Chapter 66 - 65: YOUR ALL IN TROUBLE



Nanna smile on the outside, however inside she was sad she knew Mu Millies is more like her than she cares to admit strong mined and strong-willed. Nanna thought to her self she would have done the same it was about saving lives regardless of who they were and the main reason was the unborn child. But the ancestors didn't see it that way they were too much for their own sake they bend the rules but for others, they dished out punishment like Sunday lunch.

Nanna had to inform her of her punishment which she was not looking forward to tho was her granddaughter after all but it had to be done:" the punishment for getting involved in the order of the round table is 10 whiplashes your lucky you intervene they wanted to give you 50 lashes I am sorry sweetheart that's all we could do, not lack your mother trying " she sighed.

Mu Millie smiled she expected the worst and being whipped 10 was nothing she had worse when she lived with Feng Chou. Now she thought this punishment had prepared her to take this whip without even an ounce of pain.

Mu Millie:" can I make sure the couple and their unborn baby first then I will come for my punishment okay" she smiled but it wasn't a smile it was sad even for Nanna who was in tears

Mu Millie was told how to protect the couple and their unborn baby the spell she would cast would need her brother's help to make it easier they would change the whole aura inside and outer of the two people so even they own kind we're to find them they wouldn't recognise them.

For Mu Millie, this exchange was good to deal with the couple can live openly and freely. Grandma told her that she had to leave the couple on the island for now until the witch gives birth then she would be able to complete the spell on all three.

Mu Millie left her room to find her brother so she could tell him that she needed his help to secure the island by casting a cloaking spell around the island it was a big task it would have to be done quickly, so the couple could stop looking over their shoulders, and then she had also received her punishment from both sides life sucked she had her lowered so she wasn't paying attention where she was walking she walked into the soft wall she looked up to see her husband standing in front of her, She looked up and stepped aside and walked past leaving a very surprised Mu Kai his wifey just ignored him. He knew she was angry because he had to punish her. How could he coax her now he hated this part of his job punishing his loved ones, but they all follow rules otherwise the world would be very chaotic. He sighed as she watched her disappear in the distance.

Mu Kai watches his brother walk past him and look at his retreating back and he was worried now would she hate him he just found her how could he lose her he really think about this there must be an alternative solution.

Mu Millie had just finished speaking to her brother and Mu Kai appeared she swallowed her saliva as he walked into the room where the three culprits stood, Mu Millie couldn't even lift her head too, look at him, his aura was telling her he was angry and she was that guilty party she knew he was going to punish her and her brothers she had to save them first since she roped them in to help her, she would accept their punishment too.

Mu Kai:" hey honey did you miss me " he smiled but not a full smile

He looked at his brother and brother in law:" what are you two doing here hmmm" he liked serious.

They didn't answer they looked at him silently they know from his look he know they were there but if he knows who else knew did they cause trouble there for Mu Kai to deal with. They all stood like school student in front of the headmaster after getting caught truanting and now there waiting for their punishment and they knew it was going to be light they also knew the rules of entering that particular place it was forbidden to all that weren't invited if caught punishable by death.

Mu Millie looked up she spoke:" hey honey everything okay where have you been" she smiled a full set of teeth.

Mu Kai:" hmm why are you asking when you three went in and five of you left that place did you think I wouldn't know when you all arrived and left honey " he smirked.

Mu Kim spoke next hurriedly before his brother would get angry:" hey bros knew we are wrong for entering that place but I think we did the right thing we sorry for causing you trouble" he looked not sorry.

Mu Taichung spoke:" yeah bro we were worried about you we just came to check and found that couple and we couldn't leave them to die like that it was uncalled for especially when it involved a baby" he sighed.

Mu Millie butted in:" you of all people would know I couldn't stand by and watch them killed that mother and child so I did what had to be done if you want to punish me I will gladly accept I stand by descion today" she looked at him those hurt eyes told him about her past.

Mu Kai hadn't spoken yet but his wife's eyes showed the hurt and pain she had been through he thought she acted on impulse when she rescued the couple and the unborn baby but it was all an emotional mother that rescued them he knew she would do that for even her enmey if it involved children.

He wasn't angry he was how worried sick from the moment they arrived at the moment until they left the island he admired their guts he knew he wouldn't have done what they just pulled off he was a stickler for rules he wouldn't have gone against the order of the round table he was proud of his rebels and he just realised how power full his little witchy was she wasn't detected by the most powerful being there apart from the demon king which was a worry he had to take care off.

But they had to still be punished for they're stupidly and putting themself in danger. He looked at them and asked, " so what should be your punishment honey for breaking a very important rule when you enter that place" he looks at his brother and brother in law angrily.

Mu Millie smiled:" you should cook us a meal and praise us we did well by not getting caught huh " she smiled proudly she knew she was big trouble but she was teasing her husband too easy on them.

The other men wanted to laugh but dare not they knew even if Mu Millie didn't get punished they were not getting away with it. They were prepared from the beginning they wouldn't let Mu Millie get punished they came and stood in front of her Mu Kim spoke:" look bro we knew we did something against the rules of both witches and warlocks but we are to blame we dragged sis in law into it so let be we will go back and take our punishments " he looked at Mu Taichung who shakes his head like a rattlesnake as yeah were men we take it like men but inside the fear had already begun to take place.

Mu Millie knew the rules and they were old as time itself the punishment was server, to say the least getting a paddle on your arse just the thought sounded pain full Mu Millie was feeling for her brothers they were saving her she was so touched she never had anybody stood in front of her to defend her like this there was a very feeling rising in her eyes were going moist she couldn't stop the tears coming.

Mu Millie hugged both men from behind she sobbed loudly she thanked the Lord for sending her these two beautiful brothers. Her ack was turned from her husband so she sobbed louder so maybe her strict husband would let them off the hook.

The men turned worried and thought about what happened is she hurt Mu Kai walked over moved the men she was clinging to to pulled her in his arms and looked at Mu Millie:" are you okay honey are you hurt what the matter" he looked worried now.

Mu Millie sobbed:" I am okay I just very happy your all so nice thank you I am grateful to find such loving brothers and you as my husband " she sobbed even more.

Mu Kai chuckled as he took her in his arms hugged her, Mu Kim and my Taichung saw the moment to escape they seen the hand gestures coming from their sister they didn't need to be told they slid out.

Mu Kai knew what she had done but right now he wasn't bothered he was more concerned about his strange wifey and her strange emotions that were all over the place.:" hey are you sure you okay " he hugged as he asked.

Mu Millie:" yeah I am this was nice I always seen this on t.v where the family stands in front of the female lead to protect her this was the first time I saw it live and it was for me! I never had anyone stand up for me in all my past lives I love my family so much honey please go easy on them or better still I will receive their punishment too I was the one who called them her and dragged them with me please" she held him tightly.

Mu Kai chuckled:" well Mrs Mu Kai would you like to tell me what happen today and why did you follow me" he sighed.

Mu Millie:" well this morning when you disappeared I couldn't find you anywhere I got this really ad feeling in my gut it's usually never wrong so I scanned to where you were I got a sense of demons around you I got worried and I called you weren't answering so I just came to check and help I was worried did I didn't know what they were until I came back and checked with Nanna, I sorry for bargaining in like that but not sorry for my actions " she emphasis on the worrying part as she continued:" and then I saw that the judgement past I didn't agree with it so I did what had to be no needed to be done did I tell not sorry for my action sand will take any punishment dishes out and please go easy on my very sweet brothers" she looked at her husband to see his reaction.

Mu Kai sighed:" I know what you did and why you did it I completely understand I am with you on that part" he came the but she knew there was a but he was so strict at following rules:" but if you had got caught then they would have killed you as part of treason plot they don't need tan excuse they are already scared of you they don't like what they can't understand or anything more powerful than them honey" he sighed heavily just the thought freaked him out of something happening to his beloved wifey:" you were lucky you got away with it, you know my heart was beating out my chest and almost stop breathing while you we're their honey you are my life and I hated that moment when I felt very helpless " he looked at his wifey.

Mu Millie:" awh you love me that much I love you too honey " she moved back as she looked at jim seriously and spoke :" Not before I would murder every single being there, if they tried to kill that mother and child in front of me, it would have done without a second thought I hate those hypocritical beings they suppose to be leaders of their clans and tribes but they have their views and their rules they are old as the time they need to be dragged into the 21st century! and looked around people are mixing and they're happy don't they see that I hate to see how they deal with their own families and bend the the rules to suit them while everyone else is left to suffer, and how they live I believe it was one of their own they would have had a different view and they wouldn't let them kill them" she was fuming.

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