Chereads / Velocity / Chapter 82 - Chapter 69: Double Trouble

Chapter 82 - Chapter 69: Double Trouble

Romaine's POV

Though last night didn't turn out so well, an idea struck me on the way home. It sounds a lot like something Dondre would do to be honest.

"So explain again how you got me to come out here?" Cas questioned before we entered the café

"Team Bonding." I responded, nudging her through the door

"I don't really like coffee." Donte said

"Me neither." agreed Shante

"There's tea you can get and water." I replied, "Come on Dondre, help me out here. You're always asking us to go out like this."

"Yeah, I'm not really feeling the friendly mood today;" he said "knowing that I could be in the presence of a traitor and all."

"This is so unlike you Dondre." Melany pointed out

"Well, good thing I thought ahead." I said, "I have something that I think will cheer you up Dondre."

"Oh yeah? And just what would that be?"

"So remember last week when it was my mother's birthday? You seemed pretty down about it at one point so..."

I guided him inside, then pointed toward the table where his mother was seated.

"You didn't." He mumbled

"Dondre?" She questioned in complete disbelief, slowly getting up from her seat

"Mom you- You're not supposed to be here."

"I haven't seen you in months Dondre, after that day you went missing, they told me you were dead."

She tightly hugged him, unable to hid the tears in her eyes.

"Mom, no you can't be here."

Dondre desperately tried to lose her arms from around him, but was unable to do so.

"What are you talking about Dondre?"

"You just can't be here."

In the next instant she'd started coughing and her eyes began bleeding. Not too long after she had started to projectile vomit blood.

"Miss Robinson!" I shouted, running to help

Despite attempts to help, she shortly fell lifeless to the ground.

Dondre's facial expression was now broken, staring as his mother laid dead in his arms.

Cas came over to help, but once she had checked Ms Robinson's pulse declared that she was dead.

"Dondre, I'm so sorry." I sympathized

Without even saying a word, Dondre sped out of the building as fast as he could.

And though I understand that he'd just lost his mother unexpectedly, that was still a very reckless thing to do in such a public place; with all these people already staring before it didn't help when he used his abilities.


Back at the lab everyone was displaying a variety of looks.

"What the hell just happened?" I questioned Cas

"Trust me Romaine," She said, "we're all as lost as you are."

"Is Dondre going to be ok?" Shante questioned

"I should probably go out looking for him." I suggested

"No Romaine, give him some time." Cas stopped me

"Mind telling us what you lot are talking about?" questioned the Prince, approaching with my older version

"I blew it, big time." I told them

"What do you mean?" questioned older me

"I invited Dondre's mom to come meet us so she could see him and she literally died when we got there."

"Wait what?" he questioned again, clearly taken aback

"Wait so this never happened in your timeline?"

"N-no, this is completely new. How did this even happen?"

"When we were on the vacation he said something about my mother so I figured he missed his, being that he hasn't seen her in months."

"Oh no, the timeline's straying from what it was before; new events are occurring, likely a butterfly effect from me being here. Eventually it'll be so different from the original that my experiences from my own timeline won't be of any use."

"That means that although we're unaware of how things played out in the original timeline, we have to be conscious of our actions from here on out, otherwise we could negatively influence things." Cas advised

"All this time travel stuff sounds scary." said Shante

"I'm sure it'll all be fine; we just gotta try to fix this."

"But how?" Mel questioned

Interrupting our conversation was the long missed sound of the crime alert.

"The crime alert?" I questioned

We all crowded over at the monitors, staring at the big screens.

On there we saw a man fleeing the a bank with a bag overflowing with cash.

"A bank robbery?" Melany questioned

"Looks like the two of you are the only speedsters here." Cas noted, looking at the siblings, "You up for it."

"Definitely!" Donte cheered

"Are you guys sure you can handle it?" I questioned

"Of course they can." answered the Prince, "Don't doubt my pupils."

"He's right Rom." agreed Shante, "We worked hard when we were training. We can do it."

"Well alright then." I said, "Not like I have much of a choice anyways since you're the only two here with powers."

"Just be careful you two;" Cas advised, "I'm picking up active traces of the X-Gene from him."

"You got it Cas." Donte chuckled

Donte's POV

Once Shante and I changed into our suits, we ran into the elevator.

"Finally we get to take down a bad guy on our own." Shante cheered

"And show how much stronger we got since last time." I said


Once the doors opened enough for me to pass through them, I raced outside; and Shante followed close behind when she realized what happened.

-"The perpetrator is just near the Square."- Cas told us

"Uhhh, I don't know how to get there from here" I admitted

"Me neither" said Shante

-"Just follow my directions"-

"You got it Cas" I answered


We made it there just in time I'd say; the bad guy was mopping the floor with the cops. And was blocking all their bullets with something that looked like a diamond force field.

"Woah," I laughed, "this guy's wacked up."

-"Remember young lads, stay on your guard"- said the Prince

"You got it sensei."

Even though a lot of the people around had their eyes on us, the crazy dude seemed a bit distracted with the cops.

Every time one of the police's bullets hit his diamond shield thingy, they'd get knocked back and hurt random people

"Shante, you draw his attention. I'll save all the cops." I told her

"You got it big bro!" She answered, before running circles around him to distract him

Now that he wasn't focused on them, I went and moved each of the civilians in super speed to a safer place.

When I was done, I went back over to where he and Shante were. When I got there Shante stopped circling him and came to stand beside me.

"This is the best they can do?" He questioned, "All they sent to defeat me was two kids."

"Hey!" I shouted, "We might be young, but that doesn't mean we still can't kick your ass!"

"Ha! I'd like to see you try." He laughed

"Shante!" I called

"Right!" She answered, almost like she as reading my mind and already knew what to do

We both started circling the freak, confusing him on who was where.

I ran out to attack him with a speed punch, but he made another diamond wall in the air and hit me back.

"Donte!" Shante shouted running over to me, "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine I'm fine." I rushed her, getting up and brushing myself off

"Pathetic." He said

"Stop doubting us just because we're kids." I told him

-"Remember your training, lads."- said the Prince

"He's right Donte." said Shante, "We can beat him."


"It wasn't by mere chance that the two of you were granted supernatural speed with your respective abilities, but rather it was fate." the Prince said

"What do you mean Prince?" Shante questioned

"There exists a natural connection between siblings; most just never grow to build that bond and learn to use it."

"So you're going to train us to grow that bond?" I asked

"Indeed. What I'll be attempting to do over the next few days is teach the two of you how to work off of each other, working in synergy."

"That sounds cool."

"Once the two of you are able to perfect your synergy, I'll be able to teach you how to use your abilities in sync."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Donte, your electricity surges with positive energy, while Shante, yours thrives with negative energy. With these polar opposites, the two of you will be a force to be reckoned with."

"Then what are we waiting for? Teach us how to get stronger Prince."

"We'll have to save that for another time, young one; I sincerely doubt that the two of you would be able to master synergy within 3 days let alone be able to master the polar fighting style. But I have high faith in both of you, and I believe that we'll be able to make a lot of progress in these days."


"Chin up, lad. I'll still teach the two of you fancy trick or two if you want."

"That sounds great." Shante said

"Splendid, start with 20 laps around the field."

**End of Flashback**

"Let's get him sis." I said

"I'm with you bro." Shante said

Remembering our time in training, I focused my mind to work in synergy with Shante.

We both ran off in opposite directions, now reading each other's minds.