Chereads / a New Dawn / Chapter 2 - Previously on New Dawn

Chapter 2 - Previously on New Dawn

Four kids encounter a strange kid wandering the streets alone. They walk up to him and save him from what looks like to be a zombie. As they shoot the zombie, the kid starts crying, confused about why they did that. As he stops crying, the oldest out of all the kids walks up and asks, "What are you doing out here all alone?

And the key replied, starting with his name, saying my name is Jamir, and I don't know why I'm doing out here. Can you help me? I'm lost. We can take you to our safe place. You'll be safe there. Got the oldest kid looked up and said my name is Chad. He turns around and looks like the other three kids are going to each one singing them by their names the guy in a black hoodie's name is Kevin, and the shy girl next to him is his little sister, her name is Cara, and a blond with the gun is Sarah Jamir looked up they all stood in shock looking at his face seeing a scar across his face five fingers they saw worried that do I know what to think that what happened to this kid is he going to turn. Confused, putting all weapons aimed at him and freaking out about what would happen next.

Is Jahmir looked up he saw for kids he saw one kid walk right up to him the kids said my name is Chad replied Chad my name is Jamir is friendly to meet you what you mean doesn't know is as he looked up all four kids got shocked to see the scar across his face before Chad said eny thing else he asked the Boy about the spot but with a severe face Jimmy replied I do not know I do not remember anything but my name Chad asked the Boy to stand up Sotomayor stood up and one by one Chad introduced to America the rest of the group have walked over and said this is Kevin he's shy but he doesn't speak much Jenner looks at the Boy with a black hoodie on cover most of his face and long black hair wearing nothing but sneakers and blue jean pants no back at Chad a blond white skin man with a white shirt and khaki pants on with sneakers then Chad walked over pointing to the girl saying her name is Cara this is Chad little sister as soon as I looked at her a girl with ponytails dirt across her face and clothes look like they were ripped from something. as you are kept looking at Cara he kept wondering what has happened to them why are they here before he can ask a question Chad moved on to the last girl said her name is Sarah is your hair looked at her a blond what's a tank top and black jeans on covered with a black leather jacket H.D. mirror cap Gathering questions in his head to ask the kids they told him we should not wait out here you must hurry back to Merced back to where they said the house so they started moving do they got to the house soon as he got to the house different sheets and blanket the windows and board at the door back up and when you use candles to light the way. Are they showed you meant to the room he will be staying in he still wanted to ask some questions but they said all we have to do is be quiet and they won't come they told him if you wish to speak will speak tomorrow but be quiet tonight if you want you can take a shower customer got ready to take a shower he noticed that he felt someone watching him he looked out the door he saw all four kids staring at his back call Esau were right and faces and then he looked into a mirror and saw it a very big slash in the shape of an X three claws he saw so frightened and curious about would have done this to him the two girls were frightened they felt sorry for the Boy they still ask some questions but he could not recall anything. they all slept a while they slept Jahmier still had this weird feeling that he was forgetting something so he started examining his body again until he saw some scars that look super familiar to him following a spot from his chest down feeling some weird he touched the scar a girl he saved her he got the scar from saving her the girl's name was? Before Jahmir could even hear her name, Jahmir woke up confused as to why they still stared at him with more surprised faces due to all the scars that Jahmir had on his body. As soon as he woke up, he wanted to ask questions before Jahmir could they ask a couple of their questions again, so I guess today he replied with I do not know until Chad asked him one question where are you going if you have nowhere to go you can come with us we are going to a safe place a place where everyone is welcome everyone that is not one of them is Jamir looked at Chadwick confusion them what are them is Chad open the curtain slightly to the point of the creatures walking outside what's rescue fuse face saying but are they human what are they if these things are not human chat replied they aren't them is in the undead the things that walk among us now. Is Jamir Capital answering Chad's questions about what's going on? Sarah walks over. Where are you? Why don't you know what's going on? Jimmy replied as to sing this; I woke up in a hospital sound recording. It told me my name. It said, I've been in a coma, but I do not remember anything else; what do you mean that he should tell them that he does not trust him first? I can see the kids gave Jahmir knew that they did not trust him either, but they all knew it would not make it alone. Chad to Jamir, Heaven referred to Jahmir's guns, compound bows are a rare sight they won't even be able to use, and how guys like pistols and revolvers. Finesse Kevin kept on talking. He asked what do you know how to use them Jimmy replied I don't know how to use them. They just felt familiar to me, and as soon as Kevin gave Jahmir the gun, a flashback showed him how to use them and what they're called as the kids stared at him, shocked. As Chad said, how do you know how to use those? Jahmir replied, "It is a feeling I am not sure how to use them."