Today Aldric still can't move agile, but he is forced to keep working because the job he has left for so long can no longer wait. So much unfinished work that he had to finish one by one. So far, his father has handled his work, but there is still so much work that is stuck. Some clients even complained about some projects that did not run smoothly after the absence of Aldric Bloom from his company.
"I'll take you to the office," Adrianna said as they ate their breakfast together in the dining room.
"No need. I'll go with the driver." Aldric refused subtly, he was too pride to be helpless in front of his wife and always troubled the beautiful woman in front of him. "Don't think that I'm that week." Said Aldric with his angry eyes.
"I never thought you were weak, believe me. I just want to help," Adrianna touch Aldric's hands, but he took his hands avoided her.
"I feel weak if I continue to depend on you," Aldric said while ended his breakfast.