contemplating something she wanted to nudge him a little but then remembered he was very rich so he used to designer brands and expensive foods and pampered life maybe for him this was below his expectations.

The demon prince turn to Mu Millie and smiled:" thank you so much this is perfect my baby can be born safely" he was so great full he knew this was okay and he had to stay low for a while until the heat dies down before he let them his so-called family know he was alive?

Mu Kai spoke:" according to the outside world you two are dead so it a best to stay hidden until we can think of a plan of how you can live in a society without the order of the round table finding out we will discuss this with the others to see if we can come up a solution " he looked at the couple seriously. The look was enough to put the fear and consequences of any stupidly in the empty minds.

The witch that was flirting with him a minute ago shrunk back in her seat seeing those clod eyes glaring at him he looked like the warlock now he sends shivers down her spine she no longer looked at him in the sense of being his lover he was more like the oppressor. She would stick to sweet boyfriend these men were scary.

The demon also saw the cold glare coming from Mu Kai being a demon he used to this kind of glare he got it from his older brother the king all the time but it still sends shivers down his spine. He could understand why his brother said not to offend him he was more ruthless than his brother he was supposed to be the demon king? he would to as he was told otherwise there was nobody to save them they were at the mercy of these people in front of them for the sake of his child he would bear it:" yes sir I will do as you say thank you " was all he could muster.

The couple scurried back to their room where they felt safe as they entered the witch spoke:" hey cuddles that man was scary wasn't he " he shivered.

The demon spoke:" yeah he was also at the council today with my brother they were the only two that objected to our deaths everyone else wanted us dead I will avenge us no matter what but first we need this child to be born safely" He knew that he agreed with his brother to lure this low-level witch the initial plan is to get her pregnant and then have the baby they wanted to see if combining the two powers were possible they had tired in the past but the witches were burned by the demon child-killing both mother and child! he admits the little witch was rather cute but he didn't love her for him it was the only an experiment but now he was stuck in this predicament how could he get out of this he couldn't exactly steal the baby now she had come under the protection of the Royal Gypsy Witch and the Prince Warlock he would be dead before he lifted the baby, what should he do how should he get in touch with his brother to find out how to proceed.

Mu Kai knew his wifey had acted on impulse but he saw more from the way the couple looked and from what the demon king said to him he realised that these two brothers were in cahoots and thus poor witch was clueless about what was happening to her. There was no love it was just an experiment for these brothers, he had to stop them from taking the baby. They were ruthless, to say the least, he would keep an eye out for this little witch she was just a lonely vulnerable child in his eyes looking for love in the darkest of places because her kind had rejected her for not having passed the ritual!

Mu Kai looked at his wifey:" hey honey can you do something for me and I will take all three of your punishment off the table today" he smiled.

Mu Millie was happy she shrieked:" really I will do anything " she beamed with happiness.

Mu Kai chuckled she was so naive she doesn't even ask just agrees:" you should least find out what the other person wants before you agree you know " he winked at his wifey.

Mu Millie answered:" well it's you I don't need to think I will give you my life if you asked for it " she smiled.

Mu Kai was left stunned:" you love me and trust me that much " he moved forward and kissed her deeply he loved her so much even more now if it was at all possible.

Mu Millie was taken by surprise but she responds in the same sense she loves him so much she didn't realise it was possible to, love someone this much. She felt a connection from that first moment she met him it was like they had been lovers in a different time and it was two souls meeting she sometimes thought it was a fairytale or dream she always had to pinch herself to bring it into reality so she knew it was her life now.

After he pulled away he smiled:" thank you for trusting me so" he pecked her lips he loved to kiss her.

Mu Millie:" well what are you want me to do" she looked at me eagerly.

Mu Kai:" ahh we'll that I wanted you to take the witch and demon prince powers way while they are with us I don't trust them " he looked at his wifey.

Mu Millie didn't look surprised:" I wanted to do too, even if you didn't say it is the safest option it's not that I don't trust them it's just that I don't trust them one little bit I realised I acted on impulse but I don't take back what I did it was the right thing to do but I feel with the witch being so naive and been rejected by her own family she turned to the prince when he showed affection which she craved so badly and the prince being so cunning something that we are not expecting will happen with him he is not as dumb as he looks, so it's best to be fully alert I will for now reduced their powers but still leave enough in case they need to defend themself if the circumstance should arise" she smiled as she clung to husband arm.

Mu Kai smiled back and thought we have the same thought for different reasons. But at least the job gets done it would be one less headache he didn't want. It was bad enough that the demon king knew of what had happened today and his brother was safe he also sensed that he knew the existence of Mu Millie it was only a matter of time before he connected the dots he would be pestering him to tell him but he also has leverage against him he wasn't scared of him he just hated owing favours.

Mu Kai asked:" honey today at the cave did you sense the demon king " he needed to know he knew these two share a past life love-hate relationship.

He was hoping that they never collide with each other he knows that would be catastrophic if she recalled any of how the end of her first life and the demon king came to her rescue but they both died him trying to save her and Mu Kai killing them out utter jealousy, he shudders at the thought that he was the one that killed his beloved only to learn it was never her fault in the first place she just retaliated after losing all hope for justice from the one person she trusted more than her own life he never forgets the smile on her face when he killed her it was so sad and lifeless it haunted him until his life ended.

Mu Millie replies casually:" hmm yeah it's the same one when we severed the demons ties in the mansion he is fierce but nothing we can't handle" she persuaded her husband as she wanted to continue her last night activities so she pulled him along to the bedroom.

Mumbai was following more as like being dragged to the bedroom by his wife he was relieved that his wife can't remember the first life he doesn't want to lose her after getting her back after painstaking waiting through all of his lifes he said as she watched the hands locked in place but before they entered he had to make sure she would be his:" Hey honey can you promise me something" he pulled his wife in his arms.

Mu Muilie was surprised but happy she hugged him tightly:" okay" she chuckled.

Mu Kai looked at his wife's eyes:" if you ever remember your first life promise me you won't be disappointed in me and know I am very sorry and you will always love me like you do now and don't believe anything anyone tells you until you've asked me about it okay " he kissed her forehead.

Mu Millie knew she was getting punished for her past sins only she couldn't remember that lifetime of what she had done to suffer so many lifetimes and why the Feng's were involved and where Mu's fitted into all of this she wishes for the life her she could remember and repeat the same mistake she must be a cruel tyrant leader of some kind she must have done some very horrible she wished she only knew?

She was also was surprised that Mu Kai would ask this of her but he asked so it must have something to do with him. Did he do something to me which would be unforgivable m this was getting more and more interesting who would be able to help the ancestors on both sides were keeping shut about it who else could she turn too she wondered?

Mu Millie asked:" If I want to know about that life would you be honest with me and tell me even if I am not going to like it please" she smiled at her husband with a question mark attached!

Mu Kai looked shocked him could he tell her that it was him that never trusted her and she had to turn to the demon king for help who came regardless of him knowing that he would lose his life regardless he came Mu Kai just watched as the demon King carried her injured, body away she breathes her last breath in his arms then came to kill Mu Kai but died at the hands of his guards.

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