Sirena walked into the room with a cold smile. I can see how unhappy she is. "Good morning sirena is everything alright?" I asked concerned about her. "I am missing someone Pia and today is a special day" she said looking unhappy, i don't know what to say so I stayed quiet "I just came to call you for breakfast " she added I simply nooded and followed her quietly not wanting to bother her.
Sirena has started teaching me stuffs that I don't know. Dates, make ups, boyfriend, and all girly stuff I don't know all those stuff yet, I decided to use all that to make the room lively "am going for a date this weekend and I want you to go with me" I smiled at her... "You are kidding? Who is taking you on a date? Who is he?" She bombarded me with questions smiling widely at me. I shake my head and burst out laughing at how much she want me to go on a date "I was joking but maybe we can just go for shopping during the weekend then" I said and returned her smile. Her face drop, she looks disappointed. "Don't worry sirena whenever I am gong for a date u will be the first to know" I added. Then she smiled widely like I just prepared her best food.
I am not as excited as I was when i started college. It has just been the same routine lectures, lunch and sirena taking me home. I am almost getting tired and bored but the lectures are keeping me going, a year is almost complete now and that is making me happy.. I go for lectures and when it is lunch break I meet with Sebastian and Louise.
I meet Louise some months ago, she is just like me that's why I decided to be friends with her although she isnt nice but she is just like a princess in her own way, she is pretty, tall, calm, sexy and cool. She has a blonde hair and green eyes with her pretty curves. She makes fun out of everything and I never have to worry whenever am with her.
Sebastian is Louise friend, that's why he has to join us for lunch, Sebastian is cool also he has an average height of 5'6 tall. He has a Auburn hair and brown eyes, Sebastian is always quite and says things when he thinks his words will be recognized. I don't think he looks at girls or admires them, Louise jokes with him about girls but he only shurggs them off like it's not his thing, so am concluding he is gay and I intend to ask Louise about it.
"Hey babe" Louise strolled to me smiling "are u ready for lunch" I asked smiling "where is seb?" She asks with her eyes roaming around "he is supposed to be your friend Louise but u are asking me, what kind of friend are u?" I asked smiling at her "speaks of the devil and he appears" she said staring at Sebastian who is walking calmly towards us. " What are you both doing here"he says licking his lips like he just finished tasting a delicious meal "waiting for you dumbhead" Louise blurted out I just smiled at thier foolishness.
We walked to the Lunch hall and sit at our regular table. With our tray and started eating. "Have you seen the new comers?... Oh my, they are super hot am sure they are not from planet earth" Louise said pouting "what is wrong with your friend Sebastian" I raised a brow at him. "You really haven't seen them, have you? She asked . I haven't seen anything out of the usual today, Louise sounds serious so she not joking "I haven't seen anyone that isn't from planet earth today" I said smiling at my reply
We continue eating and stopped talking about the newcomers that I haven't seen. Louise shaked me and directed my head towards the left "see them, can you see am not lying" .... my jaw dropped at their appearance, three super hot guys and one lady. They all look stunning "they are hot" not wanting to sound cliche like Louise sound. "Am done eating can we leave now" I said not wanting to look at them their appearance is drawing me in like wanting to bow at their feet acknowledging them but I just can't do that. I stood up when Louise is drooling over them. I walked toward the other side and left.
Back at home, I couldn't stop thinking about those gorgeous face I haven't seen their faces fully, I can't tell the difference between them but I will have a good look at them but won't act cliche. Sirena notice I was so lost in my thoughts, "are you thinking about a guy" I rolled my eyes at her "I am not thinking about a guy "I replied with a frown, "oh why are u lost in your thoughts"she questioned I can't tell sirena about the newcomers and how super hot they are she will want me to go on a date with one of them I want that too but not so soon and I don't like being cliche, "just thinking of what to do on Sunday"I lied " invite Louise and Sebastian over we can watch Netflix" she asked watching me and expecting my reaction "nice I will tell them tomorrow then" I said smiling softly.
The next day at school I walked into the classroom siting at my usual sit at the left side and last sit on the roll. I waited patiently for the class to be over, I want to see those gorgeous faces well today. And invite Seb and Louise.
One of those gorgeous faces walked in calmly and sits at the empty space by my side, I smiled at thought to myself I don't have to go looking for them.
He looks handsome and calm. He has a shinny brown eyes and black curly hair why are they so good looking and calm at the same time, maybe they are super hot model and just came to college to get more people to look at them I thought to myself. He noticed me looking at him. "You can stop staring now , am Robert" he said stretching out his hand for a handshake. "Am Pia and I wasn't staring at you" I said in a cold tone "nice to meet you Pia" he said smiling. I just nodded and face front the whole time.
I am having lunch with Seb and Louise "will u both come over this Sunday to my house?" I asked calmly , "I am not busy this weekend and I have nothing to do, so expect me" Sebastian said smiling , "we will come over" Louise added. "Cool" I said nooding. Then the gorgeous faces shows up again, although I have been expecting them, then I took a close look at their faces and I noticed they are glowing and stunning
The lady admist them is very pretty with her glowing skin, her eyes brown-black hair and her violet eyes. She also looks calm just like Robert but she is looks ready to let go of the calmness once she has an opportunity to, I guess what sirena calls a boyfriend is the hot looking guy next to her, they keep staring at each other lovingly. Robert was opposite her, Just when I was about to look at the hottest guy sitting next to Robert.
Robert eyes caught mine and he called out my name "Hey pia" he raised his voice calmly. I stared at Louise pretending not to know Robert was calling me "let's go Louise" I said with a frown "why are you leaving lunch early,if it is because of those hot looking faces, they don't bite" she said wishpering the last part of sentence and smiling. I rolled my eyes at her and bolted.
I went straight into the washroom, what's wrong with me , why can't I stare at them calmly, why do I have to feel uncalm whenever I sense thier arrival. Am just a normal girl I thought to myself am not going to run at their sight anymore i said to myself staring at myself in the mirror in front of me. I walked out of the washroom.
I caught a glimpse of their faces again. Why do they have to come to this school they are always everywhere I am , I siezed the opportunity and stated at the hottest guy, he is calm like his father owns the place he has a well built masculine body and his brown hair is In a sweep style. With his oceanic blue eyes just then he smiled widely with Robert and his face brightened , he looks more handsome when he smiles. Then they walked closer to me, I thought of running again but I remember I told myself I won't run. I simply walked calmly to my side trying to ignore them.
He appeared in front of me blocking me from moving, why does he have to be so handsome "Hi" he said starting at me his voice is so dominant but calm at the same time and that made me feel happy I stared down not knowing if he is talking to me or someone else I stared at him looking at his blue eyes .
"Hi why are u stopping me" I said with a frown it's difficult to frown at him with his handsome face. He just keeps staring like he is examining me and my features, when he seems to get a hold of his self. "I am D...." He was saying when I interuptted I saw Seb and Louise "I have to leave now, I have a class to attend to" I said staring at him for the last time before I leave "alright" he said smirking and crossing his hands on his chest and I left