It spend two months since I ve found out that I wasn't pregnant , I was fine really ,Harry went home, because he has songs to write.
Now was September, we have already written all our exams and our prom was getting nearer, normally it should be in July , but there was an earthquake.
We already knew our marks, but we would get our diploma after the ball.Leni and I agreed that she will come to my ball, because it will be bigger, and it would be more fun.
„ So is Harry coming, as your date?", Leni asked while we were dress shopping.
„ I dont know, he seams pretty busy , is Niall coming?", I asked her,
„ Yes, that's cool, if you want we can go the three", she suggested.
„ No I don't want to be the third wheel, you know:"NACHTSCHATTENSCHNÄPFE", I joked.
„ Dont worry, he ll come", she said and took my hand.
„ Sure I said", I said hopeless.
After we bought our dress, we made our way home.I didnt think that this whole Harry thing would take me with like this.I think that it was obvious that I was sad, so:
„ What about if we make a girls night, we can do our nails and order some sushi and watch a film, how does that sound?", Leni asked.
„ That would be nice"
After we ordered the food, Leni made her way down , to pick them up.While that was happening, I decided to call Harry, and ask him if he would come.The phone rang and than:
„ Hey love", Harry said.
„ Hey, how is work?", I asked him.
„ Yeah it is fine, I wrote some new songs, oh ehh…. Sorry but I have to go soon,… do you want to ask me something?"
„ Oh ehm, I was wondering, if you could make it to my prom, you don't have to but it would be fun,… Niall is also coming, by the way"
„ Oh darling, that sounds nice but I don't think that I ll make it, I m sorry love. Oh I have to go now… Love you , Bye", Harry said and hang up.
I was fine with that, or was I ?
After Leni arrived with the food , we did our nails and watched a few films and fall asleep.
Today was our prom, Leni drove home so she could get all her stuff, but she would come with Niall, so I had to wait for them.While I was waiting, I decided to go to a nail salon.I put my sunglass on and made my way the the city center .
Harry wasn't that popular in Germany so there weren't that much paparazzi , but there were still these looks of strangers, it was weird but I have to get use to it, if I want to become a popular actress.At the moment I was just „Hey look Harry styles s girlfriend", but I want to be „Hey look, the cool actress, who is with Harry styles", yes definitely.
As soon as I reached the salon, I got a seat and showed the girl what I wanted.
I mean there wasn't earthing bad about the dating stuff, first of all, you have a lovely boyfriend, secondly, you get some free stuff and or presents.
After I was ready , and I had some fresh nails, I made my way home, I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 4pm, and Leni would arrive soon and the ball will start in 2 hours.
When I reached the flat, I saw Lenis car, they were already here, so I took the lift up.Then I opened the door and saw Leni and Niall sitting on the couch.
„ Hey guys", I said and went up to them for a hug.
„ Hey Katha, long time didnt see you", Niall said and hugged me.
„ Yeah", I said and hugged him back.
Then Leni and I were getting ready , we did our make up our hair, and then put our dresses on. We looked very stunning.
And then we were driving to my University, when we arrived there were so many students and very beautiful outfits.I said hi to a few friends and then Leni and went on the dance floor, we danced hours , and then the dj announced:
„ Hey guys I hope that you guys have an amazing evening, so now we have a music wish, and the song is very new, so I think that we have the oner , to be the first people who hear that song, enjoy"
Then I melody started, and after the first words I immediately recognized that , this was Harrys voice, and than I listened to the lyrics:
Remember the day we were giving up
When you told me I didn't give you enough
And all of your friends were saying I'd be leaving you
She's lying in bed with my t-shirt on
Just thinking how I went about it wrong
This isn't the stain of a red wine, I'm bleeding love
Please believe me, don't you see
The things you mean to me?
Oh I love you, I love you
I love, I love, I love Victoria
I live for you, I long for you, Victoria
I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Victoria
I live for you, I long for you, Victoria
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Say what you're feeling and say it now
'Cause I got the feeling you're walking out
And time is irrelevant when I've not been seeing you
The consequences of falling out
There's something I'm having nightmares about
And these are the reasons I'm crying out to be with you
Please believe me, don't you see
The things you mean to me?
Oh I love you, I love you
I love, I love, I love Victoria
I live for you, I long for you, Victoria
I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Victoria
I live for you, I long for you, Victoria
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
When you go and I'm alone
You live in my imagination
The summertime and butterflies
All belong to your creation
I love you, it's all I do
I love you
I live for you, I long for you,Victoria
I've been idolizing the light in your eyes, Victoria
I live for you, I long for you,Victoria
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Wait a second, Victoria? Who is Victoria? Wait, was this song written for me?
Then I heard a slow song and there were building up couples, I saw that Nail and Leni started dancing together.
„May I have this dance, me-lady ?", I heard someone whispering.
I turned around and couldn't believe my eyes:
Harry was Standing in front of me, in a smocking.
„ Harry", I exclaimed and threw my arms around his neck and hugged him very tight.
„ I thought that you couldn't come?, I asked him excited.
„ It it a surprise … and how do you like my new song?", he asked with a cheeky grin.
„ Yes I love it, and Victoria seams pretty familiar, hmm who could that be?", I asked with irony.
„ I have no idea", he joked.
After we danced and he said hi to Leni and Naill, we made our way, home.
„ I have another surprise, guys, we all are going to Beverly Hills", Harry announced.
„ Wait what, but I had a surprise for Lenis birthday", Niall said,
„ Leni , do you want to go with me to Paris on your birthday ?", Niall asked Leni.
„ Of course!", she answered, and kissed him.
„ Okay guys, chill, get a room , but what about we all go to Beverly and then you two can fly from there?", I suggested.
„ Yeah that sounds okay for me",Harry said.
The next day we flew to Beverly Hills.