What is going on i said, it's like we were tearing the house apart and the worst thing was about to happen I heard my parents pulling in trough the driveway. "what should we do", what should we do Jack "asked"
suddenly our legs started moving in rapid action like crazy I some how could control mine but Jack couldn't so we managed to clean the kitchen and hurry back up stairs into my room cause you see Jack is not my brother but he loves to stay in my house for sleep over alot anyway by the time we got up stairs they were entering the house so ooo
they were calling my name Ajax Ajax Ajax
I ran down stairs quickly and they said why am I still awake I have school tomorrow
"I was like ummmm slept of playing fortnite then my dad laughed. I then saw a bag that my dad was hiding and nobody can hide gift from me it's a gift (anyway) he said "FINE"
I bought you a new game "injustice premium edition" crazy I said in shock.
Time for bed my mum "said" so I hurried to bed.