I should start searching but where should I ! I think I should start from my room. I need something which adds more vigor to my belief.
I started searching everywhere in the room, I checked bookcase which is around 7 feet tall and I checked the dressing table which is exactly beside the large book case and exactly opposite to my bed. I found nothing. But I found a watch in one of the drawers of dressing table. It is so weird, it doesn't look like a watch but more like a 🧠compass. I really wonder why this type of watch exist. Right now time is 7:30 AM and I see sunlight entering my room from this window. When I looked into this watch very closely I found a mistake. The only hand which is in it and marked with symbol 'N' is not pointing the North direction. Why so, is it not working or someone deliberately made this to work this way. It is pointing towards my right side, where I am standing infront of the dressing table. It is pointing at the window, which is exactly opposite to the room's door. I stepped ahead to get a glance outside the window. I saw a house next to our garden, a bit far from where I am standing. When I took a closer look at the house I saw a boy with blonde hair staring at me unblinkingly. I felt like he is taking me to a trance state. I am getting little bit nervous, I should close the curtain or else this will make me go more nervous which is definitely superfluous to my current mental situation. I closed the curtain and gasped. I felt a rug under my feet. Why the hell there is a rug near window. Does that make any sense! When I looked around the room and I found a picture frame of a beautiful art of a little girl, this is placed right side next to the door. That little girl is pointing her index finger at this rug as this compass. This is not coincidental, this rug is intriguing me alot, I should check this out. I started to move this rug a side I found nothing but when I zoomed towards the floor I found a small door which was camouflaged by immaculate wooden floor. "What the hell is this!"